• 最好一个固定时间比如刷牙之后)。

    Do what works for you, but however you go about it, it's good if you have a trigger (such as, "right after I brush my teeth").


  • 梳头,把刷牙工具拿给,让刷牙

    He also help me to comb my hair, give me all of the tools of brushing your teeth, I brush my teeth.


  • 刷牙睡觉前都会笔记本写下项待办事宜。

    Before I brush my teeth for bed, I write my top 10 list down in my trusty notebook.


  • 天深夜,正在洗漱准备上床睡觉,艾莉走卫生间,手里拿着学校发小册子,站在门边看着猜想肯定喜欢刷牙样子

    Late one night, as I'm getting ready for bed she comes to the bathroom door and watches me brush my teeth. For a moment, I think I must be brushing my teeth in a way she doesn't approve of.


  • 看到电视男孩牙齿受到严重损伤因为喜欢但是经常刷牙

    One day, I see from the TV that a boy's teeth get hurt badly because he likes to eat candy but doesn't brush his teeth often.


  • 以前也有过这种感觉觉得即使是合法日常行为香蕉刷牙),也是犯罪。

    I've had it before, the sense that even in the course of my most legitimate and daily actionspeeling a banana, brushing my teeth—I am trespassing.


  • 譬如说观察份有关中学生大学生健康行为调查后,发现一个孩子是否肥胖最佳预知方法刷牙

    For example, in looking at survey data on the health behavior of middle and high school students, the factor I found that best predicted whether or not a kid was obese was tooth brushing.


  • 开始感到这样有点麻烦后来成为日常生活习惯,就每天刷牙一样自然。

    For the first two days this felt like a slight hassle, but in time it became a part of my daily routine, as instinctive as brushing my teeth.


  • 有关童年最早记忆刷牙仰望开裂天花板

    My earliest memories from childhood are of brushing my teeth and of looking up at a cracked ceiling.


  • 儿子了,眼下开始进行如刷牙学习

    My son is three years old; he is learning to use the potty and brush his teeth at the moment.


  • 一天洗澡刷牙冷水,”写道,“太难以忍受了”。

    "Every day, I showered and brushed my teeth using cold water," she wrote. "It was unbearable."


  • 孩子举例来说,他们早餐自己洗澡刷牙穿衣服早上通常只要一催就准备好自己的东西。

    My kids, for example, can make themselves breakfast, shower and dress themselves, brush their teeth, and generally get themselves ready in the morning with only minimal prompting from us.


  • 哟这个级别警官如果没有得到上司许可,也没权让上厕所齿

    Ranking officers like Moyo would not grant me permission to visit the toilet or brush my teeth without approval from their superiors.


  • 然后刷牙了,回来猫咪,高,撞倒了废纸正拖着扔掉的小毛毯在玩仿佛世界上让它兴奋小猫玩具

    I went to brush my teeth. When I came back, my cat, cow, had knocked over the wastebasket and was playing with my baby-blanket scrap like it was the most exciting cat toy in the world.


  • 今天早上突发奇想地觉得左手刷牙有利于大脑的清醒。于是牙刷换到左手。

    Today, I found out that brushing your teeth with the opposite hand stimulates brain activity in the morning.


  • 到了对面一家时尚的学生酒吧,在厕所脸盆里刷牙时招来奇怪目光但是必须刷牙了。

    I've just been in a trendy student bar opposite. I received some funny looks inside the men's lavatory for brushing my teeth in the sink, but needs must.


  • 其他怪兽常,“兰道夫怎么刷牙;兰道夫,你咋这么,”一般都无视它们

    Some of the other monsters say things to me like, "Randolph, why don't you brush your teeth, or Randolph you're too fat," but I just ignore them.


  • 每晚刷牙并用牙线——知道许多每天清晨刷牙清新口气晚上睡觉懒得刷牙用牙线洁牙。

    Brush and floss Your teeth every Night - I know so many people who brush their teeth every morning to kill bad breath, but get lazy and forget to brush and floss their teeth before bedtime.


  • 今天女友电影深夜正舔的火热,大概有10分钟老爸来说:“儿子太晚了,刷牙了。”

    Today, me and my girlfriend were watching a movie late at night. I went down on her, and about 10 minutes into it my dad walks in and says, "Son, it's late, you should brush your teeth.


  • 的习惯包括刷牙洗漱间,洗个热水澡一会书。

    Mine involves brushing my teeth, going to the bathroom, taking a warm shower and reading a little.


  • 8:今天女友电影深夜正舔的火热,大概有10分钟老爸来说:“儿子太晚了,刷牙了。”

    Today, me and my girlfriend were watching a movie late at night. I went down on her, and about 10 minutes into it my dad walks in and says, "Son, it's late, you should brush your teeth."


  • 一个儿子牙刷温水刷牙远离卫生署神奇的时装

    I use one of my son's old toothbrushes and warm water to brush away the doh in fantastic fashion.


  • 而言,只要澡、刷牙穿上休闲装就能精神焕发。

    For me this is just taking a shower, brushing my teeth and putting on casual clothing.


  • 而言,只要澡、刷牙穿上休闲装就能精神焕发。

    For me this is just taking a shower, brushing my teeth and putting on casual clothing.


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