• 摔倒下去时候,抓了马桶水箱,结果盖子掉进了水箱并且破了

    While falling through the floor I grabbed the toilet tank lid, which fell into the tank and broke it.


  • 现在把马桶里面东西倒里,水流出来还有你希望找到的的进去的物品

    Now, carefully tip the bowl forward over a bucket. A few cups of water will flow out, and hopefully also the lost item.


  • 有的特别担心马桶圈的细菌大堆厚厚地铺在座圈上,马桶座圈裹木乃伊

    When someone is so concerned about toilet seat germs, they cover the seat with half a roll of toilet paper, leaving it to appear like it has been mummified.


  • 几个案例中的小男孩都想试自己厕所他们马桶座圈抬了起来不过没放稳接着马桶座圈又砸了下来

    In each case, the youngster was trying to urinate on his own and had lifted the toilet seat, only to have it fall back down.


  • 蒂娜药丸冲下抽水马桶

    She made Tina flush the pills down the toilet.


  • 当下认定它们看起来不像真的所以就如同所有只有半边脑子的人那样(,只有半边脑子),他它们冲下马桶

    He decided they were too good to be true, so, like anyone with half a brain (yes, only half) he flushed them down the toilet.


  • 牙刷放得便桶远一些,尤其飞机那种冲力很强马桶

    And keep your toothbrush away from the commode — especially the powerful flush of toilets on airplanes.


  • 想减少马桶用水量可以一个装满沙子小石子塑料瓶(汽水瓶也可以),放在水箱里。

    Minimize the amount of water your toilet uses with each flush by putting a plastic bottle (a large pop bottle will do fine) filled with sand or gravel in the toilet tank.


  • 马桶的旁边,找到了一个六角螺栓扳手了进去,开始旋动

    He crawls over to the toilet and finds an Allen bolt. He inserts the wrench and begins to turn it.


  • 导游要我们确认自己酒店落下任何财物,因为带过一些年纪大游客习惯现金马桶水箱里或者空调出风口里。

    Li asked us to make sure we hadn't left anything behind, because some of his older travellers used to have a habit of hiding cash in the toilet tank or the ventilation ducts.


  • 吓了一跳,赶紧马桶里冲掉,强装镇定若无其事了出来晚上,余惊未定地跟老公说了这件事

    I freaked out, flushed my cigarette down the toilet, gathered my composure, and nonchalantly walked out. That evening, still freaking out, I explained to my husband what had happened.


  • 但是糟的故事无疑来自Stuart Vaines,这位仁兄醉着实不轻,竟然老板塞进了马桶里。

    But the worst story must surely come from Stuart Vaines, who got so drunk he dunked his boss's head down the toilet.


  • 失败了亲爱的斯特伦克太太乔治他蹲坐在马桶上,巢穴里窥视着前方看着吸尘器袋里的东西清理垃圾桶里去。

    Your exorcism has failed, dear Mrs. Strunk, says George, squatting on the toilet and peeping forth from his lair to watch her emptying the dust bag of her vacuum cleaner into the trash can.


  • 盖茨基金会正在致力于研发无水马桶,安装这种马桶需要下水管道,而且有望人类排泄物转化成肥料燃料甚至是可用清水。

    The foundation is working to develop waterless toilets that do not rely on sewer connections - and which might turn human waste into fertilizer, fuel, or even safe drinking water.


  • 安装套中水回用系统洗涮收集起来供马桶使用。

    Install a gray-water system that collects soapy water and diverts it to the toilet.


  • 拿出一个的橡胶滚轴,马桶然后它擦拭镜子

    He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it into the toilet and then used it to clean the mirror.


  • 奇巧台盆,里装满水时,脸盆倾斜过来,水溢出到底马桶里去。

    There was an artful configuration of a sink that, when filled, could be tipped up so that its contents would spill into the toilet below.


  • 焕然一新的冲出马桶到屋外自己干。

    The now-clean cat will rocket out of the toilet, and run outside where he will dry himself.


  • 首先,确定让水位上升的砖头或者马桶清洁装置没有阀门,让它不能正确关闭;然后清除阀座周围的矿质沉淀物检查连在挡水的拉管是不是,有没有挡水阀得有轻微缝隙

    This includes removing any mineral deposits around the seat beneath the valve. Also check that the pull chain attached to the valve is not too short and holding the valve slightly open.


  • 马桶造型的杯子能装下12盎司液体,最爱饮料往里放

    This silly toilet-shaped mug ($11.99) holds up to 12 -ounces of your favorite hot beverage.


  • 每个绒毛看起来马桶”,每个“阀门”则像一个“长”,Rind

    Each fuzzy hair looked like a "loo brush," said Rind, while every spigot resembled a "small spike."


  • 不过可以欣慰Sam裤衩放在马桶里冲掉已经失去兴趣了。还是喜欢洗发液往水池里倒。

    Sam has lost interest in flushing underwear down the lavatory, I am pleased to say, but he still likes tipping shampoo down the drain.


  • 桃金娘可以常出没厕所马桶出来,以此引起喧闹来提醒人们她是多么悲惨

    Myrtle can splash water out of the toilet she haunts when she wants to cause a ruckus to demonstrate how miserable she is.


  • 试图钞票从马桶冲走发现

    He was found trying to flush banknotes down the toilet.


  • 平稳放进马桶,然后盖上两个盖子可能盖子上。

    In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.


  • 真不敢相信——我居然马桶里了!

    I can't believe it-i flushed it down the toilet!


  • 真不敢相信——我居然马桶里了!

    I can't believe it-i flushed it down the toilet!


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