• 突然一连串想法出现脑海中最终成功解决了这个问题

    Suddenly a train of ideas came across my mind and finally I managed to solve this problem.


  • 最终这个想法成为公司文化甚至是一个笑话,就像,“打扰一下,需要一下测试的内容。”

    Eventually, the idea became part of the company culture and even a company joke, as in, "Excuse me, I need to go read about testing."


  • 并不是暗示如果遵循以上步骤,你最终想法接受。

    I'm not implying that if you follow these steps, the idea that you ultimately propose will or should be accepted.


  • 但是最终为了使“伤口”愈合,不得不面对自己真实感觉想法

    And yet, in the end, these were the feelings and thoughts I had to look at in order to heal.


  • 并不是暗示如果遵循以上步骤,你最终想法就能接受。在《FastCompany最近发表的片文章写到:steveJob默认答案no”。

    I'm not implying that if you follow these steps, the idea that you ultimately propose will or should be accepted. a recent article in Fast Company reports that Steve Jobs's "default answer is no."


  • 一旦放下困惑那些想法生活中的各个方面眼里现在都变成了最终通向成功重要成分

    Once I let go of the idea that I was trapped, I saw every aspect of my life as an important ingredient in the eventual success of my vision.


  • 几个小时致力这个想法上,最终产生第一件摄影数字艺术融合的作品认为,相当让人满意

    I devoted several hours playing with this idea and eventually I had my first art piece which balances photography with digital arts, I think, quite good.


  • 如果法律制定最终导致迷失了宝贵的东西,已经到了尽头

    But if the formulation of law eventually renders us lose our most cherished values, I think the law has gone to its end.


  • 学会这些消极想法晾在一边,积极思考我最终成功戒烟。

    But when I learned how to squash negative thoughts and think positive ones instead, I succeeded.


  • 虽然那天球场想法一股脑儿说出来,经过不停反思我最终还是闭住了嘴巴。

    Although I really wanted to give him a piece of my mind that day on the field, I managed to keep my emotions in check and my mouth shut.


  • 根据一行程序所崇尚简明精神希望参阅“One -liners 101”,以获得有关一perl脚本一些最终想法

    And in the spirit of conciseness that one-liners inspire, I'll refer you to "one-liners 101" for some closing thoughts on one-line Perl scripts.


  • 霍华德·舒尔茨一辈子认识多少过“也曾有过那种想法”、“早知道是这样或者差点就成功了,我最终还是放弃了。”

    Howard Schultz: How many people have you met in your life who have said things like, "I had that idea", "I knew about that", or "I was so close but I gave up".


  • 最终就造成现在这种情况,对跟冲突要死,一门心思维持和平局面,结果很多想法都对伙伴封闭了——情感交流的渠道堵死了。

    The result is that I am scared to death of conflict, and try to "keep the peace", but I end up holding back a lot of my feelings from my partner.


  • 有时客户不错想法需要细节最终执行

    Sometimes the client has a very good idea of what they want, but need me to work out the detailing and final execution.


  • 一眼看到直到最终完成,这这始终最主要想法

    It has been a main idea of the space from the first sight and till the completion.


  • 告诉关于对于这部电影最终想法,还有看上去种什么感觉?

    Can you tell me something about your original ideas for the film and how would it have looked like?


  • 最终教室里,举手示意起来老师说出想法

    Once in the classroom, I raised my hand and stood up to speak to our teacher.


  • 开始一张草图基础想法工作方式最终产品一个数字杰作

    I start with a rough sketch based on your idea and I work my way to the final product, a digital masterpiece.


  • 最终2 - 1完成别墅正如观看突出心中一个战术涂鸦想法运行箭头脑袋

    Eventually it finished 2-1 to Villa and as I watched the highlights my mind was a tactics board, scribbling ideas and running arrows in my head.


  • 按照这个想法进行分工最终大家共同努力晚会取得了成功

    I carry on the division of labor according to this idea, end the party obtained success under everyone's joint effort.


  • 最终告诉了真相,她一直挥之不去一个想法这个微不足道的想法改变了一切

    Eventually, she told me the truth. She was possessed by an idea. This one very simple idea that changed everything.


  • 如果遵循一种风格借鉴最终使用这种想法创建自己风格

    If I am to follow a style, it is for study and eventually I will use the idea to create my own styles.


  • 前面种种形式细致考虑认为最终有助于理解画家想法作品主题

    The detailed consideration in various forms above, I think it can be helpful for us to comprehend the artist Zhang's concept and the topic in his works.


  • 但是真的认为目前普通大众蔓延认为自己一定能够股票投资想法导致最终灾难

    However, I do believe that widespread public belief in the inevitability of profits from investment in stocks will lead to eventual trouble.


  • 最终意识虽然三种基本因素促进想法被理解接受,但是这些因素是其他一切的基础。

    As I came to realize, though, there are three foundational elements to getting your ideas understood and appreciated, elements that underlie everything else.


  • 最终意识虽然三种基本因素促进想法被理解接受,但是这些因素是其他一切的基础。

    As I came to realize, though, there are three foundational elements to getting your ideas understood and appreciated, elements that underlie everything else.


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