• 需要吉儿成熟一点的,可能两三天

    I need someone more mature than Jill. It might even be for two or three days.


  • 胡子啊。自己看起来成熟一点

    It's a beard. I'm trying to look older.


  • 成熟一点的爱情便会早熟一点直到开花结果。

    The more mature you are, the earlier you get your love matured, until it brings you to a good marriage.


  • 告诉孩子已经长大做事可以成熟一点了。

    Then tell your child he or she is old enough to start doing this grown up behavior.


  • 年前曼纽尔当选伊利诺伊州国会议员后,就变得成熟一点了。

    Emanuel has mellowed somewhat since his election to an Illinois congressional seat six years ago.


  • 觉得应该停止时间花化妆品男人身上,应该成熟一点了。

    I think she should stop wasting her time with her make-up and men and grow up a little.


  • 年后可能变得成熟一点并且会意识到那些只是不对人。

    In a few years, you'll probably mellow a bit and realise that it was just business and not personal.


  • 目前来说,要求成熟一点对你来说残忍的,不是!然而令惊奇,你还是能明白一些事实的。

    At present, I think it is cruel for you to be grown up! It is not your fault. To my surprise, you could understand a great many truths.


  • 投资者可能看好印尼印度中国等新兴市场保险业前景但是那些成熟亚洲市场似乎还有一点生命力. .。

    INVESTORS may salivate over insurance prospects in the emerging markets of Indonesia, India and China, but the more mature Asian markets seem to have life in them yet.


  • 我们长大一点我们大脑日趋成熟适应我们周边探索作出处理增长需要

    As we get older, our brains mature to handle the increased demand for execution in addition to exploration.


  • 重要一点认识到WOA还并未成熟成为一个架构模式或是良好定义框架

    It is important to recognize that WOA has not matured to be an architectural pattern or well-defined framework. As Hinchliffe notes.


  • 它们选择地大肚(pot-bellied)、新西兰困困猪(kune kune)、格洛斯特古老斑点猪(Gloucester Old Spot)以及汤沃斯猪(Tamworth)杂交而成,以获得娇小的身材——发育成熟后,它们站立身高英尺一点点。

    They are selectively bred from a mix of pot-bellied, New Zealand kune kune, Gloucester Old Spot and Tamworth pigs until they attain tiny proportions – fully grown, they stand at just over a foot.


  • 随后我们稍微年长一点时,我们一些更成熟”的方面寻找快乐位关系稳定伴侣浪漫的短沙滩漫步爵士乐三五好友酒吧欢畅一晚。

    Then when we get a little older, we look for happiness in more 'mature' ways - a stable partner, romantic getaways, walks along the beach, jazz music, a night at the bar with some friends.


  • 随后我们稍微年长一点时,我们一些更成熟”的方面寻找快乐位关系稳定伴侣浪漫假、沙滩漫步爵士乐三五好友酒吧欢畅一晚。

    Then when we get a little older we look for happiness in morematurewaysa stable partner romantic getaways walks along the beach jazz music a night at the bar with some friends.


  • 随后我们稍微年长一点时,我们一些更成熟”的方面寻找快乐位关系稳定伴侣浪漫的短沙滩漫步爵士乐三五好友酒吧欢畅一晚。

    Then when we get a little older, we look for happiness in morematurewaysa stable partner, romantic getaways, walks along the beach, jazz music, a night at the bar with some friends.


  • ASIC基于较老(礼貌一点说是“成熟的”)处理方式,有效尺寸大一些。

    Your ASIC will be based on older processes (the polite word is "mature"), with a larger feature size.


  • 战士本身一点阴沉尽管乐队衬托沙黛嗓音方面日渐成熟,让人百听不厌

    "Soldier of Love" is slightly too dour for its own good, though the band is getting better at framing Sade's voice, which is hard to tire of.


  • 成熟不是的年龄有多大而是肩膀能挑一起多重责任真正幸福一点一点争取的,是一一天积累的。

    Maturity not to see how old you, but your shoulders strong enough to see multiple responsibilities. True happiness is to fight a little bit, is accumulated day by day.


  • 成熟不是年龄有多大而是肩膀能挑起的责任有多重。真正幸福一点一点争取的,是一天一天积累的。

    Maturity not to see how old you, but your shoulder strong enough to see multiple responsibilities. True happiness is to fight a little bit, is accumulated day by day.


  • 帮助对爱情失望人们工作所学到的一切都指明一点成熟关系失望开始

    Everything I've learned from my work with people disappointed in love points to this conclusion: a mature relationship doesn't begin until after disappointment.


  • 但是游戏引擎相当成熟我们就可以开始这种类型事情一点更深经验

    But the gameplay engine is quite mature now, and we can start to play with this type of thing to go a bit deeper on the experience.


  • 一个关键区别成熟总是成熟标准票据债券因此产量计算考虑一点

    The one key difference is that notes or bonds that go to maturity always mature to par, so the yield is calculated with that in mind.


  • 一个关键区别成熟总是成熟标准票据债券因此产量计算考虑一点

    The one key difference is that notes or bonds that go to maturity always mature to par, so the yield is calculated with that in mind.


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