• Windows7助手:它可以提出很多有益建议位卡通人物形象指导你处理日常事务。

    Windows 7 Clippy Edition: Gives you lots of "helpful" advice and will offer to guide you through even the most mundane tasks with the help of friendly cartoon characters.


  • 此外需要花大量精力设置内容的格式适应特定品牌形象企业指导原则

    There is also a great deal of effort involved in the formatting of the content to fit specific branding and corporate guidelines.


  • 很明显因此我们选择形象规模有效指导之间直线稳定性阻力最好折衷办法。

    Obviously, therefore, we should select the rudder profile and size that gives the best compromise between effective steering, straightline stability and drag.


  • 经常被邀请指导高管如何塑造自己形象,体现个人风格

    She's frequently called in to coach individual executives on sprucing up their personal style.


  • 后来,克英灵形体出现卢克面前,这个幽灵般的形象年轻天行者冒险前往戈巴,在那里,尤达指导完成训练

    Later, the spectral form of Kenobi would appear to Luke. The ghost-like image advised young Skywalker to venture to Dagobah, where he could complete his training under the guidance of Yoda.


  • 提供创意指导支援业务部门确认所有作品具有一致并且鲜明的公司形象

    Provide creative directions to support sales merchandising team and ensure all materials produced have a consistent and presentable company image.


  • 其次和谐区域理念指导塑造中国国家形象营造良好周边环境

    Secondly, the "harmonious region" concept as a guide to shape the national image of China to create a good surrounding environment.


  • 最后和谐世界理念指导塑造中国国家形象营造良好国际环境

    Finally, the "harmonious world" concept as a guide for shaping the national image of China to create a favorable international environment.


  • 第四章在以等效理论为理论基础指导下,系统地探讨了如何传递习语中丰富多彩的形象

    Chapter Four makes a systematic analysis of the approaches to image rendering in translating idioms in the light of Equivalence Theory.


  • 产品形象企业一定理念指导下通过自身努力,塑造出来的体现企业文化内涵的产品个性风格

    The certain product image ought to have its personality and style which can reflect the enterprise's culture, and it's forming depends on the mind and efforts of the enterprise.


  • 中国古代戏曲中的形神理论关于舞台人物形象塑造指导理论。

    The expression-spirit theory of Chinese ancient opera, is a guiding theory of creating character image on stage.


  • 较为完整产品形象企业理念品牌精神相关的理念识别层面,和在其指导下的产品综合外在视觉表现形式所构成的。

    Complete products identity is formed by mind identity related to enterprise conception and brand spirit as well as product external visual performance guided by mind identity.


  • 雨果浪漫主义地对照准绳指导剖析雨果在塑造一人物形象上地出色表示。

    Take the collate principle of the Hugo romantic doctrine as practice direction, analyse Hugo frame the outstanding performance of this person image.


  • 警察形象理论研究内容十分丰富理解警察形象理论研究的内涵阶段层次,掌握警察形象理论研究的正确方法,有利于指导实践中的警察形象建设。

    Study of the theory of policemen's image has substantial content and it is important to comprehend the intention, stages and levels of the study as well as apply correct ways to the study.


  • 房地产企业营销形象是相关公众对房地产企业营销理念指导的营销活动营销管理过程总体印象评价

    The marketing image of real estate enterprise refers to the relative public's general impression or evaluation on marketing activities and marketing management process instructed by marketing mind.


  • 然而星尔加入剧组指导该片时,坚持要寻找一位继承著名钢铁男人克里斯托弗?里斯传统形象面孔来出演此片

    But when Singer came aboard to direct the film, he insisted that a fresh face be cast in the part in the tradition of film's most famous Man of Steel, Christopher Reeve.


  • 在曩昔地几年里但是品牌便开端落空形象指导集体地牛仔裤商场走向作风消费者追求超越功利服装时髦表达

    Over the years, however, the brand began to lose its image leadership as the jeans market moved toward new styles and consumers sought fashion expression beyond utilitarian clothing.


  • 视觉形象感知主观的,但对视觉形象的评价应尽量的超越主观局限,依照一定标准方法可以指导人们对评价对象进行逐步深入了解主观客观得出全面结论

    According to certain standards and methods, people can scan the figure from different points of view, so that people may progressively understand them in-depth, and get the overall conclusion.


  • 需要大学文凭只需参加一些社团活动,比如纽约市形象顾问培训学校,他们会提供你色彩分析,服装与风格分析和个人购物指导课程

    You don't need a college degree, but organizations such as the Training Institute School for Image Consultants in New York City offer course.


  • 需要大学文凭只需参加一些社团活动,比如纽约市形象顾问培训学校,他们会提供你色彩分析,服装与风格分析和个人购物指导课程

    You don't need a college degree, but organizations such as the Training Institute School for Image Consultants in New York City offer course.


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