• 开发儿童感冒咳嗽标志变得更加严重痉挛几天

    The child develops a cold with a marked cough, which becomes more severe and spasmodic after a few days.


  • 可能对于感冒咳嗽准备试图减轻孩子症状很少有所帮助的。

    Probably less helpful is giving cold and cough preparations to try to ease a child's symptoms. Dr.


  • 今天感冒咳嗽不舒服恐怕不能上班了,所以病假

    Today I cough and cold, uncomfortable, I'm afraid I can't come to work, so we want to ask for sick leave.


  • 临时缓解感冒咳嗽引起各种症状,如喉咙干涉,喉咙发痒等症状。

    Uses· Temporarily relieves symptoms of simple dry, tight or tickling coughs due to colds in children.


  • 大蒜有助于治疗气管炎、感冒咳嗽痛、发烧消化不良

    Garlic is also good for the treatment of bronchitis, colds, coughs, sore throat, fever and indigestion.


  • 最好咳嗽糖,治治你感冒

    It would be better for you to chew a few cough drops to get rid of that cold you have.


  • 两三得了咳嗽感冒几乎要

    He's had coughs an' colds that's nearly killed him two or three times.


  • 有人打喷嚏或咳嗽时,病毒可以在空气中传播一米远,所以你在与感冒患者交谈时最好站在适当的距离。

    When someone sneezes (打喷嚏) or coughs, the viruses can travel as far as one meter through the air, so you'd better stand a proper distance while talking to someone who has a cold.


  • 头痛打喷嚏咳嗽感冒过敏疼痛感染高血压都是生活过程不可容忍一部分

    Headaches, sneezing, coughing, colds, allergies, pain, infections, hypertension, etc., are no longer tolerated as a part of the process of living.


  • 大蒜有助于治疗气管炎、感冒咳嗽痛、发烧消化不良

    Garlic is also good for treatment of bronchitis, colds, coughs, sore throat, fever and indigestion.


  • 不幸的是,常见感冒咳嗽到来像是真实生活中被蚊虫叮咬和心烦意乱的日子

    Unfortunately the common cold and the cough that comes with it are like mosquito bites and bad hair days, just facts of life.


  • 一旦侵入身体一丁点病毒液体,病毒快速蔓延开来,常常喷嚏、一个咳嗽一个亲吻就足以致病,因为导致感冒的病毒成百上千种,所以身体无法所有病毒都产生免疫

    It spreads quickly once tiny beads of fluid enter your body, often from a sneeze, cough, or kiss. There are hundreds of viruses that can cause a cold; you can never build up immunity to all of them.


  • 科学家指出,看牙医检查眼睛尽量避免咳嗽感冒预防痴呆

    Going to the dentist, having your eyes tested and trying to avoid coughs and colds could help prevent dementia, claim scientists.


  • 消费者每年要花数十亿美元处方咳嗽感冒药上尽管药物对于症状的缓解收效甚微。

    Consumers spend billions of dollars each year on OTC cough and cold medications despite little evidence that these drugs provide significant relief.


  • 典型感染感冒的过程是个已经感冒了的周围打喷嚏咳嗽或者握手表现感冒症状需要几天的时间。

    You typically catch a cold when an infected person sneezes, coughs or shakes hands with you. It may take a few days for the symptoms to appear.


  • 普通感冒伴随咳嗽往往预示急性支气管炎

    Symptoms of the common cold that are followed by a cough usually indicate acute bronchitis.


  • 肺炎常用抗生素治疗一般周内清除症状。如果伴有感冒流感那么咳嗽持续长的时间。

    Pneumonia is treated with antibiotics and generally clears up within two or three weeks. As with the cold and flu, however, the cough can linger for much longer.


  • 经验丰富医生父母提供多种治疗婴幼儿咳嗽感冒症状多种替代方案

    Well-informed physicians can offer parents a variety of alternative treatments for infants to help with cough and cold symptoms.


  • 但是作者承认症状改善可能只是归因于儿童存在咳嗽症状时间长短而且普通感冒无论如何都将会随着时间而好转的。

    But the authors admit that the improvement in symptoms may simply be attributable to the length of time a child has symptoms of cough and that the common cold will improve over time anyway.


  • 最近一位儿科医生告诉说,治疗感冒鸡汤的效果可能otc咳嗽感冒更好

    A pediatrician recently told me that to treat colds, chicken soup may be a better choice than over-the-counter cough and cold medicines.


  • 婴幼儿父母可能没有注意FDA收集2007个调查结果发出关于幼儿咳嗽感冒用药的警示。

    Parents of infants may not have heard the FDA warnings about cough and cold products in young children issued after the 2007 findings.


  • 一些常用心脏血压或者哮喘处方药还有一些用于咳嗽感冒、或者过敏草药疗法打乱你睡眠规律

    Some commonly prescribed heart, blood pressure, or asthma medications, as well as some over-the-counter herbal remedies for coughs, colds, or allergies, can disrupt sleep patterns.


  • 选用防小儿开启之安全瓶盖咳嗽感冒成药,并且放置于小孩无法拿取处。

    Select OTC cough and cold products with childproof safety caps when available, and keep them out of reach of children.


  • 由于感冒持续咳嗽打喷嚏最终引发了高烧,这位身遥远村庄思念家乡诗人需要接受药物注射。 。

    Thee homesick poet at a remote village needed several injections for he was defeated by the cold, continued coughing and sneezing and eventually had a high fever.


  • 由于感冒持续咳嗽打喷嚏最终引发了高烧,这位身遥远村庄的思念家乡的诗人需要接受药物注射

    The homesick poet at a remote village needed several injections for he was defeated by the cold, continued coughing and sneezing and eventually had a high fever.


  • :清热除湿,通经活络。用于感冒发热眼结膜炎咳嗽,湿热黄疸急性胃肠炎尿感染跌打损伤。

    Root and caulis: for influenza with fever, conjunctivitis, cough due to heat in lungs, jaundice with infection, acute gastritis, urinary tract infection, injuries from impacts.


  • :清热除湿,通经活络。用于感冒发热眼结膜炎咳嗽,湿热黄疸急性胃肠炎尿感染跌打损伤。

    Root and caulis: for influenza with fever, conjunctivitis, cough due to heat in lungs, jaundice with infection, acute gastritis, urinary tract infection, injuries from impacts.


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