• 前天彼得一家吃饭的时候,父亲提出了一个有趣的问题:“过去什么我们感到羞耻内疚遗憾的吗?”

    The day before yesterday, when Peter's family were having dinner, Father raised an interesting question, "Was there anything in our past that we feel ashamed of, guilty about, or regretted?"


  • 那么我们也无需为戈尔夫妇婚姻终结感到震惊遗憾

    So let us not feel shocked or sad about the end of Al and Tipper Gore's marriage.


  • 可以使用宽容以期达到平衡;将一切误解悲伤失望愤怒挫折遗憾释放掉

    You can use forgiving to bring balance; to release misunderstanding, sadness, disappointment, anger, frustrations or regret.


  • 不要想你事情去想发生身上的事情,担心、计划遗憾,而是要想你正在的事情。

    Instead of thinking about things you need to do, or things that have happened to you, or worrying or planning or regretting, think about what you are doing, right now.


  • 第一共舞,是第一那种感觉的人,是第一个让我吐露心底的秘密毫无悔恨遗憾的人。

    You were the first person that I had a slow dance with. The first one I 've ever felt this way about. The first I could ever tell such secrets to and never feel any remorse or regret.


  • 遗憾是,现在只有不足5%的图书布莱叶盲文版录音磁带。

    Unfortunately, fewer than 5 percent of books are now available in Braille or audiotape.


  • 非常遗憾没法非洲野鸽和大象、翻筋斗巨人穿着高跟鞋雕像一起工作

    It's regrettable that I could not work with tambourines and elephants, giants doing cartwheels, or statues wearing high heels.


  • 遗憾的是,要将某些数据比如XHTMLXML标记包含 XML文档内则比较麻烦

    Unfortunately, some data, such as XHTML or XML markup, is troublesome or cumbersome to include in an XML document.


  • 双方都坚称他们的关系维持时间,言语根本没有遗憾悔恨

    Each insisted at the time that theirs was just a minor flirtation, with few regrets or expressions of remorse.


  • 遗憾恐惧“,关键的亚里士多德诗学》中用它,定义悲剧。”

    Pity "and" terror, "these become crucial terms, the terms that Aristotle, in his Poetics, used to define tragedy."


  • 遗憾的是,没有任何源代码孤立存在的;通常它包含其它资源隐式显式相关性

    Unfortunately, no source code exists in isolation; it typically contains implicit or explicit dependencies on other resources.


  • 遗憾的是,许多设计者并没有认识指针空对象带来危害

    Unfortunately, many designers have still not learnt that the special null pointer or null object is an equally bad idea.


  • 我们那些必须依靠父母亲戚生活夫妇感到遗憾

    And we pity the couple who must share their home with their parent, let alone with other relatives.


  • 遗憾的是,具备实现一切的商业头脑品味

    Unfortunately, it didn't have the business savvy or artistic taste necessary to pull it off.


  • 遗憾是,存在使用得非常糟糕DSL实例反模式)。

    Unfortunately, there are instances of badly used DSLs (or anti-patterns).


  • 遗憾是,如果使用DataGrid诸如排序分页编辑功能不能禁用ViewState。

    Unfortunately, if you want to use features like sorting, paging, or editing in the DataGrid, you cannot disable its view state.


  • 所有女性企业家公司中,遗憾的是只有3%的公司收益达到超过100万美元。

    Unfortunately, only 3% of all women-owned firms have revenues of $1 million or more.


  • 遗憾的是,不得不已经存在已被接受术语范围进行工作(不管现有名称术语可能多么令人困惑)。

    Unfortunately, you also have to work within the bounds of already existing and accepted vernacular (regardless of how much confusion an existing name or term might cause).


  • 即使我们在给定配置下实现一定程度性能改善不能保证某种规格翻倍减半之后还能获得性能改善(遗憾)。

    Even if we observed a certain level of performance at a given configuration, a performance improvement is not always guaranteed when doubling or halving a specification (unfortunately).


  • 其他遗憾不曾上大学没有离婚选择了金钱不是自己热爱事业

    Others regretted not going to college or not divorcing sooner, or choosing money over a life’s passion.


  • 调查的人群中,将近五分之一讲述了一段错失良机的爱情故事,其次遗憾家庭有关,16%的被调查者后悔家人争吵,后悔孩提时,没有善待兄弟姐妹。

    The second most common regret involved family issues, with 16 percent of respondents expressing regret about a family squabble or having been unkind to a sibling as a child.


  • 这种情形令人遗憾因为对于X ML文档制作成pdfPostscript文件这样任务XSL - fo非常有用

    This is unfortunate because XSL-FO can be very useful for such tasks as producing PDF or Postscript files from XML documents.


  • 菲尔普斯不无遗憾说道:“原本希望以1分51秒更好成绩打破世界记录,那种情况下能游出这样的成绩我觉得不错了。”

    There was a trace of disappointment when he said: "I wanted a world record, I wanted 1:51 or better, but in the circumstances not too bad I guess."


  • 还说:“刚结束缅甸访问,缅甸的自然灾害导致了130000死亡失踪,情况悲惨,让人感到十分遗憾。”

    He added: "I'm coming from my visit to Myanmar, where 130, 000 people were killed or missing. It was very humbling and very tragic."


  • 以外我们为您选项现在存档应用服务SD其他内存遗憾的是没有选择运行这些程序没有安装内部存储器

    Outside of that, we've also got the option to now archive apps on SD card or other memory, but unfortunately there's no option to run those programs without reinstalling to internal memory.


  • 以外我们为您选项现在存档应用服务SD其他内存遗憾的是没有选择运行这些程序没有安装内部存储器

    Outside of that, we've also got the option to now archive apps on SD card or other memory, but unfortunately there's no option to run those programs without reinstalling to internal memory.


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