• 夸口但是自己除了软弱以外、并不夸口。

    I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses.


  • 夸口但是自己除了我的软弱以外,并不夸口

    Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.


  • 抓起手腕,她的手腕软弱无力。

    I picked up her wrist. It was limp and flaccid.


  • 相信每个人都经历过被痛苦包围夜晚,不管这些痛苦什么,可以通过它们蜕去软弱

    I believe the painful nights that close in on all of us in some form are the cocoons from which we might shed our weaknesses.


  • 众多婚姻问题咨询中,观察痛苦婚姻经常悔改的心简短道歉软弱领域

    After counseling numerous troubled marriages, I have observed that distressed marriages frequently are weak in the domain of repentance and short on apologies.


  • 嘲笑一切兽性以外的东西,认为这些是愚蠢软弱的。

    I've taught him to scorn everything extra-animal as silly and weak.


  • 谈到自己软弱罪行时,从不会缺少题目

    When I talk with God about my weaknesses and SINS, I never lack for subject matter.


  • 十五年以来都生活这种信仰缺失软弱情绪中。因此开始饮酒继而沉迷酒精之中

    For fifteen years I lived in my weakness of unbelief, which prompted my drinking, which fueled my addiction to alcohol.


  • 假如为了而来的,假如着你,不会现在这样讨厌自己自己软弱了!

    If I had gone for love o 'you, if I had ever sincerely loved you, if I loved you still, I should not so loathe and hate myself for my weakness as I do now!


  • 将一封电子邮件发给英国《金融时报当时编辑封邮件中,刻毒而且不公平地模仿了刚刚进行的一次谈话使看上去软弱,又优柔寡断

    I once mistakenly sent an E-mail to the then editor of the FT in which I cruelly and unfairly parodied a conversation we had just had, making him look weak and dithering.


  • 渐渐地开始了解自己即使只有一个人。讨厌任何软弱形式,任何不足晃动的形式。

    Gradually, I began to judge myself the same way, even when I was by myself - I hated any sign of weakness, any sign that I was less than a rock.


  • 同样保罗他自己信息带给哥林多圣徒时说:“你们那里,又软弱惧怕,又甚战兢。”

    Likewise Paul spokeof himself in bringing the message to the Corinthians, "I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling."


  • 知道甘地(Gandhi)马丁·路德•金信念人生中,绝无软弱——绝无消极——绝无天真

    I know there's nothing weak — nothing passive — nothing naive — in the creed and lives of Gandhi and King.


  • 本书中,告诉软弱成为生活一部分

    In this book I will show you that powerlessness need not be a part of your life.


  • 记得曾经想狠狠地鼻它,但是当时了,最后只能发出软弱无力的呼噜声。

    I seem to remember that I tried to snort dismissively, but I was too cold to manage much more than a subdued grunt.


  • 如果软弱身心的整个力量她八年,也抵不上天的爱。

    If he loved with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn't love as much in eighty years as I could in a day.


  • 一直感谢提醒——一时软弱几乎毁了她的整个人生。

    She continues to thank me for reminding her of what that one moment of weakness almost cost her.


  • 如果赐福软弱祷告,那么完全献身祷的生活,祂将会何等大的事呢?

    If God has blessed my weak prayers, what will He do if I yield myself wholly to a life of intercession?


  • 那些祈祷崇拜的人,自称是上帝面前软弱犯过错的仆人,追寻着胜利成功

    I profess myself the weak and bumble servant of God, to whom I address my prayers and look for victory and triumph, and whom I adore.


  • 对于软弱性格因为性格软弱造成的悲剧,严重缺乏同情心

    I don't have sympathy for weak characters or tragedies caused by a weakness in character.


  • 或许可以问问自己:“采取行动权力基础什么是否要选择软弱?”

    You might ask yourself, "What power base will I operate from, or will I choose to be powerless?"


  • 寻求帮助的看法,软弱的、没有能力失败者”转变在从战略上分配时间,以便专注于最重要的事情。”

    Reframe what it means to ask for help from "I am a weak, incompetent loser" to "I am strategically allocating my time to focus on what matters most.


  • 夜晚,T -Bag暗处吟唱,“Tweener对付了…”Tweener坐在的地方,软弱哭了起来

    At night, T-Bag sings through the darkness, "Tweener, I'm coming for you..." Tweener sits pressed against the wall, crying softly.


  • 当然知道你们创造也是一种大胆的行为,因为你们尝试着要成为一个同谋者,你们一起,能欺骗软弱那些人。

    Of course, I know that your creating me is also bold, for you try to make me a conspirator together with you to, to deceive those who are more coward.


  • 随后又有母牛上来,又软弱又丑陋又乾瘦,埃及遍地没有见过这样不好

    And, behold, seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill favoured and leanfleshed, such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness


  • 告诉父亲软弱那些从未实践理想行为也一样软弱几乎吼着说的。

    I told him that my father was weak, and so was his world of ideal ACTS that he never performed. I was almost Shouting.


  • 告诉父亲软弱那些从未实践理想行为也一样软弱几乎吼着说的。

    I told him that my father was weak, and so was his world of ideal ACTS that he never performed. I was almost Shouting.


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