• 不要除非真的理解因为相信所以疯狂

    Don't say you love me unless you really mean it cause I might do something crazy like believe it.


  • 不是专家但是相信同样相信人性美好所以希望能够更多的了解

    I am no expert when it comes to love, yet I am a believer of love and I have faith in the good of humanity, so I want to learn more about love and to love better.


  • 相信真诚执着。 在遥远的和陌生的地方,心灵感应,我相信爱的人一定会等归来。

    I believe the loving sincerity with persist. there faraway with not seen before place, there will be the mind respond, I believe that the loving person will wait certainly I return.


  • 相信靠为彼此着想心来维持的,一种选择看清彼此在承诺中的所经历的并不过分的小考验,不是瞬间迸发但却迅速消逝火花

    I believe in love that is sustained by deliberate kindness and the choice to see little excess testaments of love and commitment rather than indicators of a spark that has died.


  • 相信— 在离开的人时候一定要告诉他们他们。因为可能今后你就再也见不到他们了。

    I believe - you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.


  • 尽管婚前协议听起来不那么浪漫 但是威廉姆斯相信这种建议基本决定了资金的管理 "这百分百实际可行的和浪漫无关.婚前协议带来了更多确定性保护不被对方债务所累.伴侣彼此忠诚于对方.为了自己财富努力工作 的伴侣对的打算是欣赏的."

    Prenups create more certainty and it will also protect us from each other's debts. I deeply love my partner and we are devoted to each other.


  • 声称:“相信必须减少赤字不是们必须一切。”

    I believe that we have to reduce the deficit, but that is not all we have to do, ” he said.


  • 相信弥留之际,身边希望能得到上帝的给与的恩赐---在平静尊严的死去

    I believe that I will die with loved ones close by and, one hopes, achieve that great gift of God--death in peace, and with dignity.


  • 第二因为相信,会一个关于本质,的单独想法,是称作哲学的。

    And second, because I don't believe there is any single, big idea about the nature of love that I am willing to spouse as my philosophy.


  • 但是相信作为责任自由尽管往往无法彼此调和

    But I think he believed in love which is a responsibility and a freedom but not always an easy mix.


  • 相信世界上伟大的事物就是只有能够战胜仇恨真理能够而且必定能击败强权。

    I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world; that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might.


  • 个人相信可以东西觉得迷幻只是因为它们你带来的东西。

    Personally I do believe you can love things, but I guess it's a sort of loving illusive term, just because you love what they give to you.


  • 而言,那种重要,需要总体上理解就是对,神父观点不同意的地方,相信精神精神上的。

    And that kind of love for me is very important in understand in love in general. And that was my argument against the priest that somehow you believe in a spiritual love, which is pure spirit.


  • 觉得他们只是觉得内在真的相信他们真的你了。

    I guess you love them, I just don't think you really can believe inside you that they've stopped loving you.


  • 小河,“知道喜欢是因为儿子但是内心深处仍然相信她常常这样,‘要是的儿子像大多数男生一样读啊。’”

    "I know she likes me because her son likes me, " says Xiao He, "but deep in her heart, I still believe she thinks 'It would be better if my son was straight."


  • 相信卡夫卡本身,就是馈赠

    I believe it was Kafka's letters that were the real gift of love, and what was ultimately healing for the little girl was the relationship that was the balm.


  • 不敢相信不久前那以后感到对你的更增一千倍。

    I loved you some time ago; since then I feel that I love you a thousand.


  • 一个14岁的男孩这样唱道,“不用怀疑,唯一的就是,直到永远”,没有相信——没有人,也就是说除了14岁的女孩之外的任何人。

    Nobody is going to believe a 14-year-old boy when he sings, "You're my one love, my one heart, my one life for sure"--nobody, that is, except a 14-year-old girl.


  • 关心什么样相信什么——如果没有的话;如果你的邻舍你就什么也没有。

    It took me a long time to learn what that meant. I don't care what book you read or what you believe-if you don't have love, if you don't love your fellow man, then you don't have anything.


  • 从来不相信永恒的因为每天在变,一天比一天变得更加你你。

    I never believed eternal love, because my love for you is changing every day, every day becomes more love you.


  • 因此相信建立相互仁慈基础上的人类关系人类幸福至关重要的基石。

    Therefore, I believe that human relations based on mutual compassion and love is fundamentally important to human happiness.


  • 如果,你必须学会别人,变得讨人喜因此相信只要喜欢英语,英语一定会喜欢的。

    If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday, it will love me too.


  • 如此他以至相信永远在一起感情几乎持续十年

    I was so in love I was sure we could be together for ever and my feelings for him lasted nearly a decade.


  • 相信眼中的,同样苍白。悲伤吸食的血色。再会。再会。

    Then trust me, love, in my eyes, so do you. Dry sorrow drinks our blood. Adieu. Adieu.


  • 相信眼中的,同样苍白。悲伤吸食的血色。再会。再会。

    Then trust me, love, in my eyes, so do you. Dry sorrow drinks our blood. Adieu. Adieu.


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