• 称为”,称为“货物”;不说你“谋杀”,而说“根除”。

    I do not call you a "man", but a "cargo"; I do not call you "murder", but "eradication".


  • 擎天柱这个信息传给各个星球避难汽车在这里等你们

    I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: we are here, we are waiting for you.


  • 学校都是向老师举报那些爱欺负同学,如果愿意可以您的情况告诉老师

    We are told at school to report bullies to the teacher.If you like, I will tell my teacher about you.


  • 没有暖和衣服伊斯坦布尔的时候多余的衣服回家了,所以三个村里衣服

    I have no warm clothes as I sent all mine home way back in Istanbul, so three of us head off to rent coats in the village.


  • 开始怀疑是否只是感到遗憾,所以好心地加入外出计划中,因为孤身一

    I start to wonder if he just feels sorry for me and is including me in his plans out of kindness, because I'm on my own.


  • 这种麻醉状态不仅法庭起了作用,而且还使看到好像当成另一个爱过渴望,一个熟悉不是的那么一个

    The anesthetic functioned not only in the courtroom, and not only to allow me to see Hanna as if it was someone else who had loved and desired her, someone I knew well but who wasn't me.


  • 这种麻醉状态不仅法庭起了作用,而且还使看到好像当成另一个爱过渴望,一个熟悉不是的那么一个

    The anesthetic functioned not only in the courtroom, and not only to allow me to see Hanna as if it was someone else who had loved and desired her, someone I knew well but who wasn`t me.


  • 名作家年轻拉到一边:“如何写作,但是不能教会你成为一名伟大的作家。”

    The great author took the young man aside, saying, "I can teach you to write, but I cannot teach you to become a writer."


  • 不要一个在那儿他们不许要埋到一丈二的地里,教堂身上,可是不会安息除非在一起。

    I'll not lie there by myself: they may bury me twelve feet deep, and throw the church down over me, but I won't rest till you are with me.


  • 认识一个告诉是从帖子找到那些地图的,换个方式这些地图出来非常的困难。

    One person I know even told me how she depended on my post to find the maps, as she had a tough time seeking them out in other ways.


  • 最后天早晨故意他们屋里,可是不知道怎么两次跟着走了出来

    Twice did I leave them purposely together in the course of the last morning, and each time did he most unaccountably follow me out of the room.


  • 首歌容易回想起:甜蜜爱情什么样的“身在远方坚持每日写信所有的爱毫不保留的送给。”

    This song is a simple reminder of how sweet love can be: "And then while I'm away, I'll write home every day, and I'll send all my loving to you.


  • 告诉你们”,泪水喉咙里咽了下去。“爱上了一个可是已经结过婚了”,哽咽了。

    "I have something to tell you," I said, the back of my throat tightening with tears. "I'm in love with someone... and he's married," I choked out.


  • 坚信应该生活旅程中学到东西拿出来和分享篇短文就是为了一点。

    I'm a firm believer in sharing knowledge that you learn along the journey of life, which is why I am writing this post.


  • 自从家中带走随着其他数以万计犹太被带到这儿以来,已濒临死亡,只能算一天,活一小时算一小时

    I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews.


  • ,“仍然记得其中一个合伙拉到一边知道成为暑期助理固然但是要沉住气。”

    She says, "I still remember one of the partners taking me aside and saying, 'You know, being a summer associate is all well and good, but take a deep breath."


  • 说,所有铁锹完了,可后来又在后找到了于是一些抢着要买铁锹。

    I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it.


  • 丈夫父母商店一个留在家

    One day, my husband went to shop with my parents, leaving me alone in the house.


  • 自己打扮得一点也旅行者而是纽约穿着差不多,希望能显得和那些其他的外地与众不同,并成为好奇对象

    I dressed not like a tourist, but like my regular New York self, which I hoped would peg me less as an outsider than as an unusual outsider, an object of curiosity.


  • 记得棉花柳条编织的沙发中抽出来,好拿去让重新弹一下,结果拿出来一看,竟完全的。呃,不!

    I remembered that when I had the cotton removed from a wicker sofa so that it could be re-fluffed, it had turned out to be completely dark.


  • 从没附近看到什么并且这个地方仙境一样,不能想象这么垃圾扔在那儿

    I never see anyone else in the vicinity, and the place is such a wonderland that it's hard for me to picture someone purposely leaving their garbage lying around.


  • 最近看到过一些有关JSON用于保密数据讨论而且不是清楚有多少了解其中的风险

    I saw some discussion recently about using JSON for secured data, and I'm not sure that everyone understands the risks.


  • 说,如果没有拉过来当制片肯定这样电影

    I never would have made this movie this way, I'm certain, had he not been a producer.


  • 母亲独自辛辛苦苦弟弟拉扯大,没有父亲的情况长大,但是们一样不缺。

    My mother struggled to raise my younger brother and me on her own; in one way or another we always got by without our father. We had what we needed.


  • 得知单亲妈妈,努力维持生计之前教堂赠与了一家

    Our former church gave it to my family, knowing I'm a single parent trying to make ends meet.


  • 得知单亲妈妈,努力维持生计之前教堂赠与了一家

    Our former church gave it to my family, knowing I'm a single parent trying to make ends meet.


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