• 政府主要职责之一就是收入重新分配这样富裕的人帮助贫穷的人摆脱贫困

    One of government's primary duties is the redistribution of income, so that the better off can help the worse off out of poverty.


  • 是他决心发展茶业,以帮助当地人民摆脱贫困

    He made up his mind to develop the tea industry in order to help the local people get out of poverty.


  • 位农民通过在抖音上销售产品来摆脱贫困

    The farmer put an end to poverty by selling products on Tiktok.


  • 石峪村党委书记张贵顺鼓励村民们尽最大努力摆脱贫困

    Zhang Guishun, the Party secretary of Shashiyu, encouraged his villagers to do their best to pull themselves out of poverty.


  • 女士一直认为,教育是摆脱贫困的最佳途径,所以她确保自己的所有孩子都能上学。

    Kong always believes that education is the best way to get out of poverty, so she makes sure that all her children go to school.


  • 关于生活贫困以及需要什么才能摆脱贫困负面形象仍然存在

    Negative images remain of who is living in poverty as well as what is needed to move out of it.


  • 墨西哥挑战在于如何包容性方式提高增长率,如何制定相关政策,使4500万人摆脱贫困

    For Mexico, the challenge is how to increase the rate of growth in an inclusive way and to pursue policies that will allow nearly 45 million Mexicans to escape poverty.


  • 请撰写报告,某些永远无法摆脱贫困族群探讨其中一些因素(请留意性别动态)。

    Write an essay that explores some of the factors that may be relevant in perpetuating poverty for certain groups of people (giving some attention to gender dynamics).


  • 很多大学生这里拜访莎蒂,他们深信英语尤其是美式英语,是帮他们摆脱贫困入场券

    There were many college students who came by to see Sadie, believing that learning English, especially spoken American English, was a ticket out of poverty.


  • 创业——因为纵观历史市场全世界一股前所未有强大的力量,能够创造机会使人们摆脱贫困

    Entrepreneurshipbecause throughout history, the market has been the most powerful force the world has ever known for creating opportunity and lifting people out of poverty.


  • 对于女孩来说,在学校接受一年教育,就会有助于她们摆脱贫困增加社会交往,提升生活前景的期望

    Every extra year of schooling for a girl takes them away from poverty, provides them with social networks and raises their expectations about their options in life.


  • 然而有些认为这样演说政策不仅能够帮助贫困摆脱困境,他们增加摆脱贫困而奋斗信念

    However, some people think that this kind of speech policy would help the poor students not only in the poverty but also could gain the faith to fight for their poverty.


  • 中国让亿万人民摆脱贫困走上越来越富裕道路,但中国人患上许多发达国家特有生活方式造成疾病

    As China has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and grown increasingly wealthy, its people are suffering from many lifestyle diseases endemic to developed countries.


  • 英国阶级金钱长久以来人们生活有着巨大影响,富人家必有富裕子女,而极度贫穷家庭后代往往也无法摆脱贫困

    Class and money have always strongly affected how people do in life in Britain, with well-heeled families breeding affluent children just as the offspring of the desperately poor tend to remain poor.


  • 他们看着我们我们拥有大量煤炭储备,有着许多不清洁工业,我们需要通过经济增长使人们摆脱贫困为什么是我们?

    They looked to us and said, 'Why would we, with a huge stock pile of coal and lots of different dirty industries and the need to lift people out of poverty through economic growth?


  • 但是所有上述地区工人正在摆脱贫困加入中产阶级行列,他们要求更高工资待遇更安全工作环境他们自己消费水平在提高。

    But workers in all those places are leaving poverty, joining the middle class, and demanding better wages and safer working conditions. They are also consuming more themselves.


  • 他们也许极度忍受贫富巨大差距,但是他们期待富人能购自食其力,而且国家能为那些无法通过自己摆脱贫困人们提供帮助

    They might be unusually tolerant of big gaps between the rich and poor, but they expect the rich to pay their way and the state to offer a helping hand to those who cannot rise without one.


  • 情况如此严重英国首相戈登•布朗宣称粮食危机使人类“最近几年数百万人口摆脱贫困所做所有努力面临前功尽弃的危险”。

    So serious is the situation that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown declared that the food crisis threatened "to 9)roll back progress made in recent years to lift millions of people out of poverty."


  • 创造摆脱贫困绿色通道方法就是绿色工作机会的创造者依靠绿色工作培训者将寻找绿色工作的人组织起来。”琼斯如是说

    The way you "create a green pathway out of poverty is, you line up your green-job seekers with your green-job trainers with your green-job creators," Van Jones says.


  • 这些技术客户社会服务连成一体,帮助边缘化群体获得身份证明文件促进了储蓄使之成为帮助受援家庭摆脱贫困一种中期手段。

    They have linked clients to social services, helped obtain identity documents for marginalized groups, and promoted savings as a medium-term strategy to help CCT households out of poverty.


  • 当前源于美国金融危机有可能其他经济体造成影响有可能放慢经济增长步伐。过去十年来,经济增长帮助新兴国家众多人口成功摆脱贫困

    The current United States-based financial crisis could affect other economies and slow growth that has helped lift many people in emerging nations out of poverty in the last decade.


  • 岚出生佛罗里达州潘瀚多,原名贝丝丽皮特漫,早先为摆脱贫困,只身前往纽约自己起了新名字,后在第五大街的一家美发会所工作

    Born Bessie Lee Pittman in the Florida Panhandle, she had escaped poverty by moving to New York City, changing her name, and working in a Fifth Avenue hair salon.


  • 这份普查报告明确地显示,辛勤工作的美国人稍微得到一点帮助时——比如食品平价医疗法案》(AffordableCare Act)提供健康保险——他们就能够摆脱贫困

    The census report makes clear that when hard-working Americans get a small boostlike food stamps and health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Actthey can climb out of poverty.


  • 这份普查报告明确地显示,辛勤工作的美国人稍微得到一点帮助时——比如食品平价医疗法案》(AffordableCare Act)提供健康保险——他们就能够摆脱贫困

    The census report makes clear that when hard-working Americans get a small boostlike food stamps and health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Actthey can climb out of poverty.


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