• 时候出门吃饭都要手提包里一个勺子

    In the earlier days of my arrival, I use to put a spoon in my purse, whenever we used to go out to dine.


  • 里米已经看到第一阶段成果:“感觉身体来的时候棒了。”

    Leandro is already seeing the first fruits of his labor: 'I am felling much better physically than I did when I first arrived.


  • 好吧不过来的时候买衣服其它一些物品花了太多的钱。现在只能付房租了。

    Not really. But I spent too much on clothes and things when I first arrived. All I can afford.


  • 是啊得很相似来的时候你们谁都长得一个样儿,非常分别。

    Yeah, we all look alike to you. Just like when I first came here, I saw that everybody looked like each other. It was so hard to recognize people.


  • 是呀熟悉地方有时心里不安我刚来的时候知道怎么乘公共汽车,一次差点走丢了。

    Ll: Yeah, it can be very disconcerting when you are in an unfamiliar place and don't know the drill.


  • 呀,不熟悉的地方有时心里不安我刚来的时候知道怎么乘公共汽车,有一次差点走丢了。

    Yeah, it can be very disconcerting when you are in an unfamiliar place and don't know the drill.


  • 是过了时间之后发现迫使自己健身房锻炼40分钟然后离开时候我刚来的时候感觉精神地

    It took me a long time to notice that I'd drag myself to the gym, work out for forty minutes, and leave feeling far more energetic than when I went in.


  • 休斯顿时候希望不会离开了但是明白篮球商业一面

    It was my hope when I came to Houston that Iwouldn’t leave, but I do understand this is the business side ofbasketball.


  • 美国时候不认识什么只有一个在当锁匠表亲只能替打工。

    When I came to America, I knew hardly anyone, only a second cousin who was a locksmith, so I worked for him.


  • 时候他们告诉不能这么因为他们说是个火灾隐患

    When I first came around here, they told me that I couldn't do it because they said it was a fire hazard.


  • 时候不得不关上办公室门,昏厥分钟缓缓神。 从我刚来公司就有这个习惯,而且保持得很

    Some days I need to close my door and faint for a couple of minutes to set things right, a habit I’ve been pursuing since I was new to the corporation.


  • 6年前这里上班时候大多数电话孩子家长来的

    'When I started six years ago most of our calls were made by parents about their children,' she says.


  • 战俘营时候认识任何人只有格拉夫在一起。

    I did not know anybody when I came to this camp, only Graf was with me.


  • 梅尔·伍德最后一天了,悲喜交加,就跟来的时候一样百感交集

    It was my final day at Melwood and I felt a mix of sadness and excitement as I arrived for training.


  • 时候表现达到最佳米兰俱乐部提高很多

    I wasn't in the best form when I arrived, but I have improved a lot at this club.


  • 中国时候常常跟团旅游现在发现自助有意思

    When I first came to China, I usually took package Tours but now I've found Do-It-Yourself Tours are more interesting.


  • 刚来基金会时候管理172笔拨款没有严格管理。

    When I came into the foundation, I had 172 grants I was working on. There weren't the people to do the rigour.


  • 维埃拉对此印象深刻:“知道一个球员英格兰时候多么困难适应新的生活环境是很花费时间的,”维埃拉

    "I know how hard it is when you come to England, it does take time to get used to your new life and surroundings," said Vieira.


  • 广州时候不明白为什么每逢重要节日国旗

    First time when I came to Guangzhou I was wondering why always I see national flag every where during some important festivals.


  • 其他作为对手也和他们过手,当刚来时候队友们,工作人员他们帮助很大

    The others I had played against but everyone has made themselves available, my team-mates, the technical staff, which is important to me to adapt.


  • 这边时候花了时间适应厨房里那些只到大腿的台面沙发对于说是用“蹲”的而不是”的。

    When I came here, ittook a long time to adjust to kitchen counters that hit memid-thigh and couches that I have to crouch on rather that sit on.


  • 阿杜是的而且挺难过的。时候甚至连没有足球都没有,日子难熬。

    Adu: Yes and sad, I didn't even have a ball when I first came I didn't even have a soccer ball, so it was hard.


  • 史蒂夫布莱克(开拓者)、卡尔德隆(梦龙)…觉得nba的时候在比赛里甚至从未想过投篮这件事。

    Your Steve Blakes …before it was your CalderonI considered him when he first came into the league a "pure" point because he never looked to shoot.


  • 这里时候这里的方言口音很习惯,很快适应了

    I didn't understand the accent when I first moved here but I quickly got used to it.


  • 一看见大吃一惊可能了,然后才回过告诉:“他们来的时候已经换过了用于泼水的才是衣服。”

    Once he saw my surprise may and I splashed water on fear, and then return to absolute being told me: "when they have changed clothes for water, but this is his clothes."


  • 一看见大吃一惊可能了,然后才回过告诉:“他们来的时候已经换过了用于泼水的才是衣服。”

    Once he saw my surprise may and I splashed water on fear, and then return to absolute being told me: "when they have changed clothes for water, but this is his clothes."


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