• 综合换乘枢纽整合体系研究

    Research on the integration system of the comprehensive transfer hub.


  • 换乘枢纽超大规模客流产生安全隐患

    Thirdly, the hidden safety problems are caused by the extremely large passenger volume.


  • 上海轨道交通1213号线1号线汉中路形成大型换乘枢纽

    Shanghai URT Line 12, Line 13 and Line 1 form a large-scale interchange and ride hub at Hanzhong r.


  • 轨道交通1,9,11条市域线徐家汇核心区交汇形成大型换乘枢纽

    Xujiahui Hub is a major convergent interchange by Rail Transit Lines 1,9, and 11, the three urban area lines.


  • 文章结合轨道交通换乘枢纽提出地下空间一体化概念地下道路方案

    Combined with the rail traffic transferring hub, the article puts forward the integrated conception of the underground space and the scheme of underground roads.


  • 公交换乘枢纽城市客运交通系统重要组成部分,也是城市客运交通整体化关键

    Transfer hub is an important component of urban transportation system and the key to the integration of urban public transit.


  • 轨道交通徐家汇枢纽上海市轨道交通网络唯一个3市域线交汇的大型换乘枢纽

    Shanghai Xujiahui junction station is the only large type transfer junction station of 3 urban lines in the network of Shanghai rail traffic.


  • 目前,我国城市换乘枢纽建设问题停车泊位不足公交站点设置混乱用地分配不合理

    Currently, the problems existing in passenger transit hub construction involve the inadequate parking plots, disordered bus station arrangement and irrational distribution in land utilization etc.


  • 以南坪交通枢纽、四公里换乘枢纽、轻轨3线工程建设为重点构建方便快捷的城市快速交通网络

    Build convenient and fast urban transportation network, focusing on Nanping transportation hub, Sigongli interchange hub as well as Rail Transit Line 3.


  • 进而提出了面向换乘枢纽公共汽车协调调度模式,并对该协调调度的基本功能信息流程进行设计。

    The paper then proposes a bus coordination dispatching pattern for transit transfer centers, and defines functions and information flow processing procedures for bus coordination dispatching.


  • 文章最后,还提到公共交通系统换乘信息规划设计也是公共交通换乘枢纽设计重要内容

    Finally the paper refers to the plan and design of public transport transfer information system that is also an important component of public transport transfer junction design.


  • 本文研究江北客站站前广场交通组织规划,采用空港交通组织,构建重庆未来立体交通换乘枢纽

    This paper introduces traffic form layout of Jiangbei railway station piazza and intending tridimensional traffic hinge in Chongqing is established by traffic form of airport development zone pattern.


  • 城市客运换乘枢纽城市客运交通系统中的一个重要组成部分服务效率优劣直接影响到城市交通运行效率。

    Urban passenger transfer hub is an important part of urban passenger transport system, so its service level will affect the efficiency of urban transportation.


  • 采用层次分析法建立了城市轨道交通换乘枢纽综合评价指标体系,并对指标体系进行量化评价指标赋予不同权重

    This paper establishes a synthetic evaluation index system of the urban rail transit transfer hinge with AHP method, quantifies the index system and gives different weights to all evaluation indexes.


  • 张杨路车站目前轨道交通建设第一平行换乘枢纽车站,对车站的主要施工技术进行了说明,供以后类似工程施工参考。

    Zhang Yang Road Station is the first parallel interchange hub in Shanghai rail transit. The paper introduces the main technologies in the construction of Zhang Yang Road Station.


  • 城市公共交通换乘枢纽城市客运交通系统重要组成部分,是各种客运交通方式衔接的纽带,也是城市公共交通优先的保证。

    Normal public transfer hub is an important component of efficient, safe and comfortable modern traffic system, and also a basic facility with radiation function.


  • 因此本文基于公交线路分级思想,提出了一种分级公交线地下互通式免费公交换乘枢纽相结合公交线网及枢纽规划设置方法

    So based on planning idea of bus routes graded, a new planning method of bus network graded and mutual connect underground and free bus transfer junction stations is researched.


  • 本文国内外六个有代表性轨道交通枢纽为实例,分析国内外换乘衔接空间视觉环境设计方面取得成绩不足

    Referring to six representative rail traffic pivots in the world, the thesis analyses the achievement and deficiency in visual environment design of transfer and joint space.


  • 轨道交通枢纽是以轨道交通换乘为主、地面公交衔接换乘为辅,提供不同交通工具、不同方向客流转换服务的综合客运交通建筑。

    Rail traffic pivot is a traffic complex to serve passenger transfer between different vehicles and different flow direction, in which rail traffic transfer is primary and bus transfer is accessorial.


  • 其次综合客运枢纽换乘进行了预测分析

    Secondly, this paper analyzes the transfer volume forecast for integrated passenger transportation hub.


  • 建成后,郑州机场成为具备空陆联运条件,实现客运“零距离换乘货运无缝衔接”的现代综合交通枢纽

    Once it is built, Zhengzhou Airport will become a modern integrated transportation hub with zero-transfer for passengers and seamless connection for cargo.


  • 结果表明地铁站厅层设置为地铁接驳的室内公交站点有效地提高枢纽换乘效率

    The results indicate that interior bus stops at metro station could effectively improve the transfer efficiency.


  • 研究主要内容包括对外客运枢纽形成机理布局选址模型、客运需求预测方法换乘客流预测、衔接系统规划综合评价研究

    The study includes the formation mechanism, layout and location selection, passenger transfer forecasting theories, cohesion system planning theories and comprehensive evaluate methods, etc.


  • 火车站客运码头机场省际道路客运站以及公共交通自用车辆换乘枢纽站;

    Railway stations, passenger wharves, airports, inter-provincial-highway passenger stations and transfer hubs of public transit system and private-use vehicles;


  • 依托综合客运枢纽建设研究项目,运用行人步行理论层次分析法,探讨交通客运枢纽内不同换乘方式换乘距离枢纽立体空间优化评价指标

    Use the methods of passenger traffic theory and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), this paper studies construction indexes of passenger transit hubs, such as transfer distance and space optimization.


  • 分析枢纽设施整体空间布局三种模式详细探讨了枢纽交通方式衔接换乘布局模式及其优缺点

    This paper analyzes three modes of overall spatial layout of hub facilities, and discusses the link and transfer layout modes and their advantages and disadvantages between various traffic modes.


  • 分析枢纽设施整体空间布局三种模式详细探讨了枢纽交通方式衔接换乘布局模式及其优缺点

    This paper analyzes three modes of overall spatial layout of hub facilities, and discusses the link and transfer layout modes and their advantages and disadvantages between various traffic modes.


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