• 已经淘汰的拉格无法听到观众掌声

    Ragsdale, having been knocked cold, was unable to hear the crowd's applause.


  • 鉴于艾伦.拉姆塞杰克.潜力,温格考虑萨米.纳离开阿森纳

    The potential of Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wilshere gave Arsène Wenger the confidence to let Samir Nasri leave Arsenal.


  • 《拉文格罗》(或者吉卜赛男人》)一书中个无可救药患有失眠症,他发现的一诗集惟一有效的催眠剂,只不过是伯罗的恶作剧而已。

    In Lavengro (or is it Romany Rye?) there is an impossible character, a victim of insomnia, who finds that a volume of Wordsworth's poems is the only sure soporific; but that was Borrow s malice.


  • 1986年2002年,舒特拉格两人从尔斯方舟到阿帮峦溪流一带带回了一桶桶现在他们每年要返回那里监测结果如何。

    From 1986 to 2002, Shute and Rakes toted bucketfuls of fish from theKnoxville ark to Abrams Creek; now they return each year to monitor theresults.


  • 北约(北大西洋公约组织)举行特拉峰会上丹麦首相安诺·福格·穆森一任北约秘书长。

    AT the NATO summit in Strasbourg and Kehl, Denmark's prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, was chosen as the alliance's next secretary-general.


  • ·奇拥有决定迈格·拉希是否移交释放最终决定权。他上周探视了被监禁格拉附近的格林·诺克监狱的迈格·拉希。

    MacAskill, who has the final say over whether Megrahi should be transferred or released, visited the Libyan last week in Greenock prison, near Glasgow.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是巴萨现在的主教练瓜迪奥拉位列曼联队中的教练人选之一,一起还有英格兰国家队的教练法比奥·卡佩罗、胡希丁克、马丁·奥尼阿瑟纳·温格

    Ironically Barca boss Pep Guardiola is one of those who will be on United's radar along with the likes of England boss Fabio Capello, Guus Hiddink, Martin o 'neill and Arsene Wenger.


  • 影片中科林·费饰演严重口吃困扰国王乔治六世杰弗里·拉什则扮演一位正统澳大利亚言语治疗师莱昂·洛格。正是两位杰出的表演开启了我们愉悦的观影体验。

    The pleasure starts with two magnificent performances: Colin Firth as King George VI, afflicted by a terrible stutter, and Geoffrey Rush as an unorthodox Australian speech therapist, Lionel Logue.


  • 他们花巨资买进球员包括德国国家队队长的托马·希策尔斯佩格,弗雷德里克·皮奎翁内巴勃罗·巴雷拉

    They bankrolled the signings of players including Germany captain Thomas Hitzlsperger, Frederic Piquionne and Pablo Barrera.


  • 而且协议承诺了GLG大巨头——诺姆·戈特曼,皮埃·拉格朗日伊曼纽·罗马会留任3

    And the agreement commits GLG's three big fish, Noam Gottesman, Pierre Lagrange and Emmanuel Roman, to stay for three years.


  • Rutgers大学研究立法机构阿兰罗森塔(Alan Rosenthal)说道,塔拉哈西在立法会议期间总是一派繁忙景象,除此之外的其他时间便是死气沉沉的了。

    Alan Rosenthal, who researches state legislatures at Rutgers University, says the town was always hopping during legislative sessions and sleepy the rest of the year.


  • 约克吉特并不满足一名阿罗过滤公司的安全系统技术员,为了发财,把提班纳气体秘密卖给武器设计师赫米·奥德,奥德再将提班纳气体注入爆能枪能量夹。

    Not content as a security systems technician at A'roFilter, Yoxgit supplemented his income by secretly selling Tibanna gas to the Baragwin weapons designer Hermi Odle for infusion in blaster packs.


  • 得知格特尔斯利用种瘟疫爆发控制默里迪恩星区后,达拉率反抗

    When she learned that Getelles had used an outbreak of the Death Seed plague to gain control of the Meridian sector, Daala threw in her lot with the forces that opposed him.


  • 梅拉达格兰·瓜旁边人群中有一张脸,两只眼睛一种异样目光死死地盯住

    Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.


  • 拉格塔夫成员kjzz的劳雷·莫拉莱将带来报道

    From member station KJZZ in Flagstaff, Laurel Morales reports.


  • 温格坚持认为,任何的引援都会减少朱鲁奎拉奇(的上场时间),所以争辩道“一个暂时引援也许适合球队。”

    Wenger has insisted that any acquisition would act as cover for Johan Djourou, Laurent Koscielny and Sebastien Squillaci so, he argues, a temporary move may be suitable.


  • 然而温格卡佩罗依然这个位置可选之人,他举例维拉·诺克埃弗顿状态都不错。

    However, Wenger says Fabio Capello still has options in the position, citing the form of Aston Villa's Stephen Warnock and Everton's Leighton Baines.


  • 冥王星1930年首次克莱德w。汤博发现于亚利桑那州拉格塔夫洛厄天文台

    Pluto was first discovered in 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona.


  • 卫拉特《格蒙古《格重要版本之一

    Velatic Gesi'er is one of the important editions of Mongolian Gesi'er.


  • 这时格兰瓜看到白色小山羊梅拉达身边,的蹄子是金色的,脖子上戴着一串 银项链。

    Gringoire then saw a little white goat with its feet golden and a silver chain round its neck come up to Esmehalda.


  • 皇家贝蒂俱乐部透露作为奥利维拉转会米兰一部分,俱乐部正积极寻求瑞士球星沃格的加盟。

    Real Betis have revealed that they are close to securing the services of Swiss international Johann Vogel as part of the deal that will take Ricardo Oliveira in the opposite direction to Milan.


  • 皇家贝蒂俱乐部透露作为奥利维拉转会米兰一部分,俱乐部正积极寻求瑞士球星沃格的加盟。

    Real Betis have revealed that they are close to securing the services of Swiss international Johann Vogel as part of the deal that will take Ricardo Oliveira in the opposite direction to Milan.


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