• 起笔和纸开始工作吧!

    Get pens and paper and start working!


  • 不是每天都写作,但当我觉得重要的时候,我总是会拿起笔写作。

    I hadn't written every day, but I always picked up the writing when it felt important.


  • 拿起笔把那张纸翻过来,写道

    So she picked up the pen, turned over the paper he'd written on, and this is what she wrote.


  • 尽管弟子们都认为逗乐还是有人拿起笔了。

    His followers thought he was joking, but one of them started to write.


  • 庆幸我还起笔,将心底的话出来分享

    I am glad I picked up the pen in my mind, the most true, most real out to share with you.


  • 打开笔记本文件拿起笔,开着电脑,两手不离开键盘

    Leave your notebook or your document open. Have your pen ready or your computer fired up and your keyboard warm.


  • 半心半意起笔,不晓得是不是还想得起什么给他日记里

    He picked up his pen halfheartedly, wondering whether he could find something more to write in the diary.


  • 为了收集思想有一起笔开始下来东西重要。

    To collect his thoughts one day, he took up pen and paper and began to write down the things that were important to him.


  • 人们张灯结彩,购买圣诞树礼物小孩子们纷纷拿起笔来给圣诞老人写信

    They string up the lights, buy a tree, exchange presents, and their children write to Santa Claus.


  • 起笔写了几下,然后把笔没水…其实我们电子签名板。

    After she started signing her name, she threw the pen down in frustration saying that the pen was out of ink. We use electronic pin pads.


  • 拿起笔,也是自己寻找继续生存理由力量拯救即将枯萎

    I devote myself to writing, just in search of the reason and power to go on survival and save my dying heart.


  • 现在拿起笔签署美国残疾人法案》,被排斥耻辱墙壁最终坍塌

    I now lift this pen to sign this Americans with Act and say let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down.


  • 起笔抒写自己祖国热爱指斥“群小”误国,后人留下千古不朽诗篇

    Picked up a pen writing a love for their motherland, to denounce "n group" harm the country for future generations to leave the immortal poems.


  • 平时学习中的点滴妙招,生活中的情感历程思想上闪耀火花起笔下来

    Intravenous drip excellent measure in studying in the ordinary time, emotion course in living, thought mounts the spark glittering, takes up a pen write down.


  • 那么拿起笔写下找出所有应该真心渴望来替换它们开始重写你的人生

    So grab a pen and jot down all the shoulds you can find, replace them with your true desires, and begin the rewrite of a lifetime.


  • 尽管经常生病而且有时候甚至很难起笔,但是张运成坚持张达诺文章寄过去。

    Although he was often ill, and sometimes could hardly pick up his pen, Zhang Yuncheng kept writing and sent his finished essays to Zhang Danuo.


  • 时期女作家纷纷起笔关注女性生存状态,思索女性历史命运,构建女性理想世界

    In the new era, authoresses take their pens to describe the existence situation of females, reflect the historical and tough-minded fate of females and try to constitute a female's realistic world.


  • 这个时候可以起笔撰写篇文章,抒发您的观点记录您的梦想写任何东西。

    This time with pen and on paper. Write an article, write your thoughts, write a dream, write anything.


  • 赶紧拿起笔甜甜美美的写上了自己的愿望,找哥哥上蜡烛,刚刚点亮上去了。

    I hasten to write his pen, sweet, beautiful, to the elder brother, help me a candle on, just light is gone with the wind.


  • 接着,随后的突然起笔了封信给了信,之前也一直给我份信来着。

    Then one day I just up and wrote to her. And she wrote me back and said she had been thinking about writing to me.


  • 可是毅然起笔来,摸索着坚持写作,每,他都需要付出常人根本无法想象艰辛劳动

    But he decided to pick up the pen, groping, continue writing, write every word, he needs to pay ordinary people can not imagine the hard work.


  • 下次当我们起笔准备书写的时候,我们应该记着,我们手中握的是人类所拥有的最强有力的工具

    The next time we take up our pen to write, let us remember that we hold in our hand the most powerful instrument mankind possesses.


  • 讲台老师发下一张张考卷心惊胆战地着手中的考卷,小心翼翼拿起笔向眼前的难关挑战。

    The teacher on the platform handed out test papers to us one after another. I held the paper with fear but also great care.


  • 巴尔扎克幻觉 巴尔扎克一拿起笔写作似的,常常东西达到产生幻觉的地布。

    Hallucination of Balzac As soon as he tooks the pen to start writing, Balzac seemed to have been possessed so much so that he often had hallrcnatilns of what wrote.


  • 巴尔扎克幻觉 巴尔扎克一拿起笔写作似的,常常东西达到产生幻觉的地布。

    Hallucination of Balzac As soon as he tooks the pen to start writing, Balzac seemed to have been possessed so much so that he often had hallrcnatilns of what wrote.


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