• 他们彼此知根知底而不是时间花在熟识弥补关系上。

    They ought to be people who know each other well enough that they won't be tempted to spend all their time either getting acquainted or catching up.


  • 权力裂变虽一种不良现象,但通过权力调整可以减少或弥补所产生的不利影响

    Though power fission is a bad phenomenon, its unfavorable influence can be minimized and made up by power adjustment.


  • 权力裂变一种不良现象,但通过权力调整可以减少或弥补所产生的不利影响

    Though power fission is a bad phenomenon, its unfavorable influence can be minimized and made u...


  • 虽然从事第二职业起来是个外快弥补收入减少办法,但就业专家表示,人们打第二之前应该三思而后行。

    Although moonlighting sounds like a good way to earn extra income or make up for pay cuts, career experts say workers should think twice before taking on a second job.


  • 方法主要优点可以利用这种方法回避工具选取的问题弥补自己对Web服务工具技术相关知识不足

    The primary advantage of the approach is that it you can use it to circumvent tooling problems, or to compensate for insufficient knowledge of Web services tools and technologies.


  • 如果他们某些关键技巧特质上有欠缺那么可以进入异议处理模式找出一些相关经验弥补措施。

    If they say that you are lacking in some key skill or attribute then you can move into objection handling mode and point out some relevant experience or a countervailing strength.


  • 我们每个身材少有些小缺陷大家想尽各种办法弥补遮盖如果方法不对欲盖弥彰

    Each of us are more or less of the body there are some small flaws, we all tried various ways, or make up, or cover, but if the method is not, anti that motivated Oh.


  • 如今家庭财富的损失再也无法家庭主夫主妇额外收入弥补了。

    But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.


  • 阻碍这一点的一个因素父母无法没有足够时间高质量孩子相处,而是玩具游戏玩意儿之类的东西弥补这种不足

    One factor hindering this is that parents can't or don't spend enough quality time with their kids, and substitute this deficit with toys, games, gadgets and the like.


  • 这些结果可以得出清晰的结论:不能依靠站内搜索弥补“拯救”差劲的内容组织、难以寻找、以及恶劣信息架构问题

    The lesson to be gained here is clear: Don’t rely on site search to remedy poor content organization, findability issues, and bad information architecture.


  • 但是规模中,捕猎看护小狗都会遭受损失要么这些狗就增加出猎次数作为弥补——本身就需要狗付出代价。

    But with smaller packs, either the hunting or the babysitting suffers, or the animals have to compensate by increasing the number of hunting excursions - which itself carries a cost to the pack.


  • 由于周遭环境巨大变化者由于外部内部生命无法弥补缺口一个单独的个体可以裂变两个就是村上春树意寓

    It's a Murakami trope, this, the single life split in two, either through radical change in circumstance or in the gap between the exterior and interior life of a divided self.


  • 我们可以计算机漏洞描述成——也就是可以供应商所提供的补丁来弥补安全相关错误——某种抵抗能力弱化消失。

    We can also describe computer vulnerability - that is, security-related bugs that you close with vendor-provided patches - as a weakening or removal of a certain resistance strength.


  • 尽管存在无法弥补缺陷,但内部回报率仍然盛行原因在于它们要求明确说明资金成本另类回报率。

    The reason internal rate of return calculations remain popular, despite their overwhelming disadvantages, is that they do not require you to specify the cost of capital or alternative rate of return.


  • 准备讲座起草书稿能反映所知的不足,而有时弥补这些不足时,往往获得研究灵感

    Preparing a lecture or drafting a textbook chapter reveals holes in your understanding. And, sometimes, as you try to fill these holes, you get ideas for research.


  • 拥有这些财产公共事业公司可能可以肇事保险公司获得赔偿,弥补维修财产的费用

    The owning utility company can potentially recoup the cost of repairing the property from the parties involved in the accident or their insurance providers.


  • 从中而来利润也可能会再次投入建筑行业。如此的平缓收益不足以弥补金融商业不稳定性

    At the margin, the property cycles might lead to the construction of better buildings, but such modest benefits are outweighed by the accompanying financial and economic instability.


  • 发生这种情况时,病人 50%可能遭受无法弥补损伤死亡1

    When that happens, there's a 50 percent chance that your patient will suffer irreparable damage or death 1.


  • 以前恋人朋友合作伙伴可能会重新出现,同时带来机会弥补使重新获得活力

    Former lovers, friends or partners may reappear, bringing opportunities for healing in order to regenerate your energy.


  • 威尔逊粗略地指出,增加就业机会减少那些离经叛道人们数量甚至让他们来弥补这些过失。

    Stated somewhat crudely, increasing employment will reduce the number of people who might promote or even condone deviant behavior.


  • 关于研究动物人类本性很有趣事情,”黑尔,“可以帮助我们设计想出一些策略,来弥补知识上的不足。”

    "The nice thing about studying animals and human nature," Hare says, "is that it helps us design or think of some strategies that deal with our darker sides."


  • 同时早产儿幸存者必须避免其他致病的风险因素例如吸烟肥胖以此弥补我们发现风险。

    And also, for survivors of preterm births to avoid other risk factors for disease, like smoking or obesity, in order to offset the increased risk that we found.


  • SEC新的协议使得这些散户投资者以及机构投资者包括企业慈善机构等,只要购买美林证券,都将在损失获得弥补

    The SEC said the new agreement will enable retail investors, small businesses and charities who purchased the securities from Merrill "to restore their losses and liquidity."


  • 这种混合组合出现原因是因为奥马哈公立学校打算这样的方式省出2千8百万美元的经费弥补今年截至的联邦刺激基金。

    The expansion of multigrade or combination classes comes as OPS prepares to make up for more than $28 million in federal stimulus funding that ends in a year.


  • 如果老板自己过激的情绪波动做些弥补并且第二看上去“客客气气”的,罗斯,那么是在为自己昨天糟糕行为表示内疚

    If the boss attempts to compensate for his outburst by overreacting and trying to "make nice" the next day, says Grothe, he or she feels guilty about yesterday's bad behavior.


  • 如果老板自己过激的情绪波动做些弥补并且第二看上去“客客气气”的,罗斯,那么是在为自己昨天糟糕行为表示内疚

    If the boss attempts to compensate for his outburst by overreacting and trying to "make nice" the next day, says Grothe, he or she feels guilty about yesterday's bad behavior.


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