• 实施敏捷需要一定或者建议使用工具

    Agile does not necessarily mandate or recommend the use of tools.


  • 应该包括观点结论或者建议

    It should not include opinions, conclusions or recommendations.


  • 或者建议人们甘蓝。

    Or recommending that people eat Brussels sprouts.


  • 如果我们产品任何意见或者建议

    If you have any comments or Suggestions about our products.


  • 如果时间方便问问是否通话或者建议其它选择。

    If the time isn't convenient, ask if you could talk at another time and suggest some alternatives.


  • 不会争论或者建议各种不同计划方法虽然它们可能都有用

    Nor do I argue against or in favor of different planning methods, each of which might well provide useful perspectives.


  • 移除或者建议使用那些没有被广泛实现或者会不适当影响互操作的特性

    Remove or deprecate those features that are not widely implemented.


  • 这里输入译文希望这些方法能够帮到。如果什么问题或者建议发送邮件

    I hope this helps. Please Email me for questions or any suggestions you guys have.


  • IBM永远欢迎大家积极进行反馈因此,如果当前实现有想法或者建议请告知我们

    IBM is always eager for feedback, so let us know your ideas or Suggestions on the current implementation.


  • 如何导出建立这个项目或者建议相关联档案中的TaskMappings基础上的?

    How these get exported is based on the Task Mappings in the profile associated to the project or proposal?


  • 很多情况下等到男人们因为感情问题寻求朋友支持或者建议时,一切太晚了。

    In many cases, men wait until it's too late to ask for support or advice from their friends about serous relationship issues.


  • 有人页面浏览量辩护吗?或者建议一个替代品很想听听的意见。请随意想法发表在这里

    Anyone want to defend the pageview? Or suggest a good replacement for it? I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to post your thoughts here.


  • 重要这个研究完成样本非随机抽样并且不是广义或者建议可以预防受伤项目

    It is important to note that this study was completed on a small, non-randomized sample, and may not be generalized or suggest this program can prevent injury.


  • 或许可以分享本文拷贝给或者建议训练员教练医生谈谈所经历症状

    But maybe you could share a copy of this publication with her or suggest that she talk to a trainer, coach, or doctor about the symptoms she's experiencing.


  • 提供了将那些特定项目或者建议所包含的所有元素放置一个位置的条件,将有助于您对这些对象进行组织

    This gives you one location to put all of the scope elements for that specific project or proposal, which helps you organize these objects.


  • 礼貌某人是否需要帮助或者建议可以说CanIhelpyou? (我能帮忙吗?)

    To ask someone politely if they want help or assistance or advice, you can say: Can I help you?


  • 因此对于开始他们事业优秀杂志发表文章的中国医生来说,他们有什么特别秘诀或者建议呢?

    So what kind of practical tips or suggestions you have for the Chinese doctors who want to begin their career and try to write something to get published in the major journals ?


  • 例如也许雇主雇员口头上说或者建议如果工作努力,我们提升你的职位,并且将来你会很多优势

    For example he employer may have said verbally or suggested to an employee that if you do well we'll promote you up and you will have various advantages in the future.


  • 如果研发人员宣布已经相处办法推动汽车气垫上空气告诉集中精力某件事实践或者建议更进一步么?

    If one of your research staff announced that he had worked out a way to propel a vehicle on a cushion of air, would you tell him to concentrate on something practical, or suggest taking it further?


  • 想象一下,可以镜子里得到时尚建议或者冰箱收到购买食品建议

    Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror, or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigerator.


  • 为了充分利用我们注意力精力我们需要接受停工期或者纽波特建议的那样——“变得懒惰”。

    In order to make the most of our focus and energy, we also need to embrace downtime, or as Newport suggests, "be lazy".


  • 希尔现在额外义务提供住房相关的任何信息建议比如可以找到什么房子,或者是否有资格获得财政援助

    Shilpa now has the additional responsibility of giving information and advice on anything to do with housing, such as finding out what's available, or whether you're eligible for financial help.


  • 虽然建议可能听起来很肤浅但它触及每位癌症患者核心需求有机会过去那样生活或者更好地生活。

    While her advice may sound superficial, it gets to the heart of what every cancer patient wants: the chance to live life just as she always did or maybe better.


  • 如果美国疾病控制预防中心建议那样每周适度锻炼150分钟或者少于150分钟,你可能就不是一个极限运动员

    If you're moderately exercising for 150 minutes a week, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends, or less than that, you're probably not an extreme athlete.


  • 试着提供一些有用建议或者邀请认识下周和你一起杯咖啡或者吃顿午餐

    Try offering a piece of helpful advice or invite someone you just met to grab coffee or lunch with you the following week.


  • 果你尝试了这些建议却似乎无法放松,或者你的睡眠状态继续变糟,一定要联系你的医生或心理健康专家。

    If you try these tips and can't seem to relax, or your sleep continues to worsen, be sure to reach out to your doctor or a mental health professional.


  • 全起见,研究人员建议,我们应该比以前更少使用电脑,或者在睡觉前尽可能地把屏幕亮度调低。

    To be on the safe side, the researchers suggest that we should use computers less than before, or turn down our screens as much as possible before sleeping.


  • 你感到焦虑时,或者你想变得更好时,你可以阅读一些书籍寻找建议。我们称这些为励志书。

    When you feel stressed, or you want to become better, you may read some books for advice. We call those self-help books.


  • 概述如果没有的话可以一些或者全部建议逻辑委派其他可以直接测试

    Summary: If you have not already done so, delegate some or all of your advice logic to another class that you can test directly.


  • 同时一些方面状态存储到本地或者它们建议ITD

    Also, some aspects store state, either locally or in ITDs on the classes they advise.


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