• 一些不小心下来木头着火了开始燃烧

    Some of the wood that had been carelessly thrown down, caught fire and began to blaze.


  • 树上因为试图前面卡车下来箱子

    He crashed into the tree because he was trying not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck ahead of him.


  • 功不是天上下来的馅饼。

    Success is not something that falls down from the sky.


  • 到她从树上下来的那一刻,我很抱歉。

    I was sorry the moment I saw her fall off the tree.


  • 他们那些保姆东张西望时,从婴儿车下来孩子

    They are the children who fall out of their perambulators when the nurse is looking the other way.


  • 如果得到树上下来橄榄榨油一种难闻的气味。

    If you want to get oil, crush the oil from the olives that come down from the trees, that's a nasty smell that it has.


  • 成千上万墙上下来碎片已经找回这些碎片被小心翼翼重新拼在一起,展示各种各样图像

    Thousands of fragments that fell off the walls have been recovered, these pieces have been put back together with great care and display a variety of images.


  • 一位研究如何减少垃圾环境科学家其中包括研究减少垃圾车行驶下来的东西考虑到一点,自然就明白为什么会养成这种奇怪习惯

    His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he's an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road.


  • 天上下来的馅饼——包括大通曼哈顿银行赠送的提包自己的存在行李奖品生命是礼物。

    Something from nothing—the two-suiter from Chase Manhattan and my own existence, luggage a bonus and life a bonus too.


  • 下来石头砸死了。

    He was killed by a falling stone.


  • 以利亚身上下来外衣回去约旦河边

    He picked up the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan.


  • 因为重力缘故,下来的东西向着地心方向坠落。

    Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of the pull of gravity.


  • 要得财主桌子上下来零碎充饥并且

    And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.


  • 飞机坠毁旁观者飞机突然天上下来

    After the crash, onlookers said that the plane had suddenly dropped down out of the sky.


  • 显然明白伊拉克正是正越南身上下来一只鞋

    What he apparently does not understand is that Iraq is the other shoe dropping from Vietnam.


  • 楼下划了一圈,绕开门厅头天晚上下来乱七八糟木料

    I rowed once around the down-stairs, avoiding the mess of timbers in the hall where the terrible accident had occurred.


  • 生活那些日子危险事件包括头部会被天空下来的火箭零件击中。

    One of the hazards of living in those days will include getting conked by spare rocket parts falling from the sky.


  • 头顶上台电扇晃晃悠悠垂下头来,一副要天花板下来样子。

    Overhead a fan lopped away off-kilter on the verge of unscrewing itself from the ceiling.


  • 因为肩膀无法承受相应重量而使胳膊塑像下来的事情不会发生的。

    It would not do to have the arm fall off a statue because the shoulder could not bear the weight. I was surprised to see how many statues have visible supports, which detracted from the aesthetics.


  • 虽然JLS给了我们可以使我们程序线程安全的工具,但线程安全也不是天上下来馅饼。

    While the JLS gives us tools with which we can make our programs thread-safe, thread-safety does not come free.


  • 这位女英雄”来不及多想,赶忙高跟鞋朝正下来的孩子去,伸出双臂接住了孩子。

    The quick-thinking heroine kicked off her high-heeled shoes and ran towards her with her arms outstretched.


  • 意思任何企业架构中的业务更新都不会看似空中下来”;它们必须架构先见阶段给审视。

    This means that no business changes in the Business Architecture may appear 'from out of the blue'; they have to be considered in the Architecture Vision first.


  • 回到时候,站高处前门的已经坏了地板满了架子下来光盘以及盘子

    When I reached my home, on high ground, the lock on the front door was broken and the floor was covered with books, CDs and plates that had fallen from the shelves.


  • 因为它们对于甲烷一氧化碳致命毒气非常敏感木上下来的金丝雀一个明显信号,告诉矿工是时候离开了。

    Because they were so sensitive to deadly gases such as methane and carbon monoxide, a canary dropping off its perch was a highly visible signal to the miners that it was time to leave.


  • 放松也许永远也不会下来宇宙飞船砸中而且你会自身经验中得到你需要知道关于海滩游泳回家事情

    Relax. You will probably never be struck by a falling spaceshipand you will learn what you need to know about beaches and swimming and getting home from your own personal experience.


  • 但是英国威尔特郡只叫“弗林特可卡犬却表现有悖天性的事情,就是一只不幸从鸟窝下来麻雀成为好朋友。

    But Flint the cocker spaniel went against all his natural instincts to befriend a tiny sparrow which had tumbled out of its nest and crash-landed in the garden in Wiltshire, UK.


  • 另外如果人们实实在在地相信植物错误他们总是可以选择超纯素食的生活方式--- 果食(树上下来水果坚果)。

    Plus, if people honestly believe it's wrong to eat plants, they could always choose the ultra-vegan lifestyle of fruitarianism (eating the fruits and nuts that fall from trees).


  • 另外如果人们实实在在地相信植物错误他们总是可以选择超纯素食的生活方式--- 果食(树上下来水果坚果)。

    Plus, if people honestly believe it's wrong to eat plants, they could always choose the ultra-vegan lifestyle of fruitarianism (eating the fruits and nuts that fall from trees).


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