• 怎么走了有点伤感。

    When I asked him what was the matter he said he was sorry to be going.


  • 几个星期以前一个朋友——因为某些原因,暂且乔吧——愁眉苦脸地我问他怎么了,进退两难。

    Everal weeks ago, a friend-whom for these purposes we'll call joe-came to me with a woebegone expression on his face.


  • 怎么紧张告诉:“学期应该第四题,会考历史时间法老名字、历届朝代、发生的战事等等。”

    When I asked why he wasn't nervous, he answered, "This is the semester for Examination Set #4, the one dealing with dates, names of pharaohs, dynasties, battles, and so forth."


  • 怎么告诉一个朋友最近这些年里许许多多的一样艾滋病

    I asked how he was, and he told me about a friend of his, who, like so many in those years, had died of AIDS.


  • 自己怎么理解公开报道的”轻视“时,会回答:”对此很尴尬

    When you ask him about his self-describeddisdainfor publicity, he says: “I’m embarrassed by it.


  • 母亲过这次之后几天回过了神,到市中心朋友史蒂文喝茶聊天,怎么看待男女交往题。

    So, a few days after the chat with my mom, when I found myself downtown drinking tea with my friend Steven, I asked him what he thought about dating.


  • 有一终于开口到底怎么回事为什么这么小心翼翼地无法放开自己学习激情到哪去了?

    One day I asked them what was or, perhaps better, was not going on. Why were they so cautious and where was their enthusiasm for learning?


  • 这个时间点,无权过生活面对着人生中的转折点怎么想着自己能够干涉的生活?

    I have not had any power over them during that length of time and now that they are facing major life transitions why would I think I had power over their circumstances now?


  • 告诉一直沿着斜坡走,怎么也找不到顶楼觉得这有点诡异我问他为什么这个。

    I answered that I just kept following the ramps but I could never find the top, which I found weird, why do you ask?


  • 开车进去,这时个人出来了,到底是怎么回事,怎么如此短的时间内建起一座加油站

    I pulled into it in shock and a man came out. I asked him how a gas station could have been built so fast and he looked at me strangely.


  • 问他墙角溢水之怎么发给四个有用网址——通过它们自己轻易找到想要的结果。

    When I asked about what to do when my basement floods, they sent me to four useful sites—all of which I could have found easily on my own.


  • 方法调解团队建设起来怎么告诉说自己不屑于那些比较

    I inquired how it compared to solutions like mediation or team building, and he told me it was a totally different approach that defied comparison.


  • 怎么梅德韦杰夫回答说:“上帝卢布何时会成为全球储备货币... ...然后上帝开始哭了

    The others ask him what happened, and Medvedev replies: ‘I asked God when will the Rouble become a global reserve currencyand God started to cry.


  • 即使存在这么一位上帝怎么11m理论这样复杂事物的。

    Though if there were such a God, I would like to ask how ever did he think of anything as complicated as M-theory in 11 dimensions.


  • ……就是肤色怎么那么健康迷人

    Hmm.. I just want to ask him why his skin color is so healthy and charming.


  • 父亲当时并没有怎么特别构思制作这些玩具。制作完这个火车模型后,开始在上面着色,就从那时起,才开始好奇地那些关于这个火车头的故事。

    Father didn't think anything very much of them, but he made me a little model engine which he happened to paint blue... and, in time, I asked for some stories about my engine.


  • 男性曾经说,一次一个正在离婚朋友在一起呆了一天,后来回到妻子朋友离婚的事情弄得怎么说:“不知道,们没怎么说这事。”

    A man once told me that he had spent a day with a friend who was going through a divorce. When he returned home, his wife asked how his friend was coping.


  • 怎么知道碰到麻烦了栋楼之后,无线电通信断了

    When I asked them how they knew I was in trouble, they said that when I had gone into the building, all radio contact with me had been lost.


  • 如果有人没有晒太阳,变黑就该敲响警钟,也许们感觉怎么。”麦克科林斯说。

    "If someone was saying they hadn't been in the sun but had developed a tan, alarm bells would ring and I'd probably ask how they were feeling," says McCullins.


  • 辛德雷要点喝,递给一杯水,怎么了?

    Hindley wanted some water, and I handed him a glass, and asked him how he was.


  • 觉得怎么样?”介绍完了之后

    "What do you think?" I asked him when I'd finished the tour.


  • 怎么能够心安理得地接受自己缺陷,因为似乎比努力去改正它们要容易得多。

    I ask him how I can accept my imperfections, which seems easier than actually changing my life.


  • 前男友12毛线衫给感觉莫大侮辱,当问他怎么估算尺码时候尽然说就是按照售货小姐的推测来定的尺码。

    But I was awfully insulted when an ex brought home a size 12 sweater and, when asked how he calculated my size, said: "I just judged your width to the salesgirl who guessed."


  • 记者怎么这个国家高速列车时一脸迷茫:“从没这玩意儿”。

    A reporter asked him what he thought about the country's high-speed trains. Li gave a blank look and said, "I've never heard about them."


  • 感觉怎么宝贝?”

    "How do you feel, Schatz?" I asked him.


  • 赞成——因为最后觉得耐勒菲尔德怎么忍不住回答了,可是太太看起来对于被搭话感到生气。

    Ayebecause she asked him at last how he liked Netherfield, and he could not help answering her; but she said he seemed quite angry at being spoke to.


  • 根本艾米·本森丹尼斯·毕肖普怎么可以自己去告诉你的!

    I never did anything to little Amy Benson or Dennis Bishop, and you can ask them, they'll tell you!


  • 问他要是工作出现紧急情况怎么少数几个知道酒店名字房间如果需要可以打电话

    When I asked what happens if there is a work-related emergency, he said a limited number of people have the hotel name and room number where he is staying, and can call if need be.


  • 问他要是工作出现紧急情况怎么少数几个知道酒店名字房间如果需要可以打电话

    When I asked what happens if there is a work-related emergency, he said a limited number of people have the hotel name and room number where he is staying, and can call if need be.


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