• 最好婴儿进行第七第八阵雨怀孕一个

    It is best to hold baby showers either on the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy.


  • 造成许多妇女抑郁症原因失业家庭关系破裂举债度日怀孕

    The trigger for many women suffering depression was losing their jobs, the breakdown of a relationship, getting into debt or becoming pregnant.


  • 如果马匹非常积极怀孕可能喂养颗粒饲料

    If your horse is very active or pregnant, you may also be feeding your horse grain or pelleted feed.


  • 他们大多为出生体重小于1300怀孕少于32周之早产儿。

    All these babies were less than 1300 GMS in birth weight or under 32 weeks in gestation ages.


  • 他们希望国民保健制度系统卫生部开始提醒公众延迟生育可能意味着不孕怀孕并发症

    It wants the NHS and the Department of Health to start alerting the public to the fact that deferred childbirth can mean fertility or pregnancy complications.


  • 母亲怀孕之前怀孕之中,任何事,对孩子是否血管瘤没有影响。

    Nothing the mother does or does not do prior to or during pregnancy plays any role in whether her child develops a hemangioma.


  • 一定告知医生有关你生活中的重大变化失去工作,有新的其他疾病怀孕

    Be sure to inform your doctor of major changes in your life, such as losing a job, developing another medical condition, or becoming pregnant.


  • 自体免疫系统障碍,情绪不稳定,怀孕乳妇女,使用本产品先谘询专业医师

    Consult your physician before using if you have an autoimmune conditions, or depressive disorders, or are pregnant or lactating.


  • 使用这些疗法之前,特别是如果现有一种疾病怀孕在哺乳期,要征询医生的意见。

    Before using any of these remedies, especially if you have an existing medical condition, or are pregnant or breast-feeding, check with your physician.


  • 糖尿病循环不良心脏疾病,类风湿性关节炎怀孕中,使用本产品请先谘询医生

    Ask a doctor before use if you have diabetes, poor circulation or heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or are pregnant.


  • 如果年过35岁,胎儿过大怀孕超过40VBAC对你而言仍然安全但是这些情况还是会降低自然分娩机会

    VBAC is considered safe if you are older than 35, you have a large fetus, or your pregnancy goes beyond 40 weeks. But these things do lower your chance of being able to deliver vaginally.


  • 如果名妇女怀孕期间发生某种感染风疹水痘那么婴儿在出生前可能患上白内障

    If a woman has certain infections during pregnancy, such as rubella or chickenpox, the baby may develop a cataract before birth.


  • 文件结论是婴儿儿童产妇死亡率风险母亲年龄太小已经几个孩子怀孕有关

    The document concludes that the high risk of infant, child, and maternal mortality is associated with pregnancies where mothers are too young, too old, or have already had several children.


  • 第一孩子女孩而且家里希望至少一个男孩的情况下,第二第三次怀孕就会发生堕胎现象。

    The abortions occur in the second or third pregnancy when the first child is a girl, and the family wants to have at least one son.


  • 是的试图掩盖我已怀孕事实但是也不打算在篇文章中详细描述怀孕期间事情,发布相应照片

    Well, I am not trying to hide the fact that I'm pregnant, but nor am I accompanying this article with a step-by-step account of my pregnancy and corresponding photographs.


  • 导致后果:许多人都经历过了的当飞行妇女怀孕一样类型水肿

    The result: the same type of edema many people experience while flying or women experience when pregnant.


  • 卡弗还说,有200万妇女希望推迟避免再次怀孕她们缺乏节育的方法。

    According to Carver, 200 million women wish to delay or prevent their next pregnancy but lack access to contraception.


  • 一些能够控制阻止抑郁糖尿病高血压意外怀孕药物能够引起发胖

    Some medications taken to control or prevent depression, diabetes, hypertension and unwanted pregnancy can cause weight gain.


  • 早先研究已经表明便宜剂量抗逆转病毒疗法可以减少怀孕分娩期间母亲婴儿艾滋病病毒传染

    Earlier research has shown that an inexpensive single dose of an antiretroviral can reduce HIV transmission from mother to child during pregnancy or delivery.


  • 这项实验中,怀孕处于授乳期的老鼠食用营养丰富一组则食用富含高脂肪糖类的固定的几类人类食品

    In the experiment, one group of pregnant and lactating rats consumed nutritious rat chow, while another group ate certain human foods high in fat and sugar.


  • 一项老鼠为研究对象所做的实验显示母鼠怀孕乳期食用脂肪糖类浓度过高的食物最终会导致幼鼠类似食物偏好

    An experiment conducted in rats shows that females eating diets dense with fats and sugars while pregnant or lactating ended up with offspring with similar food preferences.


  • 关键女士们她们怀孕之前宝宝出生,在帮助下达到一个健康体重

    What's key is that women should be helped to achieve a healthy weight before they become pregnant or after the baby is born.


  • 因此许多妇女怀孕期间营养不良操劳过度

    Many women are consequently underfed or overworked during pregnancy.


  • HIV病毒可以怀孕分娩母乳喂养过程中传染婴儿

    HIV infection can be passed on to a baby during pregnancy, Labour and delivery, and breastfeeding.


  • 但是没有营养FDA批准人工甜味剂怀孕可以食用

    But, the use of other non-nutritive or artificial sweeteners approved by the FDA is acceptable during pregnancy.


  • 可能需要处理一些自己根本就想不到后果——怀孕感染性疾病——这些都会造成压力

    You may have to deal with consequences you hadn't thought of (such as pregnancy or an STI), which can cause stress.


  • 然而重要,要帮助呵呵支持女性怀孕孩子保持健康的体重这样才能宝宝最好人生开端

    What is important, however, is that women are helped and supported to achieve a healthy weight before they become pregnant or after the baby is born, as this will give the baby the best start to life.


  • 59女性,就有1人怀孕分娩,每100名婴儿,有5名死于出生不满28

    One in 59 women dies in pregnancy or childbirth in her lifetime, and more than five in every 100 babies die before they are 28 days old.


  • 避免参加唤起女性怀孕流产回忆活动

    Efforts to avoid activities or situations that remind the woman of the pregnancy or abortion.


  • 避免参加唤起女性怀孕流产回忆活动

    Efforts to avoid activities or situations that remind the woman of the pregnancy or abortion.


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