• 打开——。“现在,”接着说,“看吧。”

    I opened itit was very short. 'Now', I continued, 'read it.


  • 打开,不禁深吸一口气看到里面是一项链,上面带钻石坠儿

    I gasped as I opened it and saw a gold necklace with a diamond pendant.


  • 打开心脏取出里面电子管修补一切,然后原处。大功告成后能像新的一样运转

    I open its heart, take the valves out, repair any damage, and then put them back in, and when I finish, it works just like new.


  • 到了下边一级台阶碰到电源开关打开座安了十个红灯大型吊灯架让地下室里一片红色

    At the bottom of the stairs my hand met an electric switch. I turned it, and a great electrolier of twelve red globes flooded the cellar with a red light.


  • 那瓶辣根其实不是绝对的刺鼻但是打开第一次闻到的时候,立刻皱起鼻子因为这种甜和发霉的味道混在一起实在不喜欢了。

    The jar of horseradish I buy isn't overly strong, but when I open it for an initial sniff test, it definitely has the nose-wrinkling combination of sweet and musty that I so dislike.


  • 开始摇上车窗,但是抓住车门,把打开

    He started winding the window up but I grabbed the door and opened it.


  • 第二天早上重新打开电脑时,告诉一个文件已经损坏Windows无法加载

    The next morning, when I turned my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load.


  • 抢走钱包打开满满的然后还给

    He grabbed my purse, opened it and stuffed it full, then gave it back to me.


  • 暖气已经被关掉了,已经打开了。

    The heating's been turned off. I've turned it on again.


  • 不顾一切勇敢地去抓住这时身后扇窗户打开,一位先生的声音里面传出来,:“这儿来。”

    I was just getting desperate enough to brave all the shame, and to seize it, when a window behind me was raised, and a gentleman spoke out of it, saying: "Step in here, please."


  • 拿起钱包,打开

    I picked up the wallet and opened it.


  • 停止了教学,打开

    I stopped teaching and opened it up.


  • 爸爸看着请柬,没有拿起,“现在打开看吗?”

    My father stared at it without touching it. "Should I open it now?" he asked.


  • 起脚尖伸手摸索着打开厚重

    On tiptoes I reached up and opened the heavy door.


  • 打开相机快门捕捉过的飞行路径。拍了几分钟然后合成一张图片

    I left the shutter open to capture his flashing flight path, freezing minutes of time and action into a single image.


  • 如果一个圣诞礼物从不打开,你感到失望,而且这个礼物是没有价值,因为没有打开礼物不能给带来好处

    If you gave me a Christmas gift and I never opened it, you would be disappointed. And it would be a worthless gift because I don't receive the benefit of a gift I never opened.


  • 上次试过,一季开播时,男子气概根本打开电视的机会。

    'And last time I checked, my manhood won't even let me turn the TV on when new episodes of that show air.


  • 如果邮件收到份电子名片只需要双击,就可以打开然后添加通讯录里面。

    If I get a vCard attached to an email message I simply double-click it and it is opened and added to my AddressBook.


  • 打开车库大门的时候,惊起飞蛾。当伸展开翅膀时,可以看到一条鲜红色的“尾巴隐藏斑杂的棕色翅膀上。

    As I opened the garage door, I startled a large moth, which, upon spreading it's wings, displayed a bright red "tail" hidden by the motley brown wings, more a "butterfly" than a moth.


  • 直播现场打开卡梅伦先生;“最好不要善意地提醒道。

    "I'll unwrap it here on live radio," Mr Cameron said; "you might not want to," she helpfully replied.


  • 打开车库第三扇希望能帮助逃离

    I raised the third-car garage door in hopes of aiding it's escape.


  • 相当兴奋于能力设计,同时打开眼界更好

    I was rather amazed I was able to design this and opened my eyes to try to do it even better.


  • 一旦黑屏什么都不能重新打开所以转而用起了2002年电脑

    Once it got blank there is nothing I could do to turn it back on. So I switched to my old computer which I bought in 2002.


  • 打开菜单按钮后好几开始工作

    I often needed to wait for seconds when I clicked on a menu item before it ran.


  • 看看是否那边打开但是没有看到光滑了,不能上面去。

    I went round to see if it was open on any side, but saw it was not, and that there was no climbing up to the top, as it was so smooth.


  • 爸爸看着请柬,没有拿起,“现在打开看吗?”

    My father stared at it without touching it.


  • 伸手打开开胃小吃来着,满嘴都是薯片。

    I reach for the bag of potato chips we opened for hors d’oeuvres and fill my mouth with a few of them.


  • 伸手打开开胃小吃来着,满嘴都是薯片。

    I reach for the bag of potato chips we opened for hors d’oeuvres and fill my mouth with a few of them.


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