• 你们一直保护恶心性变态男人们

    You've been protecting sick and perverted men.


  • 一切似乎乏味的、恶心灰白中膝盖发软

    Everything seemed to wash together in a kind of bland, sickening grayness, and my knees buckled.


  • 虽然最后救活,可是这个恶心的伤疤伴随一生

    Though I was successfully rescued in the end, the disgusting scar would be with me forever.


  • 不久恶心感觉逐渐消退,挣扎着来到镜子前。

    After a while, the sickness gradually passed and she struggled to the mirror.


  • 如果自己所有颜色里,你就会变成一种恶心褐色

    If you dipped yourself in all of colors, you'd end up a disgusting brown.


  • 也许作为一个自然学家恶心就是动物头骨

    Perhaps the grossest thing I've done as a naturalist is to boil animal skulls.


  • 一个灰色肉质恶心引起这些感觉魔法一样

    It seems like magic that a fleshy lump of gray, disgusting meat can give rise to these feelings.


  • 随后实验利用其它刺激物再现了结果指甲刮擦黑板声音恶心昆虫图片

    Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, such as the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects.


  • 那些令人恶心细菌光滑杂志表面或者报纸上存活多长时间呢?

    How long can unpleasant microbes live on glossy magazine covers or, for that matter, the pages of a newspaper?


  • 那次经历感到恶心就是竟然 会把个人快乐我在商业上的成败挂钩起来了

    And you know -- look -- I think what disgusts me more than anything looking back is how the hell did I let my personal happiness get so tied up with this business thing?


  • 这些恶心分子能够损伤动脉,从而使血管很难维持血压正常并且会使胆固醇容易附着在血管壁上

    These nasty molecules damage the arteries, making it harder for blood vessels to do their job of keeping blood pressure normal and making cholesterol more likely to stick like glue to artery walls.


  • 这个恶心词做个注释文章中指出老鼠以此为此后,会给老鼠喂食各种食物来看细菌怎样做出反应

    (Note to the squeamish: the article adds that mice are coprophagic.) After this, the mice could be tested on various kinds of diets to see how the bacteria responded.


  • 可以激活食人特长可以让你以死去敌人为恢复生命值,但是这种恶心行为要冒着被别人看到危险

    Or the cannibal perk, which lets you feed off of fallen enemies to regain health at the risk of grossing out anyone who glimpses this particularly nasty habit.


  • 早晨就出现麻烦事,总是让人感觉像是被整一样,像是今天早上清理堆污物,恶心我都不想再提了。

    When a morning presents difficult challenges, like this morning when I cleaned up a mess that is too gross to tell you about, it's easy to feel sabotaged.


  • 家看上去恶心中餐馆,他们家扇同样肮脏窗户上挂着块手绘牌子着‘我们主厨伦敦有名。’

    There's a nasty-looking little Chinese restaurant in the East Village with a handwritten sign in the window-a dirty window, too-that says' our chef is very famous in London. '.


  • 比如,《星河战队就是恶心大块头,出自《从地心窜出》丑陋的加博,它们最终没能入选我们名单

    For instance, the Brain Bug from Starship Troopers is a massive and disgusting creature and the Graboids of Tremors are hideous creatures, but ultimately both missed our list.


  • 很多觉得人们出卖自己器官是令人恶心行为。不过交易死人器官市场早已存在了。有关的公司靠这项生意发了大财。

    Many people will find the very idea of individuals selling their organs repugnant. Yet an organ market, in body parts of deceased people, already exists.


  • 不对事:如果目标是这个人(“你是个恶心作者”),而不是他们行为,你惹恼他们,使他们心存戒备,或是感觉受到伤害

    It focuses on the person. If you focus on the person (" you're a lousy writer ") instead of their actions, you will make them angry or defensive or hurt.


  • 2009到2010年间严冬使整个蒙古国损失了上百万牲口。奥古(图)岳父雅,正在处理绵羊山羊的令人恶心的尸体

    With a sick heart, Ochkhuu (at left) and his father-in-law, Jaya, dispose of sheep and goat carcasses after the winter of 2009-2010, which killed millions of livestock across Mongolia.


  • 瑞士银行(UBSBhanuBaweja电话会议表达了担忧欧洲美国局面恶心的进展促使投资者吐出他们持有的债券。

    In a conference call, Bhanu Baweja of UBS worried that the stomach-churning developments in Europe and America might prompt these investors to “puke” up their bondholdings.


  • ahotnumber可以解读迷人女性(或者靓车高速计算机),这个词组1919年首次用在女性头上,却有令人恶心含义。

    A hot number might be construed to be an attractive woman (or maybe a fancy car or speedy computer) but in 1919 when the phrase first applied to a woman it was a term of disgust.


  • 恶心呕吐常见症状

    Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms.


  • 中等剂量几小时内引起严重恶心

    A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.


  • 虚伪恶心

    His hypocrisy makes me sick.


  • 这种毒素引起瘫痪肿胀恶心

    Poison from the fish causes paralysis, swelling, and nausea.


  • 卡罗尔忸怩作态哄诱男人方式感到恶心

    I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy.


  • 这种轻微毒性反应包括恶心呕吐

    Minor toxicities of this drug include nausea and vomiting.


  • 这种轻微毒性反应包括恶心呕吐

    Minor toxicities of this drug include nausea and vomiting.


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