• 基调上,《玉鸟流苏》画面采用了多角度投影类似立体派表现方式。

    Based on this tonality, DAS creates a multiview axonometric projection for the drawing Festival Place, similar to the expression of Cubism.


  • 对于地球极表象为直线投影本文运用对偶变换广义位变换,得出了它们的几种款式。

    This paper obtains some new types by using dualistic transformation and generalized transformation of axis, the projections in straight line for earth pole.


  • 提出一种分辨投影匹配对应分析相结合血管重建方法

    This paper propose a novel method of Reconstruction of Vessel Axis on matching of multi-resolution projections and analyzing of corresponding points.


  • IBM—PC计算机上得到投影图仅需分钟左右的时间。

    It is necessary to take only about one minute to get projection view on IBM-PC computer.


  • 本文提出了种球面上基本几何元素投影变换方法建立对应的园弧投影体系。

    This paper presents a method of arc projective transformation of the fundamental geometric elements on a sphere, and sets up an are projective system for three axial and two axial correspondently.


  • 识别过程中,数码管值化后图像水平上的投影上升沿下降沿基本呈现直线形状,尝试把最小乘法应用倾斜校正

    For recognition, the front or trailing edge of projection of binary image on horizontal axis basically shows linear shape, so least square theory is applied in tilt correction.


  • 结果表明极坐标投影可以得到无干涉加工位数据,可以获得均匀变化的刀矢量

    The results show that the interference-free tool path can be generated with polar projection method and the even variable cutter axis vector can be obtained.


  • 采用最佳合直线方法,计算产品模型投影轮廓多边形的长方位,据此计算旋转变换所需转动角度。

    Strategies of cubic projection and rotation transformation were put forward in this paper in order to transform the complicated 3D issues into 2D planar issues.


  • 给出测体投影复原图解解析法。

    To end it, the graphic method and analytic method to reconstruct the original shape of an axonometric stereo projection have been given.


  • 投影回转曲面外形线可能存在,这就使凹回转曲面外形线变得复杂

    Sometimes the outline of a concave revoluted curved surface in axonometric projection would be complicated when there are some singular points on the outline.


  • 借鉴内隐记忆研究范式,采用平面分离投影问题解决及其相应投影图的再认任务,探讨问题表征结构特征性对空间问题解决和再认水平的影响

    Sets of flat, separated orthographic projections and isometric views of the same objects were used to study the effects of structures of problem representation on the solution of spatial problems.


  • 推转项引入破坏时间反演对称性粒子角动量在内禀对称上的投影量子数已不再量子

    The cranking term breaks the time reversal symmetry, and the projection of the single particle angular momentum on the intrinsic symmetric axis is no longer a good quantum number.


  • 投影球面三角相结合求解空间角度具有精度解题迅速特点

    Axonometric drawing and spherical triangle combined to solve space Angle has the characteristic of high precision and produces rapid solution.


  • 然后当前位置应用平均值并且刀具以倾角分量0投影曲面上。

    This average is then applied at the current location and the tool axis is projected onto the surface making the tilt component 0.


  • 平面线课件主要功能用于求解各种位置两平面交线端点绘制两平面交线的正等投影三面投影

    This courseware is used for finding the position of the endpoint of two intersecting triangles and drawing the surfaces, the isometric projection of the intersecting line and three-plane projection.


  • 利用改进判断矩阵分析法计算对象属性单位坐标投影进行标准化。

    The Improved judgment matrix analytical method was used to calculate the attribute values of the objects, which was projected to the unit coordinate axis to be standardized.


  • 因此根据原则投影空间元素相对位置区分开来。

    There for, on the basis of the three principles. We can differentiate the relative location of space figure elements of axonometric projections.


  • 现在一切动产包括底板投影向上向下移动从而对的范围

    Now, to make everything movable I am going to include two shafts that the bottom plate slide up and down on thus moving the scopes.


  • 楔形投影是以过该点纬线所在平面椭球交点投影中心作中心投影

    Sphenoid projection, a projection has more projective centers which are the crossing points intersected by minor axis of the ellipsoid and the parallel planes.


  • 投影中,不同种类拖动需要区分3个,而不是两个上的移动

    In a 3d projection, a different kind of drag threshold is required to differentiate between movement in three, not just two, axes.


  • 这样投影称为测图。

    Such a projection is called axonometric projection.


  • 文章论述了如何变换投影方法圆球测图的阴影

    In this paper, we acguired a way of seeking shade and shadow of spheric surface in orthographic axonometric projection drawing by means of changing axonometric projection.


  • 导出线向量变形方程以及拉伸极射赤面投影图上位置变化计算公式。

    The purely kinematical equation for the tangent vector of a line element is derived.


  • 导出线向量变形方程以及拉伸极射赤面投影图上位置变化计算公式。

    The purely kinematical equation for the tangent vector of a line element is derived.


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