• 现在打开思维然后思考分析 回忆仔细研究 深刻考虑想象形象化梦想想你的过去 现在未来自己几个问题:你现在的专长是什么?

    Now, open up your mind and just Think, Analyze, Consider, Ponder, Contemplate, Imagine, Visualize, and Dream. Think about your past, your present, and your future.


  • 然而再多一样知识就会再打开,一扇也许就是通向你梦想的门。

    However, that knowledge of one more thing opened one more door. That one more door may be your ticket to your dream.


  • 提升提升中自己无意识打开大门整合时,每个人都可能会发现自己遗留在它之内梦想

    Each may find their lost dreams within the unconscious as they begin to open the gate unto such and integrate it in ascension.


  • 我们打开思维想象,放飞梦想,为了我们梦想和目标努力拼搏成就了今天的自我。

    We opened up our minds and imagination and dreamed bigger and fought hard to reach our dream, our goals and made us who we are now so far.


  • 然后,当打开车门下车的时候,我意识到只能我自己一起分享这个梦想

    Then by the time I open the door and get out of my car I realize I'm the only one who shares that dream with myself.


  • 勇敢迎接逆境即使不能实现最初梦想打开另一梦想大门

    Brave to meet the adversity, even if the initial dream can not be achieved, it will open the door to another dream.


  • 我们必须打开心怀我们焦虑烦忧、我们的梦想和喜乐,通通带到面前。

    We should open our hearts and bring to God our anxieties and worries, our dreams and our joys.


  • 现在由于打开一个新的全球梦想层而只有24个层面

    Now and due to the recasting and opening of a new global dreamtime there are only 24 planes.


  • 学习外语甚至能够援助他们打开生活梦想门。

    Even more, the learning of a foreign language would allow them the opening of a dream life.


  • 记得颤颤巍巍地打开信件了起来:“恭喜伊拉斯谟大学录取……”当时简直欣喜若狂非常感谢英孚帮助我实现自己梦想

    I opened it tentatively, scanning the first line which read, "Congratulations, you have been accepted to Erasmus…" - I was absolutely ecstatic and I have to say that I owe a lot of my success to EF.


  • 这会轻松打开新的机会大门,让踏上梦想工作职位

    It will become easy for you to open new doors of opportunity towards landing the job of your dreams!


  • 苍白文字点燃希望,我打开我心沃野种植梦想

    I try to light your hope with my pale words. I open the window to my heart, so you can sow your dream in my fertile heart.


  • 希望梦想可以到达你微笑角角落落,可以到达你希望的最深初,可以打开机会窗户,可以走进你心灵那些连你自己都不曾知道特别地方

    I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the Windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.


  • 天真无邪形象乌云笼罩下的不祥之间对比摇摆不定,流露出诗意想法好像大门一次童年的视角梦想打开

    The contrast between the innocence of the figures and the magnificence of the ominous clouds is staggering and appeal your poetic consideration as a door reopened on childhood visions and dreams.


  • 天真无邪形象乌云笼罩下的不祥之间对比摇摆不定,流露出诗意想法好像大门一次童年的视角梦想打开

    The contrast between the innocence of the figures and the magnificence of the ominous clouds is staggering and appeal your poetic consideration as a door reopened on childhood visions and dreams.


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