• 改良后土壤毛管水量水量明显增加

    The capillary water and the moisture of amended soil significantly increased.


  • 过量饱和土壤中排出后,余下的水量称为田间水量

    The amount of water that remains after the excess has drained away from the saturated soil is known as the field capacity.


  • 天目山地区,森林土壤水量较非林地土壤(荒草地)为高;

    The deciduous broad-leaf forest always holds more water in the soil than the evergreen needle forest does.


  • 室内试验表明除草效果土壤有机质、土壤水量密切相关

    The greenhouse tests also show that its efficacy is concerned with the organic matter and humidity in soil.


  • 饱和持水量条件下,草地雀麦具有加速土壤水分散失的作用。

    When the soil moisture is saturated, Bromus riparius can accelerate the loss of soil moisture .


  • 林型枯枝落叶层水量呈现出明显的针叶林大于阔叶林的规律。

    The orderliness of forest litter's capability in holding water is the conifer higher than the broad-leaved trees.


  • 林区枯枝落叶水量周年变化规律落叶规律一致。

    The variational disciplinarian of waterholding quantity and waterholding rate were in consistent with the defoliation in anniversary.


  • 实际上垃圾内部结构不是均一田间持水量不同层次差异

    Actually, the internal structure of garbage body is not uniform and the field capacity is also different in different layers.


  • 凋落水量凋落物随着浸泡时间增加按照对数关系增加

    The total water holding capacity and proportional water holding capacity of litter increased logarithmically with increasing time immersed in water.


  • 土壤水量达最大田间水量的5 2 %以上,才有较大的生物量

    When water content in soil is above 52%, larger biomass could occur.


  • 土壤物理性状得到改善,土壤容重降低田间水量孔隙提高

    The physical character of soil was also improved after covering straw. The soil bulk density was reduced. Field moisture capacity and porosity percentage were increased.


  • 栓皮栎人工林具有良好水源涵养功能林分水量杉木人工林10%。

    Oriental oak plantation also has better function of water conservation, total water-holding content of stand reaches to 10% higher than that of Chinese fir plantation.


  • 凋萎湿度、田间持水量、整个初始土壤有效水量土壤水分影响为效应;

    The effects of wilting point, field capacity and initial amount of available soil moisture in root zone on soil moisture were positive.


  • 冰雪灾害后杉木林冠凋落物的储量、水量率和吸水速率进行研究。

    The dry mass, water holding capacity, proportional water holding capacity of crown debris and litter were measured in a Cunninghamia lanceolata stand suffered from ice damage.


  • 重度水分胁迫土壤水量田间水量35%)抑制根系生长,根系活力下降

    The growth of root was restrained and activity of root decreased under severe water stress ( water content of soil is 35% the content of field holding water).


  • 说明光合作用土壤水分存在一个“值”反应土壤田间持水量6 5%左右。

    This indicates that photosynthetic rate has the threshold response to soil moisture and the threshold value is about 65% of field capacity.


  • 火烧强度对上分散系数孔隙度饱和水量有效根系生物量影响有显著差异

    The effects of forest fires on soil separate coefficients, porosity, saturated water-retaining capacity, available Mg, fine root significantly varied between the fire intensity.


  • 喀斯特环境有成过程缓慢、土层浅薄、土被不连续土壤水量植被覆盖率低的特点。

    The karst region is very fragile eco-environment with slow soil formation process, shallow and discontinuous soil, small water holding capacity, and low vegetation coverage.


  • 本文介绍利用中子仪测定水文地质参数包气带田间水量含水层变幅带给水度原理与方法

    This article introduces a method for determining hydrogeological parameters such as the field capacity in zone of aeration and the specific yield in aquifer where water content is varied.


  • 对于相同母质发育的红壤,在吸力阶段,轻度侵蚀、中度侵蚀、重度侵蚀土壤持水量相差不大

    In the lower soil suction range , The water-supply capacity of red soil derived from Q2 was higher than that derived from granite while In the higher soil suction range the different was not widely.


  • 结合不同处理嘎拉幼苗生长特征可知,嘎拉幼苗良好生长土壤水分条件低于田间持水量的60%。

    After analyzing the growth characteristics of the seedling, it is found that the seedlings enjoyed growing under conditions of water content of soil was not lower than 60% of field capacity.


  • 降水强度较大致使土壤水分大于田间水量时,超过田间持水量部分土壤很快低的台阶

    However, when precipitation rate is large enough and soil water goes beyond the field capacity, the excessive soil water will flow laterally to the lower levels through noncapillary pores.


  • 饱和水量变异系数都随深度的增加逐渐降低水量容重和田闷持水量的变异系数随深度的呈波动变化

    The coefficient of variation of saturated water content decreased with the depth of profile. The coefficient of variation of bulk density and field capacity fluctuate with depth of soil.


  • 土壤入渗功能、枯枝落叶最大水量以及土壤贮能力等方面进行研究探讨不同植被类型土壤改良效果

    At last in order to analyze the improved effect on soil, the staggered research was discussed in the following aspects: infiltration capacity of soil, water holding capacity for soil and litter layer.


  • 改良剂均不同程度改善土壤物理性状,能降低土壤容重,提高土壤总孔隙度,加快渗透速度,增加田间持水量

    Four kinds of amendments can improve soil physical properties. Soil bulk density decreased, soil porosity, permeability coefficient and field capacity increased under treatments.


  • 实验结果表明土壤有粗粒土壤时,上部细粒土壤的能力有明显提高,可以超过最小持水量得到若干补充水量

    Experimental results show that fine texture soil layer overlying coarse texture soil layer can markedly increase water-holding capacity and get some supplement of water after reaching field capacity.


  • 适度水分胁迫土壤含水量田间水量60%)对苗期小麦根系生长有一定的促进作用,可使根冠增加,根系活力增大;

    The growth of root was promoted, and increased in root top ratio value and activity of root under moderate water stress (water content of soil is 60% the content of field holding water).


  • 蛋白质含量最低值产量最高值之间对应量为产量和 蛋白质含量土壤水分含量为田间最大持水量的50%和60%条件下协同变化的施氮量区间。

    The nitrogen between minimum protein content and maximum yield were the nitrogen of coordinated variation of yield and grain protein content in 50% or 60% of soil water content.


  • 玉米绿性提高使收获时茎秆叶片中的水量提高,不会引起籽粒水量的提高。

    The improvement of stay-green can increase stem and leaf water content, but can't increase kernel water content.


  • 玉米绿性提高使收获时茎秆叶片中的水量提高,不会引起籽粒水量的提高。

    The improvement of stay-green can increase stem and leaf water content, but can't increase kernel water content.


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