• 杰克办公楼二楼找到约翰,后者忙。

    Jack meets John in his office on the second floor. John is busy working when Jack enters.


  • 我会找到约翰·亨利然后我们清楚如何卡梅伦回来

    And you will. I will find John Henry, and then we will figure out how to get your Cameron back.


  • 即使约翰懒惰不诚实凶恶,还是可以找到渴望实现的目标,协助朝着目标去努力

    Even if John is lazy, dishonest and spiteful you can still find out what he is keen to achieve and work with him towards his goals.


  • 汤姆凯西约翰叔叔家里找到乔德一家人,看到他们也正忙于打点动身去加利福尼亚

    Tom and Casy found the Joads at Uncle John's place all busy with preparations to leave for California.


  • 2002年,加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡约翰·韦恩癌症研究所科学家认为最终找到一个免疫系统对抗皮肤癌方法

    In 2002 scientists at the John Wayne cancer Institute in Santa Monica, Calif., thought they had finally figured out a way to turn the immune system against the skin cancer.


  • 1980年暗杀约翰·列侬马克·大卫·查普曼甚至自己行为可以在《麦田里守望者》中找到解释

    Mark David Chapman, who assassinated John Lennon in 1980, even said that the explanation for his act could be found in the pages of "the Catcher in the Rye."


  • 不过约翰·德·波极其伦敦皇家马森登医院(Royal Marsden Hospital)同事认为他们找到解决问题的方法。

    However, Johann DE Bono and his colleagues at the Royal Marsden Hospital, in London, think that they have found a solution to this problem.


  • 约翰·尤加- - -很难找到一个一样帮助其他艺术家成功了,如何找到一个一样为了帮助别人而赴汤蹈火的人呢?

    It's hard to find someone as committed to helping other artists find success as him. And how can you not like someone who create things to help you set stuff on fire?


  • 这种食品大概找到完美人类膳食品”,年前把这种食品引入美国的61科罗拉多州农学家杜安·约翰

    "This food is about the most perfect you can find for human diets," said Duane Johnson, a 61-year-old former Colorado State agronomist who helped introduce it to the United States three decades ago.


  • 演讲一会儿后,约翰决定大幅度限制对轰炸希望找到一个解决争端的方法。

    After speaking for some time, Johnson said he had decided to sharply restrict the bombing of North Vietnam, in the hope of finding a resolution to the conflict.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯医学研究机构科学家们已经找到方法来使血细胞变成这种心脏细胞

    Scientists at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions have figured out a new way to morph blood cells into this type of heart cell.


  • 无论如何,罗伯特·约翰博士巴黎高能物理会议上称实验小组成员仍未找到这些(物理)事件发生证据

    However, speaking at ICHEP, Dr Robert Johnson said team members had found no evidence as yet for these events.


  • 约翰找到有经验医生

    I succeeded in finding an experienced doctor for John.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯医学研究机构科学家们已经找到方法来使血细胞变成这种心脏细胞

    Scientists at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions have figured out a new way to morph blood cells into this type of heart cell. Wikimedia Commons


  • 首先目录找到名为大学”目录,然后该目录的子目录找到名为朋友们”,最后在“ firends ”目录下找到一个名为“约翰。html”的文件

    Which first looks in the parent directory for another directory called "college", and then at a subdirectory of that named "friends" for a file called "john.html".


  • 约翰喜欢工作决定下去直到找到更好的工作。

    John did not like his job, but he decided to hang on to it until he found a better one.


  • 这项研究的结果虽然让人失望,却激发约翰爵士继续研究结核病治疗方法的激情,最终找到疗法提供了临床试验技能

    The study, although a huge disappointment, spurred Sir John to continue working on tuberculosis treatment and gave him the clinical research skills to find an approach that worked.


  • 这里约翰·刘易斯家居那里每样东西都布局合理清楚可以随便逛逛,回头找到地方

    'It's not like somewhere like John Lewis where everything has a logical lay-out and you know you'll probably be able to navigate your way back to the same spot again.'


  • 但是约翰我们可以计算方法找到尸体来说也将一次巨大的成功

    But, John, if we could find his body by your method of calculation, it would be a great triumph for you.


  • 琳达苏珊约翰丹佛那儿电视台找到很好的式作。

    Linda: Susan's going with John to Denver. She got a great job at the station there too.


  • 一类我们自己一个主题,另一类是我们知道上哪儿找到信息。——塞缪尔·约翰

    Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it. — Samuel Johnson.


  • 福特迈尔斯,这种做法是错误。 迈尔斯是《找到想要工作即便没有招聘》一书的作者,该书在2009年由JohnWiley &Sons(约翰威立国际出版公司)出版。

    Wrong move, says Ford R. Myers, author of "Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring, " (John Wiley &Sons, 2009).


  • 觉得找到的完美另一半约翰不仅喜欢所做一切接受所有缺点

    I think I have found my perfect match, John not only likes everything I do, he also accepts all my faults.


  • 约翰中介找到条手帕上面貌似和披萨相关的地图你的吗?

    Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours?


  • 飞行员约翰·布莱克本这次事故中牺牲了,尸体找到并于战后埋葬在美国。

    The pilot John Blackburn died in this accident, he's body was recovered and he was buried in America after the war.


  • 开出麻醉剂药方医生约翰·斯诺传染病开创者之一追踪大规模暴发致命霍乱的病源,最后伦敦荷区的一个抽水机里找到了。

    John Snow, the doctor who administered the drug, is better known as one of the founding fathers of epidemiology, after he traced a deadly outbreak of cholera to a Soho water pump.


  • 联邦调查局宣称约翰高蒂二世代理坐牢父亲经营纽约比诺犯罪家族的事业,可是联邦调查局始终无法找到任何罪名起诉高蒂二世。

    The FBI claim that John Gotti Jr. ran New York's Gambino crime family for his father, who was in jail, but they were never able to pin any charges on him.


  • 为了缘故为了约翰热切地希望找到

    For her sake, as well as for John's, I hoped fervently that she might still be found.


  • 为了缘故为了约翰热切地希望找到

    For her sake, as well as for John's, I hoped fervently that she might still be found.


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