• 他们必须专注恒定速度持续自然过程并且岩石中留下某种有形记录

    They would have to concentrate on natural processes that continue at a constant rate and that also leave some sort of tangible record in the rocks.


  • 如果粮食状况持续恶化那整个世界越来越快的速度崩溃

    If the food situation continues to worsen, entire nations will break down at an ever increasing rate.


  • 口头交流速度持续时间短。

    Oral communication is fast-moving and impermanent.


  • 空间工作记忆信息处理速度或者持续关注方面吸烟者吸烟者来说没有显著作用

    It had no significant effect in either smokers or nonsmokers on spatial working memory, information processing speed, or sustained attention.


  • 尽管越来越多迹象表面印度正在超速然而如果印度经济持续9%甚至更快的速度增长,印度经济很可能会变得热。

    Yet given widespread signs that India is already exceeding its speed limit, there is a high risk that if the economy continues to grow at 9% or more, it will get ever hotter.


  • 计算开发最快速技术内存数据存储,它们不断增加速度和存储大小这样持续需求驱动的。

    One of the fastest-developing technologies in computing is memory and data storage, which are driven by the constant need for increases in speed and storage size.


  • 然而报告说,南撒哈拉非洲地区可能成为一体化最大受益者因为可以利用技术工资差距优势推动较高速度持续增长

    However, the report says Sub-Saharan Africa could also potentially gain the most from integration, since it could take advantage of technology and wage gaps to propel higher sustained growth.


  • 由于刚开始这些冰层海洋热量的释放还会持续时间,这又使得海冰形成速度加快

    Because this ice is initially very thin, the efficient release of heat from the ocean continues for some time, causing a rapid growth of the new sea ice.


  • 另一个问题不受控KTBR部分的增长速度往往超过整个IT预算这种情形显然是不可持续的。

    There is another problem: the KTBR portion left unchecked tends to grow faster than it budgets overall, and the situation is obviously not sustainable.


  • 尽管经济增长速度接近10%,蒙古还要设法解决通货膨胀(去年通胀率超过15%),以及持续贫穷问题失业问题

    The growth rate is near 10%, but Mongolia is grappling with inflation that last year passed 15%, as well as persistent poverty and unemployment.


  • 经济合作与发展组织估计根据目前政策印度经济能够以8%速度持续增长高于1980年代前三十年的3.5%。

    The OECD estimates that on today's polices, India can sustain annual growth of more than 8%, up from 3.5% during the three decades to 1980.


  • 由于地区夏季平均气温高于全球平均值速度持续上升所有剩余冰川都在迅速消退

    All the remaining glaciers were rapidly retreating as average summertime temperatures in the area continued to rise faster than the global average.


  • 经济衰退前夕工人小时产量增长速度持续防缓。

    On the eve of the recession the rate of growth in workers' output per hour was slowing.


  • 上载过程中,时间播放视频速度持续下降很明显的。

    During uploading, the continuing decrease in speed of a long-playing video was significant.


  • 达到最高速度后,预计还要持续60个小时

    Once running at full throttle it is expected to last for60 hours.


  • 礼拜我们看到有两的单日注册人数超过了200万,”艾伦文章中,“如果这个速度持续的话,到上个礼拜晚上Google+就应该已经有2000万用户了。

    Last week we saw two days where more than 2 million signed up in a single day, ” Allen said in his post. “If that rate had continued, Google+ would have reached 20 million users by last Sunday night.


  • 1990年,人口飞速上升600000,1990年起,人口增长持续上升速度相对较

    The population rose rapidly until it reached 600 000 in 1990. Since 1990 the growth has continued but the population has risen relatively slowly.


  • 确定速度是否不如以前快了,仍然相信他还是那么快,只是年龄大持续快速能力下降

    I'm not sure he has lost pace. I still think he has that but what you lose with age is the capacity to repeat the pace.


  • 潜在增长率速度帮助决定公共债务股票价格一切事物持续

    The pace of potential growth helps determine the sustainability of everything from public debt to the prices of shares.


  • 这个IBM解决方案产品线范围正在以惊人的速度实现持续增长

    The breadth of IBM solutions within this portfolio is staggering and continues to grow.


  • 目前科学家报告他们已经创造出了一种隐形镜片固定速度持续释放高浓度抗生素超过30

    Now, scientists report that they've created a contact lens that can deliver a high concentration of antibiotic at a constant rate for more than 30 days.


  • 动态分析-流程对比分析-流程持续时间分析——一报告(15)中,可以看到将来流程的速度手工流程的二倍。

    Dynamic Analysis - process Comparison Analysis - process Duration Comparison a "In this report (Figure 15), you can see that the To-Be process is twice as fast as the manual process."


  • 公司股份表现糟糕过去12个月里下跌速度道琼斯持续媒体指数倍,大部分归咎于目前行情惨淡的印刷媒体对其进行曝光率

    The firm's shares have performed badly, falling twice as fast as the Dow Jones Stoxx media index over the past 12 months. That is mostly due to its high exposure to print media, which is struggling.


  • 我们注意总支出经济不景气的时候是持续滑落的,然后重新这个趋向下面以某种速度增长着这样向阳追赶上几乎可能

    And what we observe is that total spending dropped substantially during the recession, then resumed growing at a pace below trend, such that catch-up would occur approximately never.


  • 总体上看,G.F.N .我们当前一个消耗地球资源远远它们能够得到持续补充速度增长也就是说我们在消耗未来

    On the whole, says G.F.N., we are currently growing at a rate that is using up the Earth's resources far faster than they can be sustainably replenished, so we are eating into the future.


  • 麻烦冬季越野跑其他速度训练变得难以安全持续进行,但是法特莱克训练不会受到影响。

    Messy winter weather can make track workouts and other types of speedwork difficult to do consistently and safely. Not so for fartlek workouts.


  • 之后由于出生率持续降低,人们将会发现人口数量飞速下降,下降速度甚至有可能曾经增长速度还要高。

    Then, because of thecontinuing fall in birth rates, humans will face the very real prospect thatour numbers will fall as fast -- if not faster -- than the rate at which theyonce grew.


  • 持续地对磁盘进行写入操作可能极大地降低程序性能导致运行速度缓慢

    Continuous writing to a disk can largely degrade the performance of a program, causing it to run slowly.


  • 巴西是全球首批实现持续高增长国家之一,但其增长速度1980年开始放缓,原因是该国遭受了1973年石油危机造成通胀债务积压影响。

    Brazil, one of the first countries to achieve sustained high growth, began to slow down in 1980. The country suffered inflation and debt overhang from the 1973 oil shock.


  • 巴西是全球首批实现持续高增长国家之一,但其增长速度1980年开始放缓,原因是该国遭受了1973年石油危机造成通胀债务积压影响。

    Brazil, one of the first countries to achieve sustained high growth, began to slow down in 1980. The country suffered inflation and debt overhang from the 1973 oil shock.


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