• 戈雅艾尔·格列柯西班牙画家们强烈影响了。

    He is strongly influenced by Spanish painters such as Goya and El Greco.


  • 普拉多戈雅展览正在展出。

    There is a goya exhibition on at the prado .


  • 普拉戈雅展览正在' '。

    There is a goya exhibition on at the prado.


  • 这些戈雅的画吗?

    Are these drawings by Goya?


  • 戈雅皇室肖像画毕加索超现实画作,西班牙影响艺术

    From the royal portraits of Goya to the surreal depictions of Picasso, Spanish influence on the fine arts has been substantial.


  • 虽然戈雅并不相信世界上真有女巫巫术版画具影响。

    Goya did not believe in the literal reality of witches, but his prints are still among the most potent images of witchcraft ever made.


  • 不过,定睛细看,这些场景有如戈雅的画作多纳·泰罗雕塑中表现的的梦魇

    But the more you look, the more they resemble nightmares conceived by Goya and carved by Donatello.


  • 缺乏智慧幻想产生怪物智慧结合幻想艺术奇迹。——戈雅

    The wisdom of the lack of imagination can produce a monster, combination of fantasy and wisdom is the mother of art and the source of miracles. – Goya.


  • 芝加哥经典图片艺术家复制戈雅男孩只公羊油画芝加哥艺术学校

    An artist copies Goya's "Boy on a Ram" painting at the art Institute of Chicago.


  • 公爵财产包括西班牙境内宫殿宅邸、委拉斯·凯兹、戈雅鲁本斯等名家画作、以及大量地产

    The duchess's fortune includes palaces and mansions throughout Spain, paintings by the likes of Velazquez, Goya and Rubens and huge stretches of land.


  • 米勒之比较创作天才戈雅,这两不顾社会期望开创出迥异于同时代的异端风格

    Miller draws parallels to creative geniuses such as Vincent van Gogh and Francisco Goya, who ignored social expectations and developed unorthodox styles that opposed contemporary conventions.


  • 着大烟斗,跨着超级摩托,指控操纵竞争对手股价时将自己收藏戈雅[1]的画作《食》[2]重重摔台灯上。

    He wields phallic cigars, races superbikes and smashes his copy of Goya’s[1] “Saturn Devouring His Son”[2] on a lamp when fingered for manipulating the share price of a rival firm.


  • 1755年竣工罗斯伯拉别墅一任米尔顿伯爵而建里面收藏了许多世界一流大师的绘画作品包括戈雅鲁本斯维米尔

    The Russborough House, completed in 1755 for the first Earl of Milltown, has a world-class art collection featuring works by Goya, Reubens and Vermeer.


  • 比如可以看到戈雅画中的萨图恩公园鸽子分享儿子手臂;文森特··高生日时收到一耳机很失望。

    You can see Goya's Saturn share some of his son's arm with a flock of pigeons in the park, for example, or Vincent van Gogh disappointedly getting a pair of headphones for his birthday.


  • 挥舞粗大雪茄,开着超级摩托车,一边下粉碎弗朗西斯科·戈雅的名作《农神吞噬其子》复制品,一边却被操纵敌对公司股价

    He wields phallic cigars, races superbikes and smashes his copy of Goya's “Saturn Devouring His Son” on a lamp when fingered for manipulating the share price of a rival firm.


  • 在007系列影片中,詹姆士·邦德对手诺博士密室里展示西班牙画家戈雅的肖像画《惠灵顿公爵》时,已经犯罪策划者们开创了“专门偷盗名画虚构的故事情节。

    When James Bond villain Dr No displayed Goya's portrait of the Duke of Wellington in his lair, he launched the myth of masterpieces being "stolen to order" for criminal masterminds.


  • 戈雅食品公司行政主厨费尔南多多德萨,“作为一个土生土长波多黎各人,最喜欢的食物之一arrozcon gandules(米饭豌豆鸽子肉)。

    "As a native of Puerto Rico, one of my favorite meals to prepare is arroz con gandules (rice with peas and pigeon), " says Fernando Desa, executive chef of Goya Foods.


  • 雪茄;飚着超级摩托车;指控操控一个竞争对手公司股价时,把戈雅萨图恩吞吃自己孩子”(“Saturn DevouringHis Son”)的复制品狠摔台灯上。

    He wields phallic cigars, races superbikes and smashes his copy of Goya’s “Saturn Devouring His Sonon a lamp when fingered for manipulating the share price of a rival firm.


  • 雅戈说:“它们奇怪方式转动着脑袋然后瞳孔跟着。”

    They move their head in that quirky way, and then this pupil follows you around.


  • 雅戈说:“它们奇怪方式转动脑袋然后瞳孔跟著。”

    They move their head in that quirky way, and then this pupil follows you around.


  • 美国马利兰州州立大学心理学神经科学副教授戴维·雅戈为方便昆虫研究最近开创了一种新型照相技术

    David Yager, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, pioneered new photographic techniques to aid his studies of insects.


  • 午饭的时候,发现我自己坐在雅戈达的画像之下——一个面色灰白,留胡子的瘦子

    Over lunch I find myself sitting under Genrikh Yagoda - a thin, cadaverous-looking man with a black moustache.


  • 上周本田公司不再提供戈油电混合车,但是2009年会推出油耗的雅戈柴油机型。

    And last week Honda said it would no longer offer its bestselling Accord in a hybrid option, but would instead introduce a low-emission diesel version in 2009.


  • 三个主要岛屿称为波塞·迪亚雅利安奥戈。

    The three major islands were known as Poseida, Aryan and Og.


  • 文战役不久帝国科学家博博里默斯·戈格招募埃瓦赞,把他的专长运用“星际尖叫项目”。

    Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Evazan's expertise was recruited by the Imperial scientist Borborygmus Gog for use in Project: Starscream.


  • 世界1000家大银行排名研究以下人员完成:阿德里安·布坎南,吉约姆-黑格儿,查尔斯·皮戈特,瓦列里娅-雅库托·维奇,阿尔佩托-贝拉尔迪德维尔潘。

    The research for The Banker's Top 1000 rankings was carried out by Adrian Buchanan, Guillaume Hingel, Charles Piggott, Valeriya Yakutovich, Alberto Berardi and Xavier DE Villepin.


  • 美国马里兰州州立大学心理学神经科学副教授戴维·雅戈为方便昆虫研究最近开创了一种新型照相技术

    David Yager, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, pioneered new photographic techniques to aid his studies of insects.


  • 美国马里兰州州立大学心理学神经科学副教授戴维·雅戈为方便昆虫研究最近开创了一种新型照相技术

    David Yager, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland, pioneered new photographic techniques to aid his studies of insects.


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