• 生活充实的,不是被杂乱东西充斥的。

    I want a life that is fulfilling rather than filled to the brim.


  • 每天早晨起来阳光就是要的生活

    Every day morning when I get up, you and sunshine are both here, this is I want to lives.


  • 怎么从来没有做过一个单一步骤让自己要的生活吗?

    How come I never made a single step to live a life that I wanted to live?


  • 什么生活知道看见别人幸福羡慕

    What is me to want of life, I also don't know and see other people of happiness I will envy.


  • 黑夜寂静中,黑暗永恒舒适的掩护下,开始生活

    In the stillness of the night, blanketed by the never-ending comfort of darkness, I would begin to dream about the life I wanted to live.


  • 说起回到那个空荡荡的。他问自己:“就是生活吗?”

    He talked about going home to the empty house. He asked himself: 'is this the life I want?


  • 知道实现人生目标要的生活唯一不能缺少的就是自信

    I know the only way I am going to reach my goals and live the life I want to live is to be confident.


  • 意思是:每天早晨起床的时候,阳光就是要的生活

    Every day morning when I get up. you and sunshine are both here, this is I want to lives.


  • 现在实现要的生活,就因为按照意愿设计自己的生活按照这个设计了。

    My life is what I've always wanted it to be, because I designed it to be that way and worked to make that design come true.


  • 尽管继续面对来自家庭亲戚社会巨大压力,但已经拥有更多空间选择我想要的生活

    I have a lot more Spaces and choices to live the type of lifestyle I want although I still continue to face an extremely high pressure from our family, relatives and society.


  • 还是一个青少年时,记得床上哭泣因为无法拥有生活——有篱笆小屋,婚姻孩子

    As an adolescent of maybe ten or eleven, I remember crying in bed because I never thought I'd be able to have the life I wanted - the picket fence, the marriage, the children.


  • 7个步骤帮助创造要的生活绝不容易,这不同于杂事,尽管已经努力因为一直听从内心的声音。

    This has by no means been easy. I've worked very hard, but it hasn't been a chore, because I've always followed my heart.


  • 怎样的生活实现的。相信人所做的一切努力为了更好生活,都是为了自己所希望世界里努力地实现的生活

    Can live, by the people to achieve. I believe in all the efforts are aimed at a better life, are designed to be able to live in their desired world. I will work to achieve what I want life!


  • 自己村庄里非常封闭生活所以觉得我想要出去施展一下身手。

    I led a very confined life in my village so I suppose that I wanted to spread my wings.


  • 坚信,以教育目的异国生活对于提高语言能力体验不同文化学生来说有利的。

    I firmly hold the view that living in another country for education purpose is advantageous for students who want to increase their language skills and experience different cultures.


  • 距离上个暑假北京见面已经过去很久了,非常了解学校生活学习情况。

    It's been a long time since we met in Beijing last summer holiday, and I am eager to hear about your life and study at school.


  • 非常烦恼因为所有专家都在忙于讨论哪种选择最好时候,那些改善生活的人却这些相互矛盾的信息得一头雾水。

    This upsets me to no end because while all the experts are busy debating about which option is best, the people who want to improve their lives are left confused by all of the conflicting information.


  • 助父母过上更好的生活正是我想要的

    To help my parents live a better life is exactly what I want.


  • 他们看似可是事实上没有一项可以和创造生活我想改变比拟。

    They seemed important but in truth none of them were as important as the life I wanted to create, the changes I wanted to make.


  • 想要一个简单一点生活

    I wanted a simpler life.


  • 如果必须得到如果,它们不能出现在生活中。

    I must get what I want, when I want it; and I must not get what I don't want.


  • 一旦辨别自己情感隐藏在情感背后开始慢慢看到想要拾快乐生活改变一些东西

    As soon as I could identify my feelings and the thoughts behind, I slowly started to see what aspects of my life needed change for me to be happy again.


  • 现在勇气自己要的生活,过自己最好生活不能完全确信那些对于他们的生活一样说出同样的话。

    Right now, I have the courage to life a life true to myself and what I think is best for now, and I'm not entirely sure those people can say the same about their lives.


  • 她们充当着各种想要或者可以成为的强有力榜样,如压阵生活教练、激励者以及坚定提醒者。

    They have served as powerful role models, anchors, life coaches, motivators and firm reminders of who I am and what I can become.


  • 没有去追求所向往生活反而生活而奋斗。

    But instead of chasing the life I dreamed of, I kept chasing the one I didn’t want.


  • 认清自己按照内心要的生活的时候,生活开始改变,成功随之而来

    It wasn't until I began to work on my inner life and know myself that my life changed. Success really does begin within.


  • 经常生活放弃自己要的东西所以才有了现在的积蓄,觉得只是自己要的东西给了别人,但是同时个吝啬的人。

    I constantly sacrifice my wants in life to get where I am at financially and feel as I am just giving my sacrifices away but I don’t want to be stingy either.


  • 这本是出于希望通过生活哲学影响广泛的读者群希望他们过上自己生活

    I was inspired to write the book by a desire to impact a much wider audience with my philosophy for life and also living the best life you can.


  • 这本是出于希望通过生活哲学影响广泛的读者群希望他们过上自己生活

    I was inspired to write the book by a desire to impact a much wider audience with my philosophy for life and also living the best life you can.


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