• 振荡频率几乎分流劈距影响,它只是振荡函数

    The oscillation frequency only was the function of oscillating tube length, not influenced by the spliter.


  • 研究对于工程上的振荡以及生物振荡管流将一定理论意义应用前景

    This research has some theoretical significance and using foreground on engineering, especially in studying oscillating flow in bio-tubes.


  • 同时,振荡长度气体分配器转速影响式气波制冷机性能因素进行试验。

    The factors, the length of shock tube, the distributor rotor speed and the ratio of gas expanding, which affect the…


  • 电流超过限制值时,过负荷电流继电器自动保护振荡整流器同时可以避免不当操作所引起频率漂移

    The over-current relay works to protect oscillation tubes and rectifier, when the current exceeds its limits. Frequency deviation caused by faulty operation is also prevented.


  • 问题出在振荡线圈晶体之间

    Problems arose between oscillator coils and the transistors themselves.


  • 举例说明,20兆赫兹钳位过程结束后主要场效应晶体输出电容变压器引起寄生振荡产生的。

    For example, the peak at 20 MHz in the spectrum is caused by the parasitic oscillation due to the output capacitance of the MOSFET and the leakage inductance of the transformer.


  • 本文通过计算机计算得知流体两侧的冲刷力也是振荡的。

    By using computer to calculate, we find the fluid flush on the curved pipe wall is also oscillatory.


  • 文中简要分析了耦合腔行波产生自激振荡原因

    The reason of spurious oscillations in CCTWTs has briefly analysised in this paper.


  • 对于不同、传压长度腔室容积,得到不同阻尼衰减振荡曲线以及过阻尼时呈单调衰减的回零过程曲线。

    Then the different damped oscillation curves and over-damped monotonic decay curves can be obtained for various diameter and length of the pressured tube and various volume of the chamber.


  • 这些装置没有反馈控制流,也没有射流效应它们的结构很简单可以自激振荡

    These devices have neither feedback pipes to control the main jet nor wall attachment effect of the jet on them.


  • 报道了共振隧穿二极RTD压力下弛豫振荡特性

    The relaxation oscillation characteristics of a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) with applied pressure are reported.


  • 考虑到具有一定弯曲度,本文引入一种新的坐标系统解决中的振荡问题

    Considering vessels have some curve, we solve the oscillatory fluid problems of a curved pipe with circular section by introducing a new coordinate system.


  • 运用电磁模型MAGIC程序同轴式反射三极中的阴极振荡现象进行了粒子模拟研究。

    In this paper the phenomena of the virtual cathode oscillation in coaxial reflex triode are investigated by means of two and one half dimensional and fully electromagnetic MAGIC code.


  • 确信耿氏二极没有同时音频高频振荡

    Be sure your Gunn diode doesn't oscillate at audio or HF as well.


  • 通过电子高频振荡线路分析导磁感应器试验,制作合适的高频导磁体感应器。

    Suitable high frequency magnetic conductive inductor was made through analyzing the high frequency vibrating circuit of electron tube and doing an experiment of magnetic conductive inductor.


  • 本文研究了氖气输入电压温度放电气氛铜蒸气激光器振荡放大最佳延时影响

    Influence of Ne pressure, input voltage, wall temperature and discharge tube atmosphere on optimal delay of the CVL oscillator - amplifier chain is studied.


  • 研究晶体变频器各种振荡状况下不同讯号频率时有效变频跨导影响。

    The effective conversion transconductance of transistor converters using a PNP transistor operated at different oscillatory conditions and at various signal frequencies are studied.


  • 变压器初级使用二极钳位电路可以有效地抑制变压器次级的寄生振荡

    And the diode clamp circuit introduced in the transformer primary can apparently restrain from the peak voltage resonance in the rectified diodes.


  • 分析设计了基于共振隧穿二极振荡电路、矢量水声传感器物理结构以及制作工艺讨论了传感器信号处理方法

    The RTD oscillator, physical structures and fabrication process of vector hydrophone are designed, and the signal processing has been discussed.


  • 增益与带电流功耗成比例,一个最小漏电流会MOS场效应振荡放大器元件能够提供适当的增益用于振荡的时候出现。

    Thus, since gain scales with drain current and power dissipation, a minimum drain current exists at which a MOSFET oscillator amplifier element supplies adequate gain for oscillation.


  • 为了使场效应具有建立振荡所需阻,我们配置结构漏极添加合适开路微带线

    In order to make the GaAs FET having the required negative resonator to oscillator, we use the common source configuration and add the appropriate drain open stub microwave line.


  • 可坍陷速度幅值超过临界速度时,产生位移振荡

    When the maximum velocity of an oscillated flow in the collapsible tube exceeds the so-called critical velocity, the tube will become unstable and oscillate with displacement.


  • 通过中心其它线速度变化趋势,以及圆径向的速度分布,描述整体流动特性,揭示了非牛顿流体道流的速度过冲和振荡现象

    They can easy show the behaviors of the flow in the whole cube, reveal the phenomenon of locity overshooting and damping oscillation of the flow.


  • 这种装置音频振荡范围内连续信号半导体三极放大后喇叭播放出来

    The device can be adjusted continuously in an audio inter break oscillation range, and a signal is sent out by a loudspeaker through being magnified by a semiconductor triode.


  • 本文介绍毫米雪崩脉冲振荡设计研制讨论了影响振荡频谱纯度相干性独特的雪崩特性

    In this paper the design and development of 8mm pulsed IMPATT source are introduced, the unique IMPATT properties which affect the oscillator spectral purity and coherency are discussed.


  • 加热时,运动循环单向脉冲流动并不是工质一个U型内的往复随机振荡

    In bottom heat mode, most of the movement of working fluid is pulsating and one-direction circulating flow, not random reciprocal oscillating in certain straight pipe or U-shaped pipe.


  • 一种振荡做吸热内太阳能真空玻璃集热,属于太阳能集热器领域。

    A vacuum heat collector of solar energy USES the oscillating flow tube as the heat collecting tube.


  • 一种振荡做吸热内太阳能真空玻璃集热,属于太阳能集热器领域。

    A vacuum heat collector of solar energy USES the oscillating flow tube as the heat collecting tube.


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