• 之后这家芬兰厂商宣布极力推动市场手机地图电子邮件市场。

    Five days later the Finnish firm said it would make a big push into two other markets: maps and E-mail on mobile phones.


  • 谷歌地图、谷歌手机地图、谷歌手机搜索、谷歌翻译2009年成为中国使用率第一相关软件

    Google Maps, Google mobile Maps, Google mobile search, Google translation in 2009 became the first usage of the related software.


  • Google高管表示他们希望具有导航能力新版Google手机地图最终出现苹果iPhone其它设备上

    Google executives said that they hoped that the new Google Maps for Mobile with navigation capabilities would eventually be available on Apple's iPhone and other devices.


  • 今天我们生活一个可以智能手机使用 GPS系统数字地图其他导航应用程序的世界

    Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones.


  • 今天我们所生活世界中,全球定位系统数字地图其他导航应用程序可以智能手机上使用。

    Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smartphones.


  • 让他拿出地图手机

    I told him to take out his map or phone.


  • 今,我们身边有了地图、GPS、手机应用软件等等这么多东西的帮助,几乎是不会迷路的。

    These days we hardly get lost with so many things around us—maps, GPS, apps on our phones, and so on.


  • 要按下手机上的一个按钮,屏幕上的地图就会告诉你去哪里找。

    Just press a button on your mobile phone and a map on your screen will tell you where to look.


  • 消费者可以使用巨大显示屏搜索店里货架调出地图然后货品信息发送自己手机上。

    Shoppers could also use the giant screen to search the store's inventory, call up maps, and send item information to their cell phones.


  • 手机移动旋转时地图景象也会随之调整显示正确的方向

    As you move and rotate your phone, the view on the map will change to show the proper direction.


  • 记住很多驾驶员没有集中注意力因为他们正在收音机手机或者地图

    Remember thatmany drivers aren't paying attention because they're listening to theradio, talking on their cell phone, or reading a map.


  • 记住很多驾驶员没有集中注意力因为他们正在收音机手机或者地图

    Remember that many drivers aren't paying attention because they're listening to the radio, talking on their cell phone, or reading a map.


  • 手机应用程序地图网站站点地图不同因为手机程序无法用户提供通向同一目的地多种途径

    Mobile app sitemaps differ from website sitemaps as mobile apps should not present the user with multiple ways to get to one place.


  • 人们正在忙着查看地图手机招呼走散的朋友*一大

    People were looking at maps, calling lost friends on mobile phones, and had crowded there, drawn by the human tendency towards collectivity.


  • 对于在线用户来说,地图航班信息提示功能受欢迎手机服务,研究还同时显示,29%的旅游者手机用作登机牌兴趣。

    When it came to online travellers, maps and flight alerts were the most desired mobile activity according to the report with 29% of travellers interested in using their mobile as a boarding pass.


  • 现今多数手机视频照片地图联系人管理基于地理位置服务实时服务的支持仍然非常差劲。

    Support for Video, Photo, Maps, Contact management, Location, real-time services via mobile are all terrible today.


  • 意味手机自动更新地图企业名录用户则再也不用升级自己的软件了。

    It means that the phone will automatically pull in the most up-to-date maps and business listings, meaning users never have to upgrade their device.


  • 我们手表相机照片,看地图找路,听晶体管收音机,而你们用一部手机可以做以上所有的事。

    We wore watches; we took pictures with cameras. We navigated with maps; we listened to transistor radios.


  • 诚然这些统计数字可能受到加载软件影响,比如Facebook谷歌地图都已经预设在了很多手机上。

    Admittedly, these statistics may be influenced by the pre-loading of apps for services such as Facebook and Google Maps onto many phones.


  • Fours quare一样可用智能手机登陆Gowalla真实世界然后这个网站地图标出你的位置,这样你好友可以知道你在哪。

    Like Foursquare, Gowalla lets you "check in" to real-world places using your smart phone, and the site plots your location on a map for friends to discover.


  • 作为手机搜索引擎Taptu搜索结果并不包含任何地图,也没有根据用户方位优化搜索结果,实在是令人不解。

    Oddly, especially for a mobile search engine, Taptu doesn't feature any maps in its search results and it doesn't seem to optimize its search based on your location.


  • 考虑到Google普通人日常生活渗透- - -无论是通过搜索地图或者安卓手机程序——涉足汽车领域也不无意义。

    Considering Google's penetration into the average person's everyday lifewhether through search, maps, or apps on Android phonesit's entry into the automotive scene almost makes sense.


  • 手机不能定位但是可以上Google地图查看特定地区记录下添加事物

    His mobile phone does not have satellite positioning, but he can use it to call up Google Maps, see what is on the map in a particular area and make a note of things to add.


  • 英国最大的移动运营商Vodafone出台Bvine项目,致力于将地图程序(Googlemap)关联手机GPS组件

    The UK's largest carrier Vodafone is coming on board with Bvine, a project which aims to link mapping programs such as Google maps to the GPS component on the phone.


  • 一个区别推迟发布手机捆绑了[gm 66nd]地图手机搜索等功能

    The difference is that the delayed devices are also packed with things like [gm99nd] maps and mobile search.


  • 平行王国Parallel Kingdom)AndroidiPhone手机最新推出的一款角色扮演游戏,其定位网络可以通过Google地图看到周围玩家做什么。

    The new RPG (role-playing game) Parallel Kingdom for Android and iPhone uses location-based networking to let you see other nearby players on a Google map.


  • 比方说,就意味着手机Bing推测用户到底搜索相关的新闻报道兴趣,还是查看与搜索词相关的地图

    This means, for example, that Bing Mobile will try to figure out if you are more likely to be interested in seeing recent news reports about a search term, or if you want to see a map.


  • 比方说,就意味着手机Bing推测用户到底搜索相关的新闻报道兴趣,还是查看与搜索词相关的地图

    This means, for example, that Bing Mobile will try to figure out if you are more likely to be interested in seeing recent news reports about a search term, or if you want to see a map.


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