• 无可指摘礼仪接待了不速之客

    She welcomed her unexpected visitor with irreproachable politeness.


  • 学校无可指摘的目的家长更多的参与到孩子教育中来。

    The school's unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children.


  • 那无可指摘的行为品行

    Her unexceptionable behaviour, conduct, etc.


  • 认识那些别人决定随意指摘

    I don't know anyone who is in the position to judge another type of person who is having to make those type of decisions.


  • 这位才华横溢作曲家作品无可指摘

    The works of this brilliant composer are beyond criticism.


  • 热心说,我逼迫教会的。就律法说,我是无可指摘的

    Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.


  • 大宅一家人礼节周到;安妮心里清楚,她们方面一般无可指摘

    Nothing seemed amiss on the side of the Great House family, which was generally, as Anne very well knew, the least to blame.


  • 她们受到非常热情接待,大宅一家人礼节周到,她们这一方面无可指摘

    They were received with great cordiality nothing seemed amiss on the side of the great house family, which WAS generally the least to blame.


  • 可是现今天主血肉身体,借着死亡使你们自己和好了,把你们呈献在跟前,成为圣洁无瑕无可指摘的

    Yet now he hath reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unspotted, and blameless before him.


  • 莫斯科城外克格勃爪牙最为凶悍,Stone相信饱受指摘的精神科专业经常艰难困苦的环境中所能为

    But outside of Moscow, where the KGB hand was heaviest, Stone said he believes a beleaguered class of professionals was often doing its best in good faith under difficult or impossible circumstances.


  • 沃尔芬森先生总的来说世界股正义力量可以拥有超凡的人性魅力以及无可指摘诚实性情。而遗憾的是不具有任何这些特征。

    Mr Wolfensohn has generally been a force for good in the world. He can be enormously charming and brutally honest. His book, sadly, is neither.


  • 不管英国石油公司是否会指控虐待动物,相较于只是一味指摘我们许多可以并且应该去做事情

    Whether or not BP is charged with cruelty, there are many things that we can and should do other than just pointing a finger.


  • 呢?你是否在努力管好自己”,或者还有什么其他更好方法减少他人的指摘

    How about you? Do you struggle to mind your own business - or what are some other ways of trying to be less judgmental?


  • 但是,有购房意向的人们可能仍然难以获得抵押贷款,即使他们信用记录无可指摘

    But people who want to buy homes may continue to struggle to get mortgages, even if they have excellent credit.


  • 来自亚洲廉价进口商品有助于降低家庭用品价格指摘损害了本国制造商的利益。

    Cheap imports from Asia help to reduce the price of household goods but they are also accused of undermining domestic manufacturers.


  • 正当的指摘完全没问题的一直拖时间,还挖苦古铜的皮肤,还有我的身材

    Righteous indignation is all well and good, but she had kept me waiting, then proceeded to insult my face, my tan and my body.


  • 这一措施原本无可指摘其中明确规定,在计算杠杆时,贷向国内银行资金计入资本。

    Nothing wrong with that, except that the leverage ratio explicitly excludes lending the banks undertake domestically from calculations of capital.


  • 面对卡梅隆称为过去失败政策”,鲜有首相不会加以指摘

    Few prime ministers can resist denouncing what Mr Cameron dubbed the "failed policies of the past".


  • 尽管道德上讲,开拓女性市场无可指摘,但是看到盛极一时保巴菲特长满络腮胡的脸上,带着一只蝴蝶结时,还是令人难免伤心

    While there’s nothing morally wrong about marketing Star Wars to girls, there’s something heartbreaking about seeing the once great Boba Fett wearing whiskers and a bow.


  • 任何针对企业侵犯用户网络隐私指摘,都可能伤及谷歌

    Google could also suffer from any backlash against companies that are perceived to have violated users' privacy online.


  • 然而今年德国联邦铁路公司因为一些危险空调故障而国内饱受指摘

    The TGV is usually cheaper, but ICE trains are used to competing with German luxury cars. This year, however, Deutsche Bahn caught flak at home for some dangerous air-conditioning malfunctions.


  • 记得当时我觉得这样调用eval非常丑陋做法,那会儿想不出更好的方式实现这样的效果;因此我把代码到了博客中,等待别人指摘他们很快就做出了回应,并给出下面的做法。

    I remember feeling like the call to eval was ugly, but at the time I couldn't think of another way to complete the task. I posted the code on my blog for all to criticize, and they quickly did.


  • iPad2上一代更轻、更也更快还能提供视频会议其他第一iPad所欠缺的功能,苹果曾因这种欠缺饱受指摘

    The iPad 2 is considerably thinner, lighter and faster than its predecessor and offers videoconferencing and other capabilities whose absence in the first iPad was widely criticised.


  • 医学社会学始终资助研究但是Miller博士却持续指摘Zamboni理论垃圾科学

    The MS Society is funding studies yet Dr. Miller continues to bash Dr. Zamboni's theory as 'junk science'.


  • 举止无可指摘

    His manners were above reproach.


  • 人类喜欢指摘评判的生物我们以为自己单单凭借走路姿势这种简单小事就能够以小见大。

    Humans are pretty judgmental creatures. We think we can tell a lot about someone based on snap judgments over something as simple as their manner of walking.


  • 2003年首次发布以来,这项排名一直备受争议,有人指摘评价体系过于侧重科技学科而忽略了人文学科。

    The ranking, which was launched in 2003, has generated controversy in the past for stressing science over the humanities in its grading.


  • 的动作,敢当面指摘的行为,谁能报复

    Who shall reprove his way to his face? and who shall repay him what he hath done?


  • 的动作,敢当面指摘的行为,谁能报复

    Who shall reprove his way to his face? and who shall repay him what he hath done?


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