• 必须揭开原因这些蜂窝其他东西一样,埋在地下。

    The reason he had to uncover it was that beehive tombs, like everything else, were buried.


  • 传说中百战百胜的“”,在这里揭开神秘面纱

    The legendary invincible "gambling skills", will open its mysterious veil here!


  • 意味着我们可以平和看待隐性知识揭开它神秘面纱。

    This means we can take a calmer look at tacit knowledge and remove some of the mystery.


  • Lilo过去几个月里试图揭开面前木质拼图,但可惜都成功

    Lilo has been trying to solve the same wooden jigsaw puzzle for the past few months without success.


  • 揭开神秘原始隐秘居民史前生物,透露地球最后迷人未知地带。

    From its mysterious origins to its reclusive inhabitants and jaw-dropping creatures, uncover the fascinating facts about one of the last uncharted places on earth.


  • 生活就像洋葱一层地揭开总有层会你潸然泪下,泪流满面

    Life like an onion, you strip it layer by layer, there will be one layer to make you shed your tears!


  • 生活墨尔本区公园猫头鹰不再神秘,迪大学一项研究揭开的面纱。

    The secret lives of the powerful owls living in parks around Greater Melbourne will be uncovered by a Deakin University study.


  • 我们科技界同仁们接下来几周里,都密切关注产品会如何揭开它神秘的面纱。

    We and the rest of the tech world will be watching closely as this new mystery product unfolds in the weeks to come.


  • 很难说这些情况到底有多常见,爱丁堡大学丹尼尔-法内利认为应该尝试着揭开它

    How often this sort of thing happens is hard to say. But Daniele Fanelli of the University of Edinburgh thought he would try to find out.


  • 在这里和大家分享自己目的就是想要揭开神秘的面纱,看看是否内在的含义

    Here I share some of mine in hopes of unraveling the mystery of whether or not dreams have meaning.


  • 一种能够仿生植物的光合作用,太阳能转换为燃料太阳能装置原型日前揭开它神秘的面纱,悄然出现。

    A prototype solar device has been unveiled which mimics plant life, turning the Sun's energy into fuel.


  • 中国一线品牌白领2010-2011冬季圣诞橱窗即将揭开神秘面纱我们一同拭目以待吧!

    White-collar 2010-2011 winter window will unveil its mysterious veil, please wait and expect it with us!


  • 当时处在那种寻找灵感格外敏感天真状态,好奇地张望和聆听,等待一个我不熟悉世界揭开秘密

    I was in that particularly vulnerable and naive state when you are hunting for stories, ears up, eyes open, ready for an unfamiliar world to unveil its secrets.


  • 作为计算机硬件刊物专家我们知道只有一种方法可以解决人们对NIA大脑-计算机界面的猜疑好奇以及尝试揭开神秘的面纱。

    As pundits at a computer hardware publication, there is only one way we know how to settle our suspicions and curiosity, as well as try and shed some light on this product for you.


  • 尽管癌症病因揭开我们还没有任何预防有效方法

    Although the causes of cancer are being uncovered, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.


  • MaryanneVenables:“认为无疑揭开了我们之前似乎未曾涉及的领域。”

    Maryanne Venables said, "I think it certainly uncovers ground that doesn't seem to have been addressed before."


  • 越来越多的人认识这个网站(看着神话屏幕下慢慢被揭开),很多人知道应当如何小心地使用Facebook(以免隐私泄露)。

    Even as more befriended the site (and watched its origin myths unfold on the big screen), many wanted to know how to tread carefully.


  • 第三道路开始几乎不可察觉在经过过去的岁月的洗礼之后,慢慢揭开的面纱,而这也正是我所需要的道路。

    The third path now, almost invisible at first, has more and more unveiled over the last years. That path is the one I need to walk on.


  • 但是揭开表面的部分,为了深入地了解WSCI也许看看WSCI规范,并且使用wsci来编写简单应用程序

    But I've only scratched the surface. In order to understand more about WSCI, you might want to read the WSCI specification and write a simple example application using WSCI.


  • 举例来说,我们采访揭开当前处理过程中的一个重大失误导致自动化测试运行测试数据库的非基线版本上

    For example, our interviews uncovered a significant failure in the current process which results in the automated tests running against non-baselined versions of the test database.


  • 只有时间才能揭开真相,无论如何颗恒星距离很可能就意味着无法成为卡洛斯计划的核心研究对象。

    Only time will tell, but in any case the distance of this star probably means it's only marginally interesting for Icarus.


  • 可放在马路旁、火车站酒吧第一音乐贩卖机本周揭开面纱。音乐贩卖机普通的食品自动售货原理一样,只不过提供给人们好听的音乐而已。

    The first music vending machines that will allow people to buy and download songs in the street, at railway stations or in the pub are to be unveiled this week.


  • 本文中,揭开围绕SOAP的面纱,查看应该什么样,而实际是什么样,以及如何类似的技术相比。

    In this article, I cut through the hype surrounding SOAP and look at what it's supposed to be, what it actually is, and how it stacks up to similar technologies.


  • 史蒂夫·乔布斯专门那些热切希望看到最新款iPhone真面目的人揭开的神秘面纱。

    Steve Jobs unveils the updated iPhone exclusively to those who really, really want to see it.


  • 壶盖可以揭开的。

    Its lid can be removed.


  • BBC精心策划这部纪录片帮助面纱终于揭开

    With the help of the documentary masterminds at the BBC, the veil can finally be lifted.


  • 欧洲企业英国揭开序幕在今年第四季度随后在德国明年年初。

    Its venture into Europe will kick off in Britain in the fourth quarter of the year and subsequently in Germany early next year.


  • 欧洲企业英国揭开序幕在今年第四季度随后在德国明年年初。

    Its venture into Europe will kick off in Britain in the fourth quarter of the year and subsequently in Germany early next year.


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