• 拉教第七级原本是要授予的什么?

    What did the 7th grade of Mithraism originally confer?


  • 他们占星学阶层,利用十二宫图,把四季神格化成波斯人密特祭礼

    They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism.


  • 圣克莱下方便是座于世纪建成黑暗潮湿拉教庙宇位于这座堂下,圣坛上有雕塑——密特正在宰杀一头

    Beneath the uppermost church lies a 4th-century church, and beneath this lies the dark, dank temple, with its altar bearing a carving of the god Mithras slaying a bull.


  • 罗查每次阿姨乐器锁起来的时候,就用头地板直到她阿姨为之动容开始她才作罢。

    Ms. de Larrocha said that once her aunt locked the instrument, she banged her head on the floor until Marshall relented and began to teach her.


  • 那时以来,比(犹太经师或神职人员)已经裁定圣地不容许犹太人进入更遑论此祈祷

    Since then the rabbis have ruled that the precinct is too holy for Jews to enter, let alone pray in.


  • 按照犹太传统说法,天地万物创造就是秋天里完成的。因此,犹太人新年——什·哈夏节定夏末秋初。

    The Creation itself was achieved in the autumn, according to a tradition of judaism-whence the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, at summer's end or the start of fall.


  • 此举造成美国大量正统犹太社区强烈反对他们希望他们的以色列法律改变他们的信仰。

    But it has run into furious opposition from the large non-Orthodox Jewish communities in the United States, which want their rabbis, too, to be able to do conversions under Israeli law.


  • 印度首府印度寺庙发现了地窖,地窖中藏有大量18世纪凡科王朝时期的黄金和珠宝

    Vaults containing vast quantities of gold and jewellery from the 18th-century kingdom of Travancore were found under a Hindu temple in the capital of the Indian state of Kerala.


  • 爪哇槟榔刚甘山斜坡男人们印度毗湿奴配偶希里·克希米雕像洗浴。

    In a sacred pool on the slopes of Java's Mount Penanggungan, men bathe beside statues of Sri and Lakshmi, the consorts of the Hindu god Vishnu.


  • 马科斯最后被选基督的主后来推荐他的老师班·巴·索玛担任蒙古欧洲的大使。

    Markos was eventually chosen as Nestorian Patriarch, and later suggested his teacher, Rabban Bar Sauma, be sent on another mission, as Mongol ambassador to Europe.


  • 沙哈普尔集市闲逛时,阿里印度大神名字(“姆!”)

    On a stroll through Shahabpur bazaar, Mr Ali hails his Hindu friends in the name of their god—“Ram!


  • 直到1936年,终于说服了阿卜杜勒·卡里一个弟子SawaiGandharva唱法中的复杂技巧。

    By 1936 he had persuaded Sawai Gandharva, a disciple of Abdul Karim Khan, to teach him the intricacies of the Kirana style of singing.


  • 1940年,美国犹太考古学家尼尔森·格鲁伊克(NelsonGlueck)公然宣称发现所罗门控制以东就在此地。

    It also happened to be where the American rabbi and archaeologist Nelson Glueck unabashedly proclaimed in 1940 that he had discovered the Edomite mines controlled by King Solomon.


  • 图29 2010年24日,位于新德里苏菲圣人穆丁•欧里亚的神庙中,男子祈祷哭泣

    Pic.29 A man cries as he prays at the shrine of Sufi Saint Nizamuddin Auliya in New Delhi February 4, 2010. (REUTERS/Adnan Abidi)


  • Penanggungan山坡一个男人们印度毗湿奴配偶克希米雕像洗澡

    In a sacred pool on the slopes of Mount Penanggungan, men bathe beside statues of Sri and Lakshmi, the consorts of the Hindu god Vishnu.


  • 接着指出:“如果犹太人国家犹太国家公然出现我们必将重归‘众神’。”

    Rai continued: "If there is a Jewish state declared or a state for the Jews, this is getting us back to the war of gods."


  • 梦中郑重回答说,“信神我信犹太”。

    And in my dream Larry David replied, with great solemnity: “I don’t believe in God, but I do believe in Jews.”


  • 因为信奉斯塔法里拒绝剪去头发。 %。

    He refused to cut his hair due to his Rastafarian beliefs.


  • 德奥多·斯特·雷波等作者凯撒获得更少直接体验,对伊鲁这个阶层持有吟游诗人占卜者等观点

    Writers like Diodorus and Strabo with less firsthand experience than Caesar, were of the opinion that this class included Druids, bards and soothsayers.


  • 虽然武士团许多人担心克诺比不好天行者,但奥疑虑也许私人一些。

    Though many in the order had misgivings regarding Kenobi's mentorship of young Skywalker, perhaps Olana's doubts were more personal.


  • 科学如此重击,使他们追随者例如告鲁斯、尊特·华特整个里活场景进一步失去面子金钱

    Scientology, which is so whacked out, would make their followers like Tom Cruise and John Travolta and the whole Hollywood scene lose further face and dollars.


  • 庙宇细节描绘具有浓烈色彩为显著特征,可以达瓦庙宇得到。

    The jaina temples are characterised by a richness of detail that can be seen in the dilwara temples in mt . abu.


  • 1974年过一半的时候,厌倦了纽约市,于是纽约州道斯的海兰社区学校里,找到手工艺的工作。

    By mid-1974, Ben tired of New York and was successful in getting a job teaching crafts at Highland Community's school in Paradox, New York.


  • 1974年过一半的时候,厌倦了纽约市,于是纽约州道斯的海兰社区学校里,找到手工艺的工作。

    By mid-1974, Ben tired of New York and was successful in getting a job teaching crafts at Highland Community's school in Paradox, New York.


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