• 这种对白使用不仅突出了凯瑟琳·赫本扮演角色的大大咧咧的特性,突出电影本身的荒谬幽默

    This use of dialogue underscores not only the dizzy quality of the character played by Katherine Hepburn, but also the absurdity of the film itself and thus its humor.


  • 本来剧中扮演角色然后又呢—干吗演?

    I didn't want a part in the play, then I thoughtstuff itwhy not?


  • 新的服务将会使教育联盟陷入有关自动化教育中所扮演角色激烈的争论。

    The new service will bring the educational consortium into a growing conflict over the role of the automation education.


  • SEER也同样资源管理扮演角色

    SEER also plays a role in the management of resources.


  • 用户组织扮演角色

    Users play roles in organizations.


  • 债》中“美霞”的扮演董蓉蓉剧中扮演角色

    Dong Rongrong, staring Little Meixia in the TV play 'Niezhai', is also going to play a part.


  • 这些能够业务服务需求合同扮演角色服务。

    These are the services that are capable of playing the roles in this Business services Requirements contract.


  • 忘了结论可能论点中有角色的,在这个论点没有扮演角色

    Don't forget a conclusion is anything that plays a role in an argument and in this argument, this is not playing a role in the conclusion.


  • 美国电影意味着不仅仅镜头扮演角色那样简单,她会成为一种商标

    Going to the us to make films means more than just entering a world where she inhabits characters on camera; she would become a brand.


  • 可以无形男女间的各持己见,男人对女人家庭中所扮演角色的不同看法

    They can be intangible, such as her partner's perception of her resources, and his perception of her role within the family.


  • 接下来有个故事天文学故事里所扮演角色的重要性令人吃惊不过相信很快就明白的。

    You will see it in the story that follows, astronomy play quite a significant role that might seem surprising but I am sure you will understand soon.


  • 噪音扮演角色认识他们不光建造可以容忍噪音的处理器,还利用噪音进行计算

    New insights into the role of noise are allowing them to build processors that can not only tolerate noise but actually exploit it to perform calculations.


  • 本质上讲我们正在建造(购买复用适应)能够业务服务需求合同扮演角色的服务。

    Essentially, we are building (buying, reusing, adapting) services that are capable of playing the roles in this business services requirements contract.


  • 我们看到了为什么商店组织非常重要,因为该组织中扮演角色就是允许CSR从事工作的条件。

    We have seen why the store organization is important, because playing the role in that organization is what allows the CSRs to do their job.


  • 主演亚美里卡·菲蕾拉是否其他电视剧扮演角色未知,因为正在考虑专注于其所扮演角色

    It is not clear whether star America Ferrera would be open to another series as she is considering focusing on features full time.


  • 静态注册事务管理包括向其注册所有资源管器即使资源管理器在事务分支中没有扮演角色也是如此

    In static registration, the transaction manager involves all the resource managers that are registered with it, even if a resource manager does not have a role to play in a transaction branch.


  • 其他几个这次会议上观点介绍讨论使想到总体过程的问题,以及过程在软件开发扮演角色的问题。

    The conference presentations and discussions I had with several people got me thinking about process in general and the role of process in software development.


  • 但是现在尽管当选归功于2001年西方介入,但是已经是西方势力阿富汗扮演角色最大的批评者

    But now, despite owing his office to the West's intervention in 2001, he has become among the loudest critics of its role in Afghanistan.


  • 如同传媒界工作一些人际关系方面的东西——包括我自己的经历——我可以在其中扮演角色收获经验

    If I was going to work in the media and writing about relationships—and myself in them—I might as well play the part and score the experience.


  • 如果真的想人们觉得英国人的话,你就考虑地区差异而且如果想一个话剧中扮演角色的话那就更加努力练习了。

    If you wish to genuinely fool people into thinking you're British, you want to think about regions, and work much harder than if you want to get a general picture across for a school play.


  • 基于爱尔兰另一次纾困穆迪做出了此次调整,加剧了布鲁塞尔的各国代表,对于信用评级机构债务危机中所扮演角色不满。

    Moody’s made the cut on the basis that Ireland will also eventually need another bail-out, provoking more grumbles in Brussels about the role of ratings agencies in the debt crisis.


  • 开始孩子们在玩扮演角色的游戏以及乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)如何邻里每一个小孩四处奔跑寻求冒险的。

    I started thinking about children playing make-believe, and how George Lucas was probably like every kid in the neighborhood, running around and seeking adventure.


  • 透过思想特殊媒介语言史蒂文斯诗歌一遍地热情赞颂中产阶级世界,他的诗既围绕着我们源源不断地再创现实,诗歌自身又在其中扮演角色

    Stevens celebrates the bourgeois world over and over again in a poetry that is about and itself enacts our perpetual recreation of reality through the mind and its special medium language.


  • 环境可持续性联合研究中心。(2011年220日)《对流层臭氧气候变化中所扮演角色评估》于2011年2月21日通过欧洲委员会

    JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability. (2011, February 20). New assessment of black carbon and tropospheric ozone's role in climate change. European Commission. Accessed February 21, 2011.


  • 舞蹈家,也是位歌唱家,20世纪30年代美国大萧条时期,便开始好莱坞32音乐剧其它电影扮演角色而且他继续活跃在银幕之上,直至1987年逝世前夕。

    A dancer and singer, he starred in 32 Hollywood musicals along with other films, beginning during the Depression in the early 1930s and continuing until shortly before his death in 1987.


  • 天主教在整个波兰历史扮演重要角色

    The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history.


  • 妇女们悄悄地发动反抗她们母亲们所扮演传统角色的运动。

    Women are waging a quiet rebellion against the traditional roles their mothers have played.


  • 营销部一直扮演销售部辅助角色

    The marketing department has always played a subsidiary role to the sales department.


  • 是个多才多艺演员扮演各种各样的角色

    He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.


  • 是个多才多艺演员扮演各种各样的角色

    He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.


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