• 莫明就喜欢自从认识起,的一举一动深深的每一个细胞里。

    Beat I like you, since to know you, your every move is deep in my every cell. Waiting for you to love me.


  • 喜欢上网课,因为“班上”一个学生,可以花更多时间去学习。

    I prefer having classes online because you can spend more time learning when you're the only student in "your class".


  • 像“自己”,“自己的双脚站立”,或者面对某些行为招致后果时,母亲喜欢说的一句话:“既然已经了床,上面吧。”

    "Make your own way", " Stand on your own two feet" or my mother's favorite remark when I was face-to-face with consequences of some action: "Now that you've made your bed, lie on it."


  • 喜欢活动因为非常简单容易将它之朋友如果生活美国可以很轻松加入其中并感到乐趣

    This is one of my favourite campaigns because its very simple, easy to tell friends about, and if you are living in the us, easy to join in on the fun.


  • 见到说完“喜欢了!” 一下拥抱在一起

    When I met Benigni, he said, I love you! and jumped into my arms.


  • 喜欢这份指引的一个地方没有直接开始说如何发掘自身的热情想要人们先了解他们自己为什么认为重要的呢?

    One thing I love about the guide is that you don't dive into Discovering Your Passion straight away, you want people to discover themselves first. why do you think that's important?


  • 建议医改这样的医改,如果喜欢医生,那么保留的医生;如果喜欢你治疗方案,那么保留的方案。

    Under the reform I've proposed, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor; if you like your health care plan, you keep your health care plan.


  • 当然也可以选用自己喜欢颜色在这里选择选择的蓝绿色渐变

    Obviously the choice colour palette is down to you, but here I'm using a mix of green and cyan.


  • 喜欢这份指引的一个地方并没有直接开始说如何发掘自身的热情想要人们了解他们自己

    One thing I love about the guide is that you don’t dive into Discovering Your Passion straight away, you want people to discover themselves first.


  • 喜欢交谈但是为了点钱非得装傻假装欣赏他们戴的领带几个钟头几个钟头地拍他们马屁

    I love talking to people, but to make any money you really have to act stupid, admire their tie, massage their ego for hours.


  • 因此,打开窗户了亮话,“如果喜欢的话,希望现在说实话,拒绝”,但是没有这样做。

    As soon as I opened the door to him, I said, "If you don't like me, I'd rather you just said so now and turned away", but he didn't.


  • 如果喜欢前门上用一些装饰性玻璃警报公司控制板安装看到地方不然嘿嘿,警报器见多了,设置起来简单

    If decorative glass is part of your front entrance, don't let your alarm company install the control pad where I can see if it's set. That makes it too easy.


  • 一个夸口勇士,”希刺克厉夫回答,“可是还不至于因为喜欢伤害受尽折磨,能有多久受多久。”

    You are a boastful champion, 'replied Heathcliff;' but I don't like you well enough to hurt him: you shall get the full benefit of the torment, as long as it lasts.


  • 毕竟年轻时,喜欢一首歌:《的生活,干什么干什么!》它所传达的信息可不是让乖乖听父母话的。

    After all, when I was young, one of my favorite songs was called "it's my Life and I'll Do What I Want!" Not a message that would encourage you to cooperate very much with parents or school!


  • 二十西红柿知道这么一样喜欢东西。拌意粉

    It's twenty jars of tomato sauce. That was the only thing I knew that you liked. For spaghetti.


  • 但是那些小事——上周那家餐厅什么或者甚至到底喜不喜欢那家餐厅(是哪一家,叫什么名字来着?) ——有时候溜走了。

    But it's the little things--what I ate last week at that new restaurant or even if I liked that new restaurant (speaking of which, what was its name?)--that sometimes slip away.


  • 后来发现聪明,所以最后成了朋友。 当得知父亲喜欢时,感到很可笑

    Once he realised I was clever, it was fine and we were great friends, but it is a funny beginning to know that you're disliked by your father.


  • 困扰时间最后告诉他们如果喜欢别看

    It bothered me for a long time, but finally I just told them, if you don't like it, don't look at it.


  • 老师那种要不的规矩,要不消失的这种态度但是还是非常喜欢的风格,因为总是非常有趣

    My teacher has a“my way or the highwayattitudebut I still like him because his class is always interesting.


  • 二十西红柿知道这么一样喜欢东西

    It's twenty jars of tomato sauce. That was the only thing I knew that you liked.


  • 因此,从今天改变思想因为喜欢:改变,不是口头说说而已的改变,直到思想改变了,才是真正的改变。

    So reprogram your mind today, as I like to say, change, isn't change, until your change.


  • 书中关于查尔斯·巴贝奇(Charles Babbage)故事喜欢十九世纪二十年代发明了计算机概念,而真正的计算机却是一个世纪之后出现的。

    I like your story of Charles Babbage, who in the 1820s basically invented the concept of computer a century before anyone, including him, could make one.


  • 汉默斯坦不喜欢他的大作。 “但是如果知道为什么那么糟糕,”他安慰道,“告诉。”

    "But if you want to know why it's terrible, " Hammerstein consoled the young man, "I'll tell you."


  • 汉默斯坦不喜欢他的大作。 “但是如果知道为什么那么糟糕,”他安慰道,“告诉。”

    "But if you want to know why it's terrible, " Hammerstein consoled the young man, "I'll tell you."


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