• 过去一周左右的时间里,无所事事到处闲聊

    I must say I've been doing a lot of sitting around and chatting over the last week or so.


  • 一个下雨天下午无所事事寻找哪些东西含有发现的那些化学物质。

    So on one rainy afternoon, I was bored and was looking for something that contained the chemicals I had identified.


  • 年轻时候那些充满阳光长长的下午无所事事,也无怕惧,只因为知道,在生命里一种永远的等待

    When I was young and basked in the sunshine in those long afternoons, I was occupied with nothing and had nothing to fear. Because I knew that in my life there is an eternal waiting.


  • 正要无所事事地旋弄拇指

    I'm just going to be hanging around twiddling my thumbs.


  • 只是说要是出去辆车成天无所事事的话,他可能就要去一份工作了。

    All I said was if he didn't get out and start selling a few cars instead of idling around all day, he might find himself looking for a new job.


  • 开启了舞蹈生涯,不是因为自己跳舞,而是因为妈妈厌烦看到放学无所事事到处晃悠

    My dancing life began not because I wanted to do it, but because my mother was sick and tired of seeing me running around after school doing nothing.


  • 天,当从学校回来时,发现爷爷正静静地坐在椅子上,无所事事

    One day, when I came back from school, I found my grandpa was sitting quietly in a chair, doing nothing.


  • 既然一切都无足轻重、毫无意义,是不是无所事事什么也不要了?

    Does that mean I should sit around and do nothing if it all meaningless and purposeless?


  • 甚至小鸟蜜蜂都在忙着工作作为一个人,应该无所事事感到羞耻。

    If even the bees and birds were so busy at work, then I, a human being, should be ashamed of being idle.


  • 反对那些无所事事捐钱,”声称

    "I'm opposed to giving people money for doing nothing," he declares.


  • 打算林惇去世使养尊处优无所事事

    I'm not going to nurture her in luxury and idleness after Linton has gone.


  • 公司生日派对初次认识电影上班一条虫》里——影片中,公司里那些无所事事的员工尴尬围着蛋糕,对老板单调唱着“生日快乐”。

    My first glimpse of an office birthday party was via the movie Office Space, when the corporate drones stand awkwardly around the cake and singHappy Birthday” to their boss in monotone voices.


  • 每当在很段时间里无所事事的写作也变得沉闷无趣。

    Whenever I've been inactive for a long time, I become inactive in my writing.


  • 可以坦诚没有单纯为了事业如果唯一动机那么还是无所事事比较好。

    I can honestly say that I have never gone into any business purely to make money. If that is the sole motive, then I believe you are better off doing nothing.


  • 而且最重要的家人朋友需要睡觉,大段的睡觉,没是和一样整无所事事的瞎晃悠。

    My family and friends are all asleep at night, and I don’t know anyone locally who’s up all night and isn’t working.


  • 然而认为给的工作量很大,大多数来说即使单调的工作无所事事好受

    I think, however, that provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness.


  • 现在周六下午漫无目的无所事事时,就感到一种同样无助刺痛。

    Now, when I'm lounging around aimlessly on a Saturday afternoon, I feel a twinge of that same helplessness.


  • 订购膨胀螺栓今天送到又是这种事情,现在只好无所事事的等待,得爬了。

    My shipment of bolts didn't arrive today, again, and now I have to waste all day not climbing.


  • 建议大块空闲时间时候开始对于无所事事冬日周末可以算是一项很好的活动

    I suggest having a good chunk of time set aside before even starting. This is a perfect activity for a winter weekend day where you don't have much going on.


  • 思想就是王国生活得充实快乐不像游手好闲无所事事

    My mind to me a kingdom is, and it furnishes me with abundant and happy occupation in lieu of your restless idleness.


  • 母亲说:“不会想要每天无所事事人们记录片的。”

    I said to my mother, "You don't want to make a documentary about everyday people doing nothing."


  • 那些青少年农民们非常的留恋,除了大米种大米,他们无所事事”,和世界各地的其他青少年一样

    I was fascinated by the teenagers, who are farmers, and just hang around. When they harvest and grow the rice, they have nothing to do, like teenagers all over the world.


  • 回到城里无所事事工人集市搭建旋转木马,然后火车站

    I went back into town and idled the time away watching the workmen putting up the carousels for the fair, then cycled towards the station again.


  • 曾经一上网IRC无所事事地挂着——电脑还在运行的IRC客户端也在运行呢。

    I've also been idling in IRC for as long as I had Internet - when my PC is running, so is my IRC client.


  • 无所事事忧虑那些沮丧完成工作和一些将要向老板汇报的事情

    I would sit around and stew about all the things that made me upset, all the work I didn't accomplish, the things I'd like to say to my boss.


  • 最恼火工作却看到其他人坐着无所事事

    There is nothing more irritating than seeing other people sitting about doing nothing when I'm working.


  • 最恼火工作却看到其他人坐着无所事事

    There is nothing more irritating than seeing other people sitting about doing nothing when I'm working.


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