• 科学家一直都知道失聪失明提高了受损感官以外的感觉。

    Scientists have long known that deaf or blind people have heightened senses outside of their impairment.


  • 人们想到盲人失明想到我-一个站上世界顶峰

    When people think about a blind person or blindness, now they will think about a person standing on top of the world.


  • 视网膜疾病如果任其不治的话,可能引起严重视力减退失明

    Retinal diseases can cause severe vision loss or blindness if left untreated.


  • 作为一个X -连锁条件通常会影响男性脉络膜导致严重视力减退失明中年

    As an X-linked condition, choroideremia usually affects men, leading to severe vision loss or blindness in middle age.


  • 生命尽头几乎失明看见的只有:得克萨斯州上空硕大云朵”,通过放大镜一朵花。

    At the end of her life, almost blind, she saw what she could: the "mighty big clouds" above Texas, or single blooms through a magnifying glass.


  • 生命将要走尽头之时,几乎失明,能看见的只有:得克萨斯州上空硕大云朵”,通过放大镜一朵花。

    At the end of her life, almost blind, she saw what she could: the "mighty big" clouds above Texas, or single blooms through a magnifying glass.


  • 这项实验治疗一系列人类遗传性眼病铺平了道路其中包括一些世界范围内造成上百万完全部分失明眼病。

    The experiment paves the way for the treatment of a range of genetic eye disorders in humans, including some that cause full or partial blindness in millions of people worldwide.


  • 但是梵蒂冈没有似乎注意到关心,重新信教人中提到失明”的犹太人

    But nobody in the Vatican appeared to notice, or care, that the reinstated prayer contained a reference to the "blindness" of the Jews.


  • 人们必要一定失明失聪才能挖掘大脑神秘非凡力量学习适应生长

    One does not have to be blind or deaf to tap into the brain's mysterious and extraordinary power to learn, adapt and grow.


  • 这种疾病发展缓慢多数三十多岁四十出头就完全失明

    The disease progresses slowly so that most are totally blind by the time they're in their 30s or early 40s.


  • 及早地发现问题接受治疗那么就能延迟预防失明发生。

    If you find problems early and get treatment, you can delay or prevent the loss of vision.


  • 类似地7只(2.3%)宠物失明视力下降但是,其中6只狗年龄为13

    Similarly, seven dogs (2.3%) were blind or had vision loss, but six of the seven were 13 years old or older.


  • 眼部化妆品刮痕感染刺激眼睛划痕眼睛化妆品喷头导致眼睛损伤极端情况下甚至失明

    Eye cosmetics in a scratched, infected, or irritated eye and scratches from eye cosmetic applicators can lead to eye damage and in extreme cases even blindness.


  • 很难相信人会因为儿时的经历而失明失语,因而弗洛伊德的这一发现遭到来自各方面的攻击,但是找到了坚定忠实朋友

    Freud was attacked from all sides for what he discovered. But he also found firm friends.


  • 一次,结果是,埃利奥特没有失明失聪反应迟钝没有变得喜欢亵渎他人像菲尼亚斯那样但是他失去了事情优先排序能力

    And again, as a result of this, Elliot was not struck blind or deaf or retarded, and he didn't become the sort of profane character that Phineas Gage became, but he lost the ability to prioritize.


  • 很多难以想象失明失聪不能走路不能轻松地使用自己诸如此类的

    Being blind, deaf, unable to walk, or use your hands easily is something that most people cannot imagine.


  • 白内障眼睛晶状体浑浊老年人失明主要原因

    Cataracts, or a clouding of the lens of the eye, are a leading cause of visual loss among the elderly.


  • 仅仅两个街道,就有超过一半人口虚假申报失明患有精神疾病

    In just two streets alone, over half the population were falsely claiming to be blind or mentally ill.


  • 这些辐射导致短期长期视觉问题白内障失明以及各种不同类型眼部癌症

    This radiation can lead to short-term and long-term ocular problems such as cataracts, blindness and various forms of eye cancer.


  • 估计,如果定期做眼科检查,40 - 50%失明可以避免治疗的。

    An estimated 40% to 50% of all blindness can be avoided or treated, mainly through regular visits to a vision specialist.


  • 糖尿病可以导致严重虚弱致命性并发症心脏病失明肾病截肢美国由于疾病一起的死亡中糖尿病第5大主要病因

    Diabetes can lead to severely debilitating or fatal complications, such as heart disease, blindness, kidney disease, and amputations. It is the fifth leading cause of death by disease in the U. s.


  • 杉恩那样由于角膜造成的失明常见只要角膜视网膜视觉神经被损坏,就可以按惯例通过角膜复位角膜移植来治愈。

    Corneal blindness such as Shan 's is fairly common, and can be routinely treated with corneal replacements, or grafts, as long as the retina and optic nerves behind them are undamaged.


  • 例如,所可以用于治疗患有癌症糖尿病性失明黄斑变性类风湿性关节炎银屑病的受试者。

    The peptides can be used to treat subjects having, for example, cancer, diabetic blindness, macular degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis, or psoriasis.


  • 下坡速度容易轮胎石头污垢如果他们眼睛导致失明你的线索流失一棵树经常没有

    Going downhill at speed, it's easy for your tires to kick up rocks or dirt that, if they get in your eyes, will blind you and cause you to run off the trail and into a tree, as often as not.


  • 引导学习必要技能,引导盲人局部失明

    Back at guide dogs, the young dogs learn the skills needed to guide a blind or partially-sighted person.


  • 世界卫生组织85%视力障碍可以预防治愈包括75%的失明患者。

    The World Health Organization says eighty-five percent of all vision problems could be prevented or cured. That includes seventy-five percent of all blindness.


  • 症状包括四肢麻木无力失明身体失衡。

    Symptoms may include numbness or weakness in the limbs, loss of vision and an unsteady gait.


  • 症状包括四肢麻木无力失明身体失衡。

    Symptoms may include numbness or weakness in the limbs, loss of vision and an unsteady gait.


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