• 一个已经补丁事件正在寻求出售任何可能手段

    I have an event that I already have patches being made but am looking to sell by any means possible.


  • 正在寻求扩大活动影响方法,而且看到一些相关规划紧密结合机会

    I am looking for ways to amplify the impact of our activities and I see some opportunities for bringing related programmes closer together.


  • 正在寻求解决方案,或许可以尝试通过一个socket连接解决这个问题, 希望不是很大

    I'm looking into ways to remedy this, including perhaps by offering an alternative socket connection. But, don't count on it!


  • 虽然正在最大努力寻求不甚明了财务自由状态,但是到现在为止这些债务很难做到以上这些

    Starting so far in debt to begin with makes it difficult to do these things, though I'm trying to put my best foot forward in my quest for the elusive state of financial freedom.


  • 正在寻求可靠的、一步个脚印方法来重建失去信任认为方面欧洲债券有什么帮助

    Are looking at real, realistic step-by-step measures that we can use to gain back the trust that has been lost, and I do not think that euro bonds would help us in this. "It's?"


  • 国家正在寻求伊拉克采取新的战略——请求大家一个机会,使之发挥效力。

    Our country is pursuing a new strategy in Iraq - and I ask you to give it a chance to work.


  • 一点非常建议避免正在采取捐赠寻求帮助支付东西

    One thing I highly suggest you avoid is taking donations or asking for help to pay for things.


  • 目前本人正在寻求一个机会可以在一家有名公司展现的所学所得。

    Presently I am investigating new opportunities in which to apply my education and experience with a well-established company.


  • 其实,布正在寻求兼职确保收入,就像告诉的:“这些帮助秋实现未来。”

    In fact, Brenda is looking for a second job to ensure, as she told me, "the money is there to help Rachel with her future."


  • 请注意的是通常意义上的焦虑焦虑症患者。如果正在遭受应激惊恐反应恐惧症的折磨,请参考篇文章,或寻求专业人士帮助

    Note that I'm talking about ordinary anxiety, and not about anxiety disorders. If you suffer from panic attacks or phobias, read this useful article, or get professional help.


  • 正在一位教授学习梵文实际上只是读经寻求开悟此征求所需的指引请问当如何?

    I am studying Sanskrit under a professor, but really I am only reading scriptures. I am in search of self-realisation and I came to get the needed guidance. Kindly tell me what am I to do?


  • 只要提示身边如果正在寻求企业连接世界各地专业人士坚持叽叽喳喳,如果你社会朋友脸谱

    Just one tip from my side, if you are looking to connect with professionals from the corporate world go stick to twitter if you looking for social friends go to facebook.


  • 知道公司正在寻求合格的人才加入这个专业团队非常希望得到这一职位

    I understand that your company is seeking a qualified individual to join your professional XXXXXX team and I would like to put my self toward to this position.


  • 正在寻找份工作,不仅能够更多地发挥才能而且满足自己不断寻求挑战的愿望。

    I am looking for a job more suitable to my talents and that can satisfy my desire to be constantly challenged.


  • 正在不断地努力改善自己不变地寻求完美

    I am continually striving to improve myself, constantly seeking perfection.


  • 教育领域3工作经验正在寻找工作,不仅能够更多地发挥才能而且满足自己不断寻求挑战的愿望。

    I have Three years experience in the education field. I am looking for a job more suitable to my talents and that can satisfy my desire to be constantly challenged.


  • 教育领域3工作经验正在寻找工作,不仅能够更多地发挥才能而且满足自己不断寻求挑战的愿望。

    I have Three years experience in the education field. I am looking for a job more suitable to my talents and that can satisfy my desire to be constantly challenged.


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