• 打字噪音震得都要了。

    The noise of the typewriters deafened her.


  • 剪切粘贴比重新打字

    It's quicker to cut and paste than to retype.


  • 打字很慢而且错误百出

    Her typing was slow and riddled with mistakes.


  • 大多数办公室电脑已经取代了打字

    Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices.


  • 在上一个打字

    I'm taking a typing class.


  • 打字糟。

    My typing is hideous.


  • 办公室重重地敲打计算机键盘好像在用一部老式的手动打字

    He was in his office, battering the keyboard of his computer as if it were an old manual typewriter.


  • 夜校获得速记打字证书

    I gained a shorthand and typing diploma at evening classes.


  • 研究人员开发智能键盘提高打字准确性

    Researchers developed the smart keyboard to improve accuracy in typing.


  • 每个人都使用键盘,每个人的打字方式也不一样

    Everybody uses a keyboard and everybody types differently.


  • 愿意麦克风讲话而不是聊天室打字吗?

    Would you like to talk to me on the microphone, instead of typing in the chatroom?


  • 文字处理机打字好得,因为能让容易地输入文本

    A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and text your text more easily.


  • 饭菜送到桌子上。在那张桌子旁一直打字,直到手指肿胀指甲流血

    Meals are brought to her desk, where she types until her fingers swell and her nails bleed.


  • 如今很多大学生笔记本电脑平板电脑打字,以此来代替手写课堂笔记

    Nowadays, many college students have replaced taking class notes by hand with typing on laptop or tablet computers.


  • 森林阳光灿烂的日子,一只小兔子坐在洞穴打字机上敲敲打打。

    It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter.


  • 这一设备收集来数据可以根据不同参与者打字方式识别他们的身份,并且错误率

    Data collected from the device could be used to recognize different participants based on how they typed, with very low error rates.


  • 习惯高科技行业工作那里有很多机械设备,但是现在地方没有机械,只有打字机。

    I'm used to working in quite a hi-tech sort of industry that's got lots of machinery and everything, but now I'm going to a place that has no machinery as such, apart from a typewriter.


  • 我们坐在椅子上,她的背部得到了适当支撑,这让她感觉充满活力打字速度加快了一

    We show her in one of your chairs, her back properly supported, feeling full of energy, typing twice as quickly.


  • 关注所谓的“近距离接触”,只手靠近方向盘顶部这样司机就可以一边开车一边两个拇指打字

    It also watches for what's called "close by hands", where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time.


  • 双手靠近“智能方向盘顶部地方,方向盘套会监视所谓“附近手”,这样司机就可以一边两个大拇指打字一边开车

    It also watches for what's called "close-by hands", where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time.


  • 把我戏称为假期大部分时间都花那621打字稿上了。

    I spent much of what I laughingly call "the vacations" working through 621 pages of typescript.


  • 找到速记打字工作

    I've got a job as a shorthand typist.


  • 喜欢手写还是用键盘打字

    Do you like writing by hand or with a keyboard?


  • 生们在电脑上自由地打字及编辑。

    Students type on their computers and edit (编辑) freely.


  • 文博士的秘书两周前辞职了,他现在只能自己打字

    Dr. Rowan, whose secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.


  • 常,在纸质书上用手写笔记比在电子设备上打字更费时。

    Usually, taking notes by hand on paper books takes longer than typing notes out on digital devices.


  • 你正在开车或在街上走时,拿起手机在键盘上打字不方便,甚至很危险。

    When you're driving a car or walking down the street, it's not convenient or even dangerous to pick up your smartphone and type away on the keyboard.


  • 个人都被要求用手写字和在键盘上打字,同时戴上带有250多个电极的头罩。

    Each person was asked to write by hand and type on a keyboard while wearing a hood with over 250 electrodes.


  • 究结果表明,年轻人和儿童的大脑在手写时要比在键盘上打字时活跃得多。

    The results show that the brain in both young adults and children is much more active when writing by hand than when typing on a keyboard.


  • 个人都戴着一顶带有250多个电极的特殊帽子,并被要求手写或用键盘打字

    Each person wore a special cap with over 250 electrodes on the head, and was asked to write by hand and use a keyboard.


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