• 观察x平方分布抽样分布

    Look at the Chi Square sampling distribution.


  • 得出一概率需要理解X平方分布抽样分布是什么样的。

    To find this probability, you need to understand what the sampling distribution for Chi Square looks like.


  • 抽样分布标准偏差。统计学用来说明样本预测的数据准确性。

    The standard deviation of a sampling distribution. It is the statistic used to make statements about the accuracy of estimates based on sample information.


  • 就是为什么X平方分布抽样分布形状随着df不同而变化的原因。

    This is why the shape of the Chi Square sampling distribution changes for different df values.


  • 然后定义了三个与P -分布密切关系的抽样分布给出了密度函数

    Then three distributions that sampled from the P-norm distribution are defined, and their density functions are given.


  • 最后演示了如何模拟不同自由度x平方分布抽样分布,而不只是说明来源

    Finally, I demonstrated how to simulate the Chi Square sampling distribution for different degrees of freedom, going beyond simply commenting on its derivation.


  • 为了找到X平方分布统计抽样分布只需获取每次实验结果并且计算结果的x平方分布统计。

    To find the sampling distribution of the Chi Square statistic, simply take the outcome of each experiment and compute a Chi Square statistic for that result.


  • 抽样分布样本效果大小平均值可以作为总体效果大小的估计值 ,它样本容量抽样样本数目有密切关系

    The simulated experimental results showed that significance t testing is highly related to population distribution effect size and sample capacities, yet rarely related to the numbers of rand…


  • 设置用于查找 X平方分布抽样分布包含尾数区域等于alpha 断开(0.05)位置临界值)。

    This setting is used to find the location (or critical value) on the Chi Square sampling distribution that includes a tail area equal to the alpha-cutoff value (0.05).


  • 基于平均方向和合向量长度抽样分布,研究反映角度过程集中程度的合向量长度控制反映角度过程集中位置的平均方向控制图。

    Sampling distributions of mean direction and resultant length were used to develop control charts respectively reflecting the central tendencies and positions of the Angle process.


  • 包含的文件Distribution . php包含几个常用抽样分布(t分布f分布和X平方分布)生成抽样分布统计信息方法

    The included file, Distribution.php, contains methods that generate sampling-distribution statistics for several commonly used sampling distributions (Student t, Fisher f, Chi Square).


  • 第三命令抽取 15%但是不收集分布统计信息索引应用抽样不同于第一命令第二个命令。

    The third command samples 15% of all rows, does not collect distribution statistics, and also applies sampling to indexes which the first and second commands didn't.


  • 如果决定排除虚假设—结果可以按照分布随机抽样可变性获得,那么大多数统计师不会有争议。

    Most statisticians would not argue if you decided to reject the null hypothesis that the results can be accounted for in terms of random sampling variability from the null distribution.


  • 使用MEDIUM模式式的UPDATESTATISTICS操作,可以在resolution句中使用新的SAMPLINGSIZE选项分布抽样指定最小行数

    In explicit UPDATE STATISTICS operations in MEDIUM mode, a new SAMPLING SIZE option in the resolution clause specifies the minimum number of rows to sample for column distributions.


  • 收集索引的详细抽样统计信息分布统计信息。

    Example 28. Collect detailed sampled statistics on indexes as well as distribution statistics for the table.


  • MEDIUM模式显式UPDATESTATISTICS操作resolution子句新的SAMPLINGSIZE选项可以指定分布进行抽样最少行数

    In explicit UPDATE STATISTICS operations in MEDIUM mode, a new SAMPLING SIZE option in the Resolution clause can specify the minimum number of rows to sample for column distributions.


  • 由于随机抽样可变性,因此这个X平方分布统计实验的不同而不同。

    This Chi Square statistic will vary from experiment to experiment due to random sampling variability.


  • 提出抽样报文估计一定时间刻度原始流量的大小、估计原始报文长度协议分布方法。

    It offers the way of estimating the primitive traffic at some time and the length of primitive message aod the way of protocol distribution from the message sampled.


  • 沥青混合料沥青含量抽样检测样本检测值服从分布

    The inspecting value of sample for asphalt content sampling of asphalt mix is normal distribution.


  • 模型核心部分是根据观测资料通过蒙特卡洛马尔科夫随机抽样方法估计变点位置后验概率分布

    Given the observed hydrological data, the model can estimate the posterior probability distribution of each location of change-point by using the Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampling method.


  • 文中改进测试性验证中的正态分布通过添加试验计算完全消除试验计算,直接给出抽样方案

    In this paper, the normal distribution method is improved as it presents directly the sampling plan by adding calculation before test and completely removing after - test calculation.


  • 本文给出了制订定时截下指数分布产品可靠性抽样检验方案统计方法

    This paper gives a statistical method of working out reliability sampling inspection plans for items whose failure times are distributed as exponential distributions.


  • 假设总体服从正态分布的条件下,设计抽样区间样本容量控制变化的全变化参数的中位值-极差联合控制

    Under population follow normal distribution hypothesis, designing combine median-range adaptive control charts with variable sampling interval, variable sample size and variable control limit .


  • 假定网架结构制作偏差近似服从正随机分布利用舍选实现了随机变量的抽样

    The manufacturing deviation of grids structures was assumed to be in normal distribution, and the normal random sampling was realized by acceptance-rejection method.


  • 我们利用三阶抽样查清了东北地区猞猁种群分布数量情况。

    The distribution and quantity of Felis lynx population in the northeast have been found out by the three-stage sampling method.


  • 大小蠹寄生树木伐桩有分层抽样必要及其空间分布格局经拟合项聚集分布

    It is necessity that stratified sampling is used to investigate to the trees and the new stumps, and the spatial distributing pattern of the red turpentine beetles was Negative Binomial Distribution.


  • 目前拥有两个函数可以完成任意离散分布任意一元连续分布抽样

    The two functions we have now can sample from any discrete distribution and one -dimensional continuous distribution.


  • 应用抽样方法统计分布参数皮革纤维状态进行量化表征

    The leather fibre state was quantized signifying by sample method and statistical distribution parameter.


  • 采用过抽样抽样技术弥补数据类别分布平衡模型性能不利影响

    Sampling methods including over-sampling, under-sampling were taken to make up the shortage caused by the imbalanced data.


  • 本文讨论贝塔分布共轭于二项分布决策模型行动线性决策问题抽样信息期望值计算公式。

    In this paper we discuss the counting formula of the expected value of sampling information for linear decision problem on two actions under the Be - b model.


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