• 现在知道你们急得要命、大惊小怪地要这个国玺就是玩意啊。

    Oh, now I know what this Great Seal is that there's been such worry and pother about.


  • 于是一些街头流浪儿组成了的一支侦查连队有步骤派遣他们伦敦城每家马车厂去打听,一直到他们了我所要找的这个为止。

    I therefore organized my Street Arab detective corps, and sent them systematically to every cab proprietor in London until they ferreted out the man that I wanted.


  • 险些丧命,但终于到了当年辞退那个仆人的儿子因为那个忠实的仆人,那个善良的朋友就是同父异母的兄弟找的这个小孩就是侄子

    He went back to Afghan again, and by almost risking his life saved the son of the man, whom once as a boy he sacked, because the man was his own brother and the boy he saved is his own nephew.


  • 有一次电视有关烹饪的节目,我可以这个所以书店自己的内容最多烹饪书。

    Once I was watching something about cooking on TV and I thought I could do this, so I went to the bookstore and looked for the biggest cookbook I could find.


  • 这个旅游办事处开办了实用的业务。

    The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service.


  • 一些来自这个国家各个地方学生记录下他们说话不同方式,写一个关于他们是如何根据不同的说话者调节自己口音报告,诸如此类的事情。

    Find students from different parts of the country, record them talking to each other in different combinations, report on how they accommodate their speech or not, that kind of thing.


  • 已经这个城市花好几个时间件不错皮夹克

    I've been looking for a nice leather jacket for a couple of months in this city,


  • 这个行业里,听到很多关于天赋说法,主要我们为了自己借口偷懒编造的说辞。

    In my line of work, you'll hear a lot about talent, which is an idea we mostly invented to give ourselves an excuse to be lazy.


  • 的儿子刚去世没几天,他就开始演员出演“养子”这个角色。

    He started testing actors for the role of the Kid just a few days after his baby son had died.


  • 1978年的第一个早晨开始,我至今一直遵循这个习惯,不为不写作任何借口,也不接受任何借口。

    Since that first morning in 1978, I have been following the habit to this day, not making or accepting any excuses for not writing.


  • 我们人类社会中,当一个孩子的父母因为某种或多种原因不幸去世,或者其父母病重而无法照顾自己时,这个孩子就得一个寄养家庭,尤其当他还是个婴儿或年龄较小时。

    In our human society, when a child's parents meet their unfortunate deaths for a certain reason or reasons, or its parents become too sick to look after it, this child will have to find a foster family, especially when it is a baby or at a very young age.


  • 如果这个领导不是相关领域的专家必须要一个因为这个领域了解工具对于工程师而言很重要

    If the leader is not a domain expert, he or she must find one, because in this space, understanding of tools processes an engineering matter.


  • 弥补错误的方法:一个同事,让处理这个麻烦,而你也答应以后会帮他。

    Is there a coworker who can help you wrap up the project if you agree to help on his?


  • 这个强盗确定已经发现了他要东西

    The robber felt sure that he had discovered what he sought.


  • 约翰出发,这个遥远西部一些土地

    John said that he would go ahead to scout out some land in the far west of the state.


  • 很多生意场上新手都会忽略这个因素使得他们必定要需资金

    Many business novices ignore the second part of the equation; that can doom their money quest.


  • 不过一旦了约便无限热情享受着这个过程一张合适照片(不要迷人,但也不要太苍白),把它贴自己详细介绍上。

    But once signed up, she embraced the process with enthusiasm, seeking out a suitable photo (not too glamorous, not too ghastly) and attaching it to her details.


  • 关于“捐赠誓言”(Giving Pledge)慈善运动:传播这个信息方式就是1福布斯杂志,挨着美国400富豪榜然后开始打电话

    On his Giving Pledge philanthropy: The way I got the message out was to get a copy of FORBES, look down that 400 list and start making phone calls!


  • 能否这个领域一份可在家办公的正规工作

    Can I find a legitimate at-home job in this field? - Mary Lou?


  • 一旦开始世界这个记号游戏,你就会发现他们无处不在,随时都会出来。

    Once you start to play a game with the universe to find "the signs" you will see them pop up everywhere.


  • 如果这个老板他们知道现在一份新的工作

    If the person is your boss they will now know that you are looking for a new job.


  • 当然许多初为父母的人一直到处新的不同寻常的名字——也许他们仅仅是喜欢这个名字而已。

    Of course, many new parents are always on the prowl for new and unusual names - perhaps they just liked the sound of it.


  • 这个最好还是在国民经济中——因为要是没有经济成功其他谈不上正确了

    The best place to start looking is the economyfor without continuing economic success, not much else will go right.


  • 你在这个房间吧,不能一样可以或者东西

    Look round the room and see if there's anything more I can sell or pawn.


  • 要是非常认真的看待自控,位主内的信徒,你信任他,对他说,“这个问题。”

    If you're serious about self-control, find another believer you trust and say, "I have this problem."


  • 我们有意处在这个早期阶段热烈,”补充说

    "We intentionally focused on this early phase of passionate love," he added.


  • 环顾四周看看没人人们都相继这个可怜的家伙所以我决定营救它。

    I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it, but people just kept stepping on the poor thing, so I decided to rescue it.


  • 如果管理瀑布型项目,你项目临近结束的时候需要借口这个项目转交给一个可怜

    If you are managing a waterfall project, you will want an excuse to transfer the project to some other poor guy when coding is nearing completion!


  • 说,最终它会位置的,根据这个调和系统标了红色下划线,有很多被发现的成分。

    It says finally it came to place, according to this concocted system, and I've underlined in red, very many undiscovered members.


  • 说,最终它会位置的,根据这个调和系统标了红色下划线,有很多被发现的成分。

    It says finally it came to place, according to this concocted system, and I've underlined in red, very many undiscovered members.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定