• 可以采摘所有的苹果拿去卖。

    You can pick all my apples and sell them.


  • 一阵风暴卷走一切都拿去劈开睡眠抢走的梦。

    Sweep me away like a stormtake everything I have; break open my sleep and plunder my dreams.


  • 由于公司曝光率能见度的增加,必须认识到会有更多人所说的拿去认真琢磨

    As the company has had more exposure and visibility, I have had to realize that more people take what I say seriously,” he says.


  • 这边满怀敬畏那些伟大艺术家说的是们,让们更现实一点:作品可能今天一说明天马上就画廊展出。

    I speak here not of great and accomplished artists, for whom I hold great awe, but for you and me, whose work, let's face it, will not soon be given a gallery show.


  • 有时候因为催稿关系,即使自己不是满意拿去付梓了,”从这点也看出市场对于刘慈欣作品的持续需求

    Sometimes I have to allow the publishing even if I'm not too happy with my work," implying the perennial demand of the market on his time.


  • 可以它们拿去明天每天需要,”海蒂回答好不犹豫的同意要求

    "You shall have it all, to-morrow and every day, I do not want it," replied Heidi, giving ready consent to his demand.


  • 杰瑞德:真高兴今天不必跟那些可怜虫一样,把所有血汗钱都拿去买不实用礼物

    Jared: I'm glad I'm not one of the poor souls who spent his whole paycheck on some impractical gift today.


  • 很遗憾没有……但是可以采摘所有苹果拿去

    Sorry, but I don’t have moneybut you can pick all my apples and sell them.


  • 随着榜样离开了这间屋子;但是马上又出现了手中捧着打的书,他将它们扔凯瑟琳的怀里着:“!”

    He followed my example, and left the room; but presently reappeared, bearing half a dozen volumes in his hands, which he threw into Catherine's lap, exclaiming: 'Take them!


  • 在所的财物看见美好的示衣服,二百客勒银子,一条金子重五十舍客勒,就贪爱这些物件,便拿去了。

    When I saw in the plunder a beautiful robe from Babylonia, two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them.


  • 可是最好还是帮它手套扇子拿去——要是找到的话

    But I'd better take him his fan and gloves — that is, if I can find them.


  • 记得让人棉花柳条编织的沙发中抽出来,好人重新弹一下,结果出来一看,竟完全的。呃,不!

    I remembered that when I had the cotton removed from a wicker sofa so that it could be re-fluffed, it had turned out to be completely dark.


  • 拿去以前破产知道一个不能养活家人是什么滋味

    Take it. I've been broke before, and I know what it's like when you can't feed your family.


  • 真的时候这么大堆废物:咳,得可以出版啦,要是把信摆在主人面前,你以为有什么想法呢?

    A fine bundle of trash you study in your leisure hours, to be sure: why, it's good enough to be printed! And what do you suppose the master will think when I display it before him?


  • 就是说常常要从空白屏幕开始从头编码,当代码达到数万之后才能销售。

    What this means is that I start with a blank screen, start coding, and, a few tens of thousands of lines of code later, I have something to sell.


  • 一年期满时,客房衣柜里就挂满了十二个月穿过衣服这些衣服了。

    After a year has elapsed, the guest bedroom will contain a bunch of clothes I have not worn for twelve months. I’ll take these things to Goodwill.


  • 这件衬衫

    I'd like to have this shirt washed and ironed.


  • 考虑确信东西还要拿去而且迭代短,他们需要频繁地重测,可不想放弃自动化测试

    Given that I'm convinced things need to be retested, and that the shorter the iteration the more frequently they need to be retested, I'm not willing to give up on automated tests.


  • 5的。拿去改改尺寸吧,完事儿了再还给

    I wear a size 5. Get it sized and give it back to me when you're ready.


  • 希望终有酿酒能和把它做成点心一样流行

    It is my hope that it will become as popular to ferment as it is to turn into a crumble.


  • 怅,羞愧再差遣天使来把钥匙同时应许以后决不敢掌管风的钥匙了。

    Bewildered and ashamed, I looked up and prayed that the Lord would send His angel yet again to take the key; and for my part I promised that I would never want to have it any more.


  • 询问一下上网一下附近提供了哪些服务,可以那些无法放在路边物品拿去回收设施,物品如油漆、汽车流体、玻璃将要被运然后放下在回收站。

    Look online and then see what is offered nearby. I can take items to the recycling facility that I can't put on the curb.


  • 可是一回一点没有得到好处;下来的衣服牢的红眼睛阿义了。

    Even the clothes stripped from him were taken by Red-eye, the jailer.


  • 不过如果声音拿去了,”人鱼,“那么还有什么东西剩下呢?”

    "But if you take away my voice," said the little mermaid, "what is left for me?"


  • 如果了名,然后看到拿去易趣卖,那你回家的时候床底下等你

    No.2 if I sign something for you, and if I see it on ebay, when you go home, I'm gonna be under your bed.


  • 如果了名,然后看到拿去易趣卖,那你回家的时候床底下等你

    No.2 if I sign something for you, and if I see it on ebay, when you go home, I'm gonna be under your bed.


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