• 那么美人,”胡克嘴上糖浆似地说,“孩子们跳板。”

    "So, my beauty," said Hook, as if he spoke in syrup, "you are to see your children walk the plank."


  • 午餐粉色塑料制成正面美人的贴纸几乎每天

    It was made of shiny, bright pink plastic with a Little Mermaid sticker on the front, and I carried it with me nearly every single day.


  • 午餐最为宝贵东西之一会自豪地告诉幼儿园的每个人:“喜欢午餐盒上的美人爱丽儿。”

    My lunch box was one of my first prized possessions, a proud statement to everyone in my kindergarten: "l love Mermaid Ariel on my lunch box."


  • 发现了一家可爱的书店买了童话,《美人鱼》丑小鸭》。

    I found a lovely bookshop and bought two of his fairy tale books, The Little Mermaid and The Ugly Duckling.


  • 属哥伦比亚大学心理学教授专攻文化心理学,研究东亚人和之间的异同。

    I'm a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia, I specialize in cultural psychology, examining similarities and differences between East Asians and North Americans.


  • 在想假如结婚就要日本来,一个这样美人儿。

    I always thought: If I were not married, I'd move to Japan and marry one of these beauties.


  • 罗西眼睛睁开了,微笑着。 “妈妈,是一个美人鱼,可以像美人鱼一样的游”。

    Rosie's eyes open and she smiles.


  • 那个曾经取笑过男孩母亲抱怨班上唯一,那个才刚英语不久的女孩子儿子手中把阅读抢走了。

    The mother of the boy who teased me complained that the only Hispanic in the class, the girl who had just learned English, had taken the prize from her son.


  • 如果必须解释这种差异居住佛罗里达地区数量一定有关系或者那里的南美人的数量造成的。

    If I had to explain this difference, I'd say it has to do with the number of South Americans living in the Florida area or the number of South Americans going there to have it done.


  • 否依旧可以拿到零花钱告诉《小美人鱼》最喜爱电影,”罗西说道,“回到家后环顾一周后问道把她的玩具了。”

    'she asks if she gets pocket money and says The Little Mermaid is her favourite film,' Rosie says. 'When she came out of hospital she looked around and asked where her toys were.


  • 记得宣布进入战时状态时,正在读《美人》,说‘可怜马儿们父亲就说‘真是个傻丫头’然后鄙夷地看着

    I remember it being declared. I was reading Black Beauty and I said, 'Oh, the poor horses' and my father said,' You stupid child ', with great contempt.


  • 难道就是日思夜想,梦寐以求雷切尔吗? 难道这就是相片上身着泳装,令人赏心悦目美人吗?

    This white-haired matron at the restaurant table was the Rachel of my dreams and desires, the supple mermaid of that snapshot?


  • 已经了这美人好几了。发现自己的看法同行同行们都不同。

    Having driven the Murano for several days, I find myself falling between my male and female colleagues.


  • 共和党所刊登的一则广告上面,一个可人金发美人滔滔不绝:“花花公子派对遇到了哈罗德!”

    The national Republican party ran an advertisement in which a pretty blonde gushed: "I met Harold at the Playboy party!"


  • 高大黝黑英俊潇洒他有着修长手指性情温和——引导学会施爱情手段诡计

    He was tall and dark and incredibly handsome, with long, tapering fingers and a gentle nature - the most perfect person to instruct me first into the ways and wiles of love.


  • 美人的伟大历史其他雕塑无法比拟

    I cannot recall any other statue that has such a great history as the Little Mermaid.


  • 海水当然秒钟以后貌似有一温暖银色肌肤裹住了身体就像是穿上了美人鳞甲

    Of course the water is very cold, but after a few seconds it seems to coat the body in a kind of warm silvery skin, as if one had acquired the scales of a merman.


  • 发现第二个肿块早晨马拉把她条腿塞进她的尼龙紧身裤的条裤腿里,一一跳的跳进厨房,对:“来看啊,传说中的美人!”

    The morning after we found her second lump, Marla hopped into the kitchen with both legs in one leg of her pantyhose and said, "Look, I'm a mermaid."


  • 但丁•阿利吉耶里语言学校门口道别,起脚尖了吻说了句“再见了,亲爱的小美人。”

    She left me at the Dante Aleghieri language school with a tip-toed kiss and a "Ciao, bella."


  • 梦幻岛所以午餐后冲到那里去。美人城堡前面

    I wanted to go to Fantasyland, so we rushed there after lunch. In front of Sleeping Beauty Castle.


  • 扮演美人》中的奥劳拉公主时,必须控制自己面部表情、因为奥·劳拉公主的脸很多

    I have to contour my face when I play Aurora from Sleeping Beauty because my face is much rounder than hers.


  • 资历工作经验使成为这个工作的完我的性格非常适合一位女服务员。

    Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job, but my personality is well suited to working as a waitress.


  • 有一次海角上,望见一个美人鱼骑海豚背上

    Once I sat upon a promontory, and heard a mermaid, on a dolphin's back.


  • 罗宾汉那会不错装饰勇敢的诺曼美人

    Robin Hood: a very fine decoration it will be, my bold Norman beauty.


  • 注意盗取数据美人论坛发整顿社区重新招聘社区管理人员固顶帖子

    I note that the stolen data in the months to rectify false Mermaid forum community. Recruit community management staff, the total jacking message.


  • 知道灰姑娘美人浪漫爱情理想更愿意一遍遍重温劳拉怀尔德之间爱情故事

    I knew the romantic ideals of Cinderella and Sleeping beauty, but it was the love story of Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder that I returned to again and again.


  • 知道灰姑娘美人浪漫爱情理想更愿意一遍遍重温劳拉怀尔德之间爱情故事

    I knew the romantic ideals of Cinderella and Sleeping beauty, but it was the love story of Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder that I returned to again and again.


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