• 此外起床吃点甜食有助于睡眠时下降血糖上升一样振奋精神效果

    In addition, get up and eat sweets, help to sleep decreased blood sugar rises, as have the effect of encouraging the spirit.


  • 披露多种振奋精神结构化方法,以上所有的方法坚持着他在新书第一写到的“科学谨慎性”原则。

    He has uncovered various structured ways of perking people up, all of them, he insists on the very first page of his new book, “grounded in careful science”.


  • 记录突出成就照片存在手机里,以便需要时候用来振奋精神

    I keep photos of my singular accomplishments on my cellphone to boost my spirits when needed.


  • 我们需要可能降低糖尿病帕金森结肠癌可能药物,一种振奋精神治疗头疼的药物,一种预防牙齿蛀洞的药物。

    Want a drug that could lower your risk of diabetes, Parkinson \ 's disease, and colon cancer? That could lift your mood and treat headaches?


  • 为了振奋精神让这位英国记者来一杯上好的单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌。

    He asks this British correspondent to prescribe a decent shinguru moruto—single malt—for his depression.


  • 然而头破血流消费者在摆脱债务振奋精神之前一切不可能发生。但又因为失业率居高不下,所以消费者很难恢复购买力

    There is little chance of that happening until battered consumers shed debt and recover their nerve, and that seems unlikely as long as unemployment remains high.


  • 今天我们就要介绍给大家一些振奋精神并且我们开心的食物

    Here we look at several foods that are sure to raise our spirits and make us feel happier overall.


  • 新人,完全认识任何人所以你也可以振奋精神试试你一直的事。

    You're new in town and you don't know anyone, so you might as well buck up and try something that you've always wanted to do.


  • 深绿叶子中获取自身所需营养,它同时帮助振奋精神

    You can get the nutrients that you need out of this dark leafy green and lift your spirits all at the same time.


  • 组织者希望以此鼓舞人们振奋精神,因为笑声健康好处不言自明

    Organizers hope to prop up people's spirits, saying the health benefits of laughter are proven.


  • 大胆、引人注目、激烈粉红深具魅力、迷人刺激它能振奋精神更能刺激你的肾上腺素。

    Bold, attention getting and tempestuous, the lively Pink Yarrow is a captivating and stimulating color that lifts spirits and gets the adrenaline going.


  • 改善症状首先加强体育锻炼增强体质、振奋精神保持平和乐观情绪养成良好生活习惯

    Improve symptoms must first strengthen physical exercise enhanced physique cheer up maintain peace optimistic mood develop good living habits.


  • 笑,不仅振奋精神能是原本很棘手问题变得容易

    It not only lifts their spirits but does a lot to make an otherwise stressful situation easier to manage.


  • 在那里他们可以互相安慰述说彼此烦恼,互相鼓励振奋精神面对生活共同学习交流治疗艾滋病知识等等

    There, they can comfort each other, tell each other's troubles, and encouraging each other, encouraging the spirit of life, learning together, sharing the knowledge to treat AIDS and so on.


  • 为了振奋精神碗橱上面箱子拿出笛子吹了起来,笛子看起来很奇怪好像稻草秆做的。

    Then to cheer himself up he took out from its case on the dresser a strange little flute that looked as if it were made of straw and began to play.


  • 北爱尔兰住户得到警告振奋精神自己预期上涨能源价格

    Northern Ireland households have been warned to brace themselves for an expected hike in energy prices.


  • 圣洁同在振奋精神交谈或是赞美,我要用我的光照

    Refresh yourself in My holy Presence. Speak or sing praises to Me, and My Face will shine radiantly upon you.


  • 特点:添加令人温暖平静镇静的精油成分,有助于振奋精神改善抑郁

    Characteristics: A blend of warming, calming and sedating essential oils designed to assist in countering depression and uplifting the spirits.


  • 开始,只是感觉不错——有了这份额外零食,肝脏揩点小脂肪储存起来主人享受的是咖啡因及其在午后带来的振奋精神

    It was nice at first—a special treat—and I'd snag a few fat droplets from the liver each time and store them up. He liked the caffeine, too, and the pep it gave him in the afternoon.


  • 侏罗纪时代图片集。幽灵较早时期古生异龙剑龙振奋精神战斗丹佛博物馆科罗拉多州

    Photo Gallery: Jurassic Period Ghosts of an earlier age, an Allosaurus and a Stegosaurus brace for battle at the Denver Museum in Colorado.


  • 假如感到快乐那么找到快乐方法就是振奋精神使行动言词好像已经感觉到快乐的样子

    If you are not happy, then the best way to find happiness is to boost morale, so that actions and words seem to have felt happy look.


  • 携带方便, 即开即食,可增强食欲,消除疲劳,振奋精神假日休闲、馈赠亲友出差旅途佐餐的伴侣

    The Product is spicy, delicious, fresh, easy to carry and eat, being very appetizing and refreshing, which serves as a good travel companion or a good gift for friends.


  • 使味你想产品、辣、鲜、脆于一身。美味可口,方便快捷,可增强食欲,消除疲劳,振奋精神绝佳佐餐伴侣

    The Product contains nutrition of original materials, being spicy, delicious, appetizing and refreshing, which serves as a good meal companion.


  • 使味你想产品、辣、鲜、脆于一身。美味可口,方便快捷,可增强食欲,消除疲劳,振奋精神绝佳佐餐伴侣

    The Product contains nutrition of original materials, being spicy, delicious, appetizing and refreshing, which serves as a good meal companion.


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