• 他们畅谈的学校生活,欣赏美丽的日落。

    I talk about my school life with them and enjoy the beautiful sunset.


  • 他们适用于媒体主动世界里的一个而且认真地看待它,越觉得你会欣赏更多

    They Are for all of us in a mediactive world, and the more you hope to be taken seriously, the more I hope you’ll appreciate them.


  • 虽然他们欣赏管理旗舰基金整体衍生品风险方面所付出劳动,但奖金基于那个规模较小的交易账户的业绩。

    While they appreciated the work I did managing the overall derivative risk for the flagship fund, my compensation was based on my smaller trading account.


  • 个人经验使得出这样的结论:所有人都需要时间放松(评价欣赏他们生活许多美好事物)。

    Personal experience leads me to conclude that all people need to take time to smell the roses (evaluate and appreciate the many good things they have in their lives).


  • 个人经验使得出这样的结论:所有人都需要时间放松评价欣赏他们生活许多美好事物)。

    Personal experience leads me to conclude that all people need to take time to smell the rosesevaluate and appreciate the many good things they have in their lives).


  • 个人经验使得出这样的结论:所有人都需要时间放松(评价欣赏他们生活许多美好事物)。

    Personal experience leads me to conclude that all people need to take time to smell the roses ( evaluate and appreciate the many good things they have in their lives ) .


  • 喜欢欣赏一个朋友时希望他们能够分享情感使的友谊因此而更加深厚牢固

    While I love and appreciate every single one of my friends, sometimes I wish they share some of my passions, so we could bond over them.


  • 艾耶会面构思了一项计划询问每位为之摄影哲学家另外三个他们欣赏哲学家名字

    After my meeting with Ayer, I devised a plan to ask each philosopher I photographed for three names of philosophers they admired.


  • 非常欣赏科学家们创造力他们测试八哥乐观悲观,测试灌丛草甸田鼠情景记忆,测试老鼠欢乐

    I really enjoy the ingenuity of scientists testing optimism and pessimism in starlings, episodic memory in scrub jays and meadow voles, joy in rats.


  • 喜欢交谈但是为了点钱就非得装傻假装欣赏他们戴的领带几个钟头几个钟头地拍他们马屁

    I love talking to people, but to make any money you really have to act stupid, admire their tie, massage their ego for hours.


  • 不是这么回事已经失掉了欣赏他们毁灭能力懒得去做无谓破坏了。

    It is far from being the case: I have lost the faculty of enjoying their destruction, and I am too idle to destroy for nothing.


  • 常常作家学者谈起他们欣赏作品,探讨他们而言什么样文学作品可称之为优秀

    I have been talking to writers and academics about their favourite works and what, for them, makes good literature.


  • 即使欣赏他们作品比如说演凯文·斯密斯,不想需要知道每天生活点点滴滴。

    Even if I enjoy their work (e.g. Kevin Smith), I neither want nor need to know the minutiae of their daily lives.


  • 说:“志愿工作者的热情和第一一样高昂他们每天笑容满面,让觉得他们欣赏自己的工作。”

    "The volunteer spirit is as high now as it was on the first day," noted Cobb. "they are smiling every day and I think enjoying what they are doing."


  • 由衷敬佩他们积极的生活态度尤其欣赏他们那开朗的精神状态。

    Contagiously, I couldn't help admiring them for their positive attitude toward life, especially their optimism.


  • 总是欣赏攀岩者的自信安详优雅认为正是培养了好的攀岩习惯他们拥有这样的素质

    I've always admired rock climbers' confidence, serenity, and grace, and it's my theory that it's developing good rock climbing habits that instills these qualities in them.


  • 很多方面来说,欣赏斯科尔斯吉格斯这类的球员,所以也像他们一样做好自己的本职工作,别人需求时帮助他们

    I'm probably like Scholesy and Giggs in many ways, so I'm always there if people have got anything to say or ask.


  • 认为欣赏员工工作能力,而不是他们性别

    I feel he appreciates his employees for their work, not their gender.


  • 总是想要引领人们欣赏新的音乐意味着带领他们旅行

    I always want to be in a place where I can turn people on to new music. That means you take them on a journey.


  • 尽管喜欢欣赏一个朋友有时希望他们能通过分享热情,并因此而和他们粘合在一起。 。

    While eI love and appreciate every single one of my friends, sometimes I wish they share someof my passions, so we could bond over them.


  • 一部分角色,”,“交流美国人民多么欣赏肯尼亚人民,并且他们非常珍惜美国肯尼亚伙伴关系。”

    "Part of my role," he said, "is to communicate how much the American people appreciate the Kenyan people and how much they value the partnership that the United States has with Kenya."


  • :“孩子剧院里来回跑动家人很难欣赏电影的情节,如果他们电影没有兴趣的话,可以他们不要在那儿吗?”

    "My family is having a hard time watching the film with your children running all over the theater," I said. "Do you think if they're not interested in the movie, you could keep them out here?"


  • 欣赏那些幽默因为他们感到开心放松

    I appreciate the people who are humourous, because they can make me feel happy and relaxed.


  • 觉得小孩子往往任何人更能欣赏现代绘画他们观察到的东西更多

    I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more.


  • 还是比较欣赏切尔西——那种俱乐部精神,以及那种他们打破两支球队垄断方法

    I've always enjoyed Chelsea - the spirit in the club and the way they've broken the top-two monopoly.


  • 啊,容易批评身边亲近的人,但是那毫无保留的赐给,好使他们知道多么欣赏他们

    It is so easy to criticize those close to me; but Lord, give me Your unreserved love so that they may know how deeply I appreciate them.


  • 杰克逊·波洛克:[关于批评]如果人们仅仅只是画的话欣赏他们不会遇到任何问题

    Jackson Pollock: About his critics - If people would just look at the paintings, I don't think they would have any trouble enjoying them.


  • 已经Samba团队演示了这些更改,得到了其他Samba核心开发人员赞同他们他们欣赏这些想法

    I've shown those off within the Samba team, and got approval from other core developers of Samba to say that they like the ideas.


  • 馂“欣赏鹿角他们烦恼原因。”

    I admired my antlers, but they are the cause of my troubles.


  • 馂“欣赏鹿角他们烦恼原因。”

    I admired my antlers, but they are the cause of my troubles.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定