• 它们没有在播种、收割春天秋天的时候更接近的了。

    They seldom come nearer to it than planting-time, harvesting, springtime, or falltime.


  • 即使是粪便粪便甲虫秋天落叶都有它们用处

    Even feces, dung beetles, or the falling leaves in autumn have their use too.


  • 冬天春天夏天秋天风头酒店科罗拉多冒险最佳基地

    Winter, spring, summer, or fall, the Limelight Hotel is the perfect base for your Colorado adventure.


  • 春天秋天细雨纷纷遮雾绕之时,山峰时隐时现,真是一个迷人景象

    On a drizzly day in spring or autumn, the two peaks is an enchanting landscape as they appear and disappear amidst drifting clouds.


  • 根据周日报道,阿森纳主教练阿尔塞纳•温格今年夏天或秋天俱乐部商量自己合同。法国人现在与俱乐部的合同将2011年夏天到期

    The Frenchman's current deal at the club expires in the summer of 2011, and Wenger is determined to see the young side he has assembled claim a trophy.


  • 秋天时候,他们会番茄蜜饯很多食物,还冷冻蔬菜放到罐中储存。

    In the fall, they use tomato preserves for a lot of what they cook, and they freeze and can vegetables to use in the winter.


  • 可能要秋天冬天回来。

    He mayn't come back till autumn or winter.


  • 鹿窝通常出现秋天落叶之后,也就是发情之前发情期间

    Buck scrapes are generally created after leaf-fall in autumn, which is just before or during the rut.


  • 一发现解释秋天颜色黄色橙色不是枫树漆树那样明亮红色和紫色。

    This unmasking explains the autumn colours of yellow and orange, but not the brilliant reds and purples of trees such as the maple or sumac.


  • 到了秋天他们大多是自己种的西红柿,同时他们还将蔬菜冷冻放到罐中储存,包括腌菜、番茄酱冷冻青豆香蒜酱甘蓝,为冬天做好准备

    In the fall, they use tomato preserves for a lot of what they cook, and they freeze and can vegetables to use in the winter -everything from pickles to tomato sauce, frozen peas, pesto and kale.


  • 到了秋天他们大多是自己种的西红柿,同时他们还将蔬菜冷冻放到罐中储存,包括腌菜番茄酱冷冻青豆香蒜酱甘蓝,为冬天做好准备。

    In the fall, they use tomato preserves for a lot of what they cook, and they freeze and can vegetables to use in the winter - everything from pickles to tomato sauce, frozen peas, pesto and kale.


  • 如果秋天风景照片风景画一些叶子画框上做成花边

    If you have a fall scenery photo or painting, tape leaves to the back of the frame and let them stick out as a border.


  • 秋天一种和谐的美,天空中绽放夏日未曾听闻见过的绚丽色彩。

    There is a harmony in autumn, and a 19 luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen.


  • 据英国国民托管组织的自然保育专家马修·奥茨解释说,“春天来得太早很多物种其实是个灾难,因为它们繁殖的太早,后代就容易受到突如其来寒潮降雨影响。 寒冷的冬天动物能够正常冬眠,而温暖的春天和早早到来的夏天为昆虫创造了理想的环境来大量繁殖,并进而保证了秋天果园、树林和灌木丛里各种浆果的大丰收。”

    He said that very early springs can prove disastrous for species who breed too early making their offspring susceptible to unexpected cold or wet snaps later in the season.


  • 今年秋天本来可能安静地呆纽约。”巴尔加斯。略萨先生说道,事实上有时在秘鲁,有时住在西班牙——任何写作教学需要去的地方。

    This fall was supposed to be a quiet sojourn in New York, said Mr. Vargas Llosa, who sometimes lives in Peru and sometimes in Spain - or wherever his writing and teaching take him.


  • 农民秋天春天犁田

    Farmers plough in autumn or spring.


  • 但是那天早上有着一种新生那些嫩叶从不知道冬天将要来临秋天它们敏感因而纯真

    But that morning there was a rebirth. Those tender leaves never knew the winter nor the coming autumn; they were vulnerable and therefore innocent.


  • 日历现在春天窗外完全可能冬季暴风雪,一阵夏日的酷暑秋天寒流

    The calendar says it's spring, but there could just as easily be a winter blizzard, a summer swelter, or an autumn cold snap on the other side of that glass pane.


  • 空荡夜色秋天我们面对群鸟起飞。

    Or with empty night scenes and autumn apart. We faced each other; saw birds going up and down.


  • 农夫秋天春天犁地

    Farmers plough in autumn or spring.


  • 结尾结束?大多数古代节日庆祝严寒天气的结束、春天播种秋天收获

    Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn.


  • 这款双门轿车,设计新颖,运动时尚,即使萧瑟秋天寒冷的冬日,也不会减弱它对爱车族们的强烈吸引力华贵的车型人们带来的是舒适安全和享受。

    As a stylish and sporty coupé that is just as appealing in autumn and winter months, the car brings elegance combined with rational attributes of luxury, comfort and safety.


  • 他们正在晚餐的路上之后打算钓鱼篝火庆祝一下鲍比住在尼维斯附近,今年秋天开始学前班

    They were on their way to dinner and then planned to go fishing or have a bonfire to celebrate. Bobby, of nearby Nevis, starts preschool this fall.


  • 餐桌门上装饰玉米代表收获秋天

    Used as a table or door decoration, corn or maize represents the harvest and the fall season.


  • 如果26日附近生日秋天一些来临一起合伙人串谋者似乎即将来临。

    If your birthday falls near May 26, some sort of "coming together" with a partner or collaborator seems imminent.


  • 最后教育是否仅是一现象——TCT每年秋天召开的45会议?

    And finally, is education just a one-time phenomenon: TCT for 4 or 5 days in the fall each year?


  • 燃烧灌木:一种灌木灌木植物地肤某种卫矛植物品种,叶子秋天变成鲜红色

    Burning: any of several shrubs or shrubby plants such as the summer cypress and certain species of euonymous having foliage that turns bright red in autumn.


  • 燃烧灌木:一种灌木灌木植物地肤某种卫矛植物品种,叶子秋天变成鲜红色

    Burning: any of several shrubs or shrubby plants such as the summer cypress and certain species of euonymous having foliage that turns bright red in autumn.


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