• 提供拨号接线员接线实现用户接通电话系统设施

    The facilities of a telephone system involved in providing dialed or operator routed connections between subscribers.


  • 对于未能接通电话需要人工座席再次拨打确认客户电话准确状态才能开展后续业务处理浪费人力

    Need for manual unable to access the phone agent to confirm the customer calls again to make accurate state, to follow-up of business, and waste of manpower.


  • 接着,克洛向大卫·莱特曼解释原因说不停电话澳大利亚妻子但没能接通

    As Crowe later explained to David Letterman, he had repeatedly tried and failed to call his wife in Australia.


  • 私人电话线所连接的系统无法拨打接听国际电话;国际电话线路只有受到限制的场合下才会接通

    Private telephone lines operated on a system that precluded making or receiving international calls; international phone lines were available only under restricted circumstances.


  • 尽力克服害怕手机接通警局电话

    I managed to get over my fear then got through to the police with my mobile phone.


  • 减少这种辐射最好方法是要电话接通手机拿近耳朵

    To reduce exposure it's best to wait until after your call has been connected to put your cellphone next to your ear.


  • 顾客可以公司印刷目录中获得产品信息可以从公司伙伴购买产品或者接通邮件电话或者传真直接订购

    Customers can obtain product information from the company's printed catalog and can purchase products from the business partners or place direct orders by mail, telephone, or fax.


  • 每个人可以第一件事情就是亲戚电话尽管已经接通了,但是电话很快就断了。

    The first thing everyone wanted to do was call their relatives, but the phone lines went down immediately, although data was getting through.


  • 所以上帝接通电话帮到什么时,朋友准备好了。

    So when God came on the line asking how he could help, my friend was ready.


  • 因此民意调查者无法接通这些电话时,他们就只有猜测这些观点所占的分量了。

    So when pollsters go to the trouble of calling some of these people, they are left guessing about how to weight their views.


  • 年轻人刚过去夏天去世了,亲人电话放入棺材里,方便查看手机经常接通

    "We had a young man die this past summer and they put his cell phone in the casket for the viewing and it rang constantly," he says.


  • 专家发现,当接通延迟时,打电话者会觉得很沮丧他们精神压力血压会上升到非常危险高度

    Experts found callers' stress levels and blood pressure rise dangerously high as they become frustrated with the delay in getting through.


  • 那天晚上,的丈夫试图接通她的电话时,心脏病突然发作就这样离开了她。

    He had a heart attack when he was still trying to get thru her phone line.


  • 周三天办公室,其他两天在家工作一位会计师在家照顾生病孩子接通电话调制解调器的接头,在同医生通话之余完成办公室工作。

    An accountant stays home to care for her sick child; she hooks up her telephone modern connections and does office work between calls to the doctor.


  • 泰瑞使用伊菜那里偷来手机再次拨打了反恐组的电话尼娜的来电杰克接通

    Teri using the phone she stole from Eli calls CTU again and Nina connects her to Jack.


  • 泰瑞使用伊菜那里偷来手机再次拨打了反恐组的电话尼娜的来电杰克接通

    Teri, using the phone she stole from Eli, calls CTU again, and Nina connects her to Jack.


  • 接通电话得到答复其他事情的答复一样爽快:只要上封面都答应。

    When I called her, I got the same answer I’d gotten every other time I asked her to do something: I will do anything it takes to get that cover.


  • 主管那位同志是位身穿衬衫、表情严肃中年妇女。 她接通电话,把话筒递给了

    The comrade in charge, a rather dour middle-aged woman in a white blouse, made the phone connection for me and then handed me the phone.


  • 当然如果接通国际长途需要每分钟额外花费31美分那么最好让对方使用大街付费电话

    Unless, of course, it costs your significant other 31 cents a minute to call your international cell phone, in which case you must ask him to call you on a pay phone down the street.


  • 英里外,马拉克美国国会大厦走廊上手机紧贴耳朵耐心地等着电话接通

    Six miles away, Mal 'akh was moving through the corridors of the U.S. Capitol Building with a cell phone pressed to his ear. He waited patiently as the line rang.


  • 位于美国明尼阿波利斯城的一家名为FairIsaac大型防欺诈公司采用系统非常神速,电话接通之前切断通话

    Fair Isaac, a large fraud-detection firm based in Minneapolis, operates a system so fast that it can block dialled calls before they are even connected.


  • 还有移动设备现在可以越过电话公司网络Wi - Fi访问企业网络,这保证速度安全

    Further, mobile devices can now bypass the telephone company network and connect directly with corporate networks through Wi-Fi both for speed and security.


  • 今年年初图表显示正在建设信息高速公路设施四家地区性电话公司接通富人社区时一些专家对此不无担忧。

    Some experts were alarmed earlier this year when diagrams showed that four regional phone companies who are building components of the superhighway were only connecting wealthy communities.


  • 电话接通时,看到claimform .html页面中的ClickToCall小部件状态更新如图5所示。

    When the phones connect you see an update to the ClickToCall widget's status on the claimform.html page, as shown in Figure 5.


  • 今年年初图表显示正在建造信息高速公路设施四家地区性电话公司接通富人社区时一些专家对此不无担忧。

    Some experts were alarmed earlier this year when diagrams showed that four regional phone companies who are building components of the superhighway were only connecting wealthy communities.


  • 接通电话听到妻子急迫声音警告:“弗雷德刚刚听到新闻94号公路上逆行一定当心啊!”

    Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Fred, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on Interstate 94. Please be careful!"


  • 接通电话听到妻子急迫声音警告:“弗雷德刚刚听到新闻94号公路逆行,一定当心啊!”

    Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Fred, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on Interstate 94.please be careful!"


  • 但是个人电脑上Google用户互联网拨打网络电话

    But on PCs, Google lets users place calls directly over the Internet.


  • 但是个人电脑上Google用户互联网拨打网络电话

    But on PCs, Google lets users place calls directly over the Internet.


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