• 可以放手并不意味着你就能从压力疲劳缓解或是能巧妙摆脱负担

    You can say you're letting go, but that doesn't actually mean you are releasing the stress and strain or practicing non-attachment, skillfully.


  • 名兼职簿记员使摆脱追讨欠款负担

    A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices.


  • 如果人们坚持摆脱自力更生负担共同利益的责任,那他们不再自由的。

    If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good, they would cease to be free.


  • 过去——通常是战争结束之后——国家摆脱庞大债务负担,靠的男人资源得以冲突中解脱,被投入更具生产性的工作当中。

    Nations have recovered from huge debt burdens in the past, often in the aftermath of wars, when men and resources were released from conflict and put to more productive work.


  • 认识点将使摆脱很多不必要负担从而使自己有更多精力那些值得交流

    Realizing this will relieve you from a lot of unnecessary burden so that you can focus on the people that you can positively interact with.


  • 他们上次见面以来一直漫不经心地对待社交活动以便使自己摆脱兰斯卡夫人负担

    Since their last meeting he had half-unconsciously collaborated with events in ridding himself of the burden of Madame Olenska.


  • 我们正在出售几英亩未曾使用联邦办公地点而且我们将去除繁文缛节以便摆脱更多负担

    We're selling acres of federal office space that hasn't been used in years, and we will cut through red tape to get rid of more.


  • EJB服务器提供线程管理并发管理、内存管理以及安全方面功能自动完成这些任务以便应用程序程序员摆脱这些细节方面负担

    The EJB servers provide functionality for threading, concurrency, memory management, and security and do these things automatically so as not to burden the application programmer with the details.


  • 或许觉得生活负担沉重,难以摆脱烦扰,也没有时间一些对自己重要事情。其实处在这种生活状态的并非仅你一人。

    If you feel you are sinking, finding it tough to keep your head above water or make time for things that are really important to you, you are not alone.


  • 现在女性们需要为了工作或者个人乐趣舍弃家庭——现在她们需要的是摆脱社会对于如何界定母亲不切实际期望带给她们负担

    Today, women no longer need to escape their families to work or be happy—now they need to escape their own unrealistic expectations of what a good mother is.


  • 我们这些债务负担全部转我们后代肩上并且没有任何合理的使他们摆脱债务的计划这么对他们的伤害。

    We're doing a disservice to our children and grandchildren by saddling them with these debts and no reasonable plan for retiring them.


  • 写下第时候确定这本书会帮助摆脱那些负担了太久的东西。

    From the moment I wrote the first phrase I was sure the book was the tool that was going to help me free myself from things I was carrying within me for a long time.


  • 接受我自己,我就摆脱需要接受负担

    When I accepted myself, I am freed from the burden of needing you to accept me.


  • 意法半导体业界认为金瑞天青石矿,摆脱沉重负担

    Industry believe that st Jinrui, the home of wind Celestite Mine Hill, is to get rid of a heavy burden.


  • 索福克勒斯有一个词汇能使我们摆脱生命所有负担痛苦那个就是

    Sophocles: One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love.


  • 书籍青年人指南,老年人的娱乐孤寂时,书籍给我们力量,使我们摆脱精神负担

    Books are a guide in youth and an entertainment for age. They support us under solitude, and keep us from being a burden to ourselves.


  • 美联储资产负债表创造性应用伯南克先生干预措施使一些经济稳定负担摆脱利率的困扰。

    Mr Bernanke's interventions have, like his creative use of the Fed's balance-sheet, taken some of the burden of economic stabilisation off interest rates.


  • 并不意味着已经完全摆脱负担至少不再媒体提供更多自我破坏素材

    That doesn't mean he's completely free of baggage but at least he's stopped giving the media fodder for his own destruction.


  • 一个兼职会计使摆脱追讨未付单据支付账单负担

    A part - time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills.


  • 这些没有答案问题成为家人心中摆脱不掉的秘密,也是姥姥心头的一个沉重负担——轻易看不到笑容

    These unanswered questions became my family's secret obsession, and a terrible burden for my grandmother. I hardly ever saw her smile.


  • 最近一个周六上午永安和店里雷氏夫妇看来摆脱了这个负担颇为满意

    The Seids seemed pleased to be free of Wing on Wo's burdens one recent Saturday morning at the shop.


  • 有一个使我们摆脱生活所有负担苦痛: 这个词就是爱情

    One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.


  • 散散步,如果能到外面就更好了,但如果在两段台阶阶梯运动也能达到同样效果。平时做锻炼有助于减轻的精神负担,从而轻易地摆脱工作压力

    Getting more exercise in general will help you reduce your overall stress levels and that will make it easier to reduce your stress level at work.


  • 散散步,如果能到外面就更好了,但如果在两段台阶阶梯运动也能达到同样效果。平时做锻炼有助于减轻的精神负担,从而轻易地摆脱工作压力

    Getting more exercise in general will help you reduce your overall stress levels and that will make it easier to reduce your stress level at work.


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