• 如果觉得用脑疲劳意识模糊可能脱水

    Drink lots of water when you are feeling a little bit tired or mentally fuzzy. If you feel fatigued or your mind feels foggy, it is highly likely that you are dehydrated.


  • 研究组考虑28意识模糊3昏睡状态。

    There were 28 cases diagnosed as confusion, 3 cases as stupor.


  • 但是仍然注视湖面意识模糊,我知道生命结束了。

    But still I'm watching the lake, vaguely Conscious, and I know my life is ending.


  • 此前研究表明一些化合物会导致实验室动物过度活跃及意识模糊

    Earlier studies have shown that some of the compounds cause hyperactivity and thinking deficits in laboratory animals.


  • 此外,方言遗弃文化认同意识模糊,更加剧了华文程度低落病情。

    The abandonment of dialects and the lack of a clear cultural identity have aggravated the situation.


  • 作家主体意识模糊使文学普遍呈现出碎片化倾向现状尤为值得警惕

    Writer for subject consciousness that literature is vague and the tendency of fragments of the situation is especially vigilant.


  • 文学作品创作过程作者意识模糊意识模糊促成作品模糊

    During the process of literary creation, the author's conscious fuzzification and unconscious fuzzification promote the production of the fuzziness of literary works.


  • 但是现实这两者之间却存在主体意识模糊社会评价单一自主性缺乏悖论

    But in reality there exists a paradox of "confusion of QA subject consciousness, singularity of social QA and lack of QA independence".


  • 典型癫痫发作持续分钟随后出现时间地困倦意识模糊头痛睡眠

    The seizure will typically last for a few minutes and then be followed by a period of drowsiness, confusion, headache, and sleep.


  • 研究表明,人中年以后若坚持适量运动可以减缓甚至扭转老年时记忆力减退意识模糊

    New studies show that moderate exercise in midlife and later can arrest and even reverse the memory loss and fuzzy thinking that comes with age.


  • 他们认为一旦病人开始出现记忆丧失意识模糊痴呆等症状时,再挽回可能已经太迟了

    Once patients begin to show signs of memory loss, confusion and dementia, they now believe, it may be too late to reverse the damage to brain neurons.


  • 这种环境下一代人类不得不情绪暴躁,性情混乱意识模糊思想怪异甚至心理变态

    Under this kind of environment, new generation's humanity can not but the mood be hot tempered, is chaotic, consciousness is fuzzy, the thought is strange, even is the psychological abnormality.


  • 患者体力日衰,胃纳减少消瘦无力也可发热,明显贫血甚至意识模糊发生败血症者很少见。

    Japanese patients physical decline, Be selective reduction, weight loss and weak, can be associated with fever, anemia obvious, or even awareness of fuzzy, Sepsis occurred but rarely see.


  • 特征性临床表现严重学习记忆功能下降分析判断能力衰退情绪改变行为失常甚至意识模糊

    Clinical characteristics of its performance for the serious decline in learning and memory, judgement and analysis recession, changes in mood and behavior disorders, or even awareness of fuzzy.


  • 接下来几个小时处于一种意识模糊的状态,我强打着精神,用尽全力才把46岁孩子上床睡觉。

    The next few hours are a blur. Getting my children, 6 and 4, ready for bed required every ounce of my willpower.


  • 他们意识不知不觉睡着了一切又都恢复以前的样子—一种意识模糊而且没有控制注意力状态当中。

    Their consciousness unknowingly falls asleep again and everything goes on as beforein a state of dim awareness and uncontrolled attention.


  • 用时直接对方脸部鼻部,药10秒内起效,被施药不会昏迷处于意识模糊状态思维能力牵制

    When drugs used to spray each other directly to the face, nose, drugs will take effect within 10 seconds, will not be sprayed by a coma, but is confusional state, and its thinking by you contain.


  • 模糊意识光线奇怪地变得明亮起来轻轻摇曳着

    She became distantly aware that the light had grown strangely brighter and was flickering gently.


  • 然而体育运动趋势可能正在模糊一个未被意识事实美国人普遍已经停止了生长

    The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing.


  • 这样句子并不总是出现思维中,即使出现了,它们也会模糊意象意识意识活动暗示混杂一起。

    Such sentences do not always occur in thinking, and when they do they are merged with vague imagery and the hint of unconscious or subliminal activities going on just out of range.


  • 意识转移唯一重要方面布兰科凡达要一个模糊形状

    The only aspect important for the transfer of consciousness, Blanke said, was that the avatar had a vaguely human shape.


  • 坦白说,以前对此也是非常模糊,觉得脑中的思想一片混乱,那时完全意识不到思想如何能够影响我的现实生活以及感受

    I wasn't even remotely aware of how those thoughts could be affecting my reality and my feelings.


  • 霍根第一次意识一点时,急欲知道是否实验能够探测时空全息模糊度。

    When Hogan first realised this, he wondered if any experiment might be able to detect the holographic blurriness of space-time.


  • 模糊测试一项用于验证程序真实错误的重要工具,也是所有意识到安全性问题着力于程序健壮性的程序员们的工具箱中所必备的工具。

    Fuzz testing is a crucial tool for identifying real errors in programs, and one that all security-aware and robustness-oriented programmers should have in their toolboxes.


  • 意识或是模糊糊地,心灵深处呐喊:为什么发生这样的事?

    But you'll be saying, somehow deep in your heart maybe unconsciously or semi-consciously, why is it happening?


  • 为了弥补视力衰退后无法看清楚近处物体,可以使用款软件训练人们思维意识模糊图像转变成为清晰的图像进行显现。

    It works by training the mind to translate blurry images into clear ones, to compensate for the deterioration of the eyes which prevents us focusing on nearby objects.


  • 最初恐慌本来认为模糊产品视角,后来我反而意识这些视角浓缩我的产品视角。

    After initially fearing this would dilute my product vision, I've realized instead that these perspectives helped concentrate it further.


  • 最初恐慌本来认为模糊产品视角,后来我反而意识这些视角浓缩我的产品视角。

    After initially fearing this would dilute my product vision, I've realized instead that these perspectives helped concentrate it further.


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